How is this even allowed!

Anyone else have this problem. For me this is every single match! I took a little break from the game and this is what I return to. This literally promotes deranking back to yellow ranks.
We all know mm is ######### rn, nothing new
there is a new mm system being made
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Actually that is within the 8 ranks range.
So, as much as Matchmaking is borked right now, that is kinda MM working as intended.
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Greens definitely should never be matched with reds let alone all out like that. But ya, expect it every match. It's actually improved slightly lately, I get less reds in purple than the never ending swarm I got in green.
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Matchmaking's #1 priority needs to be that the killer belongs to the same color band as the highest-ranked survivor in the group. This should be true 100% of the time, no matter how long it takes for a match to pop. It's not perfect, but short of a complete MMR rework, this would help fix the matchmaking mess, which seems to have just gotten worse and worse over time.
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No one else has this problem. There definitely is not a couple hundred threads dedicated to exactly this.
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Well this is my first time on the forums
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But most the community complained about queue times, hence the new system that was implemented. I don't know where I stand with it to be honest, I hated the queue times, but I also hate how rank 20's are being screwed by it too.
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Exactly perks/ killers were reworked to be friendlier towards new/low rank players, just to have them be matched up against the highest ranks possible.
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It makes no sense, really gets me mad.
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Matchmaking is horrible at least 7 months now. This is sad but i have seen worse. Rank 13-20 killers pairing with rank 1's.
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It makes a lot of sense actually. There aren't enough people playing one side or another to make perfect matches. So you end up with this or with long queues.
This is never going to go away, even with this new matchmaking they say they're working on.
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I'm rank 15 killer and I get matched against red ranks. I don't care about my rank but I would like to have a chance of winning more than 1 in 4 matches.
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I thought it was supposed to be 6 rank range? That's what everyone used to say. Anyways I was getting rank 1s at rank 18. So if it works,it's definitely only some of the time.
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I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be within 6, so that's outside that. Matchmaking is borked. It's whack that I basically have to depip to play against people that are the rank that I typically am.
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Ping, wait time, fairness in that order. If you've been waiting for a while, it doesn't care about killer rank, anyone will do.
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Typically I'm not waiting too long for a lobby as killer. On most days It'll take 30 seconds tops to find a lobby.
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If a match of the same rank is not available, the system will gradually expand the acceptable range until it finds a match. This has a hard limit of 6 ranks above or below your rank. - Developer Update September 2019.
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If you de-ranked and the rank 1s reached that rank that game, matchmaking was working as intended.
Even if that isn't the case:
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As survivor or killer?
Uh huh. More like "we are telling you this to make you feel better, but there is no hard cap". This is a no killer issue, it's been a no killer issue. When changes happen and more killers play, I get normal matchmaking. When my killer queue is 10 seconds, I get solid red ranks.
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The same thing happened to me as a survivor but reversed. I was red rank four, and the other 3 survivors and the killer were all yellow ranks. It was a bit weird having a red rank be with 4 yellow ranks.
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I just want to commend you on actually not being obsessed with rank. Too many people are here.
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I've been obsessed with rank when I played CSGO religiously and that wasn't healthy. That is why I stopped caring about ranks.
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Haven't the Devs ready said that rank and skill don't correlate? I mean it's not hard to rank up, especially as survivor, all you have to do is play a certain way and boom easy ranks without needing to be actually good at the game in the slightest. The Devs know this is an issue so I expect that we will see a change to how ranks are don't but yeah, just work on your build and don't worry about rank so much and you should have a good time.
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This happens at all ranks, like even rank 20s and yes its bs, but they are working on it
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When there are successful Rank 16s with learned purple perks (I'm a green rank survivor and that's all I see now), it messes up the matchmaking for everyone else. Unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done when killers purposely derank.
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Seems fine to me. That's just mm there.
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The player gets matched against players he is not supposed to play against. This is not a matter of getting gud. Use you brain next time.
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What I genuinely don't understand is why the game stopped using averages, yeah its not perfect but it's better than this garbage mms now. Or even better. Introduce a unranked mm for times when ranked is quiet and for lower ranks to get games easier.
Simple solution, yet I'm baffled as to why they can't implement it?
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tbh match making is completly brok for example u can have a trash rank 1 survior but a brillian rank 15 survivor
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but even though that is stupid
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I'm a yellow-green who usually faces red ranks. At least one a match.
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Express any opinion, expect to receive snarkiness. Sad but true.
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Coming from someone who plays DBD pretty much just for Legion, some of these crybaby killers need to stop looking at rank. Having a high rank doesn't give you super powers. Watch some guides or something. In my opinion, rank 20-13 = easy kills, and rank 12-1 = less easy kills. Leave the whining and toxicity to the survivors, haha. Every match I play, the odds are against me, but I wouldn't be getting better if they weren't.
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You think that’s bad, you’re playing within your rank. look at this. I assume it’s swf but still that’s bad ranking for you.
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I mean, playing better players is HOW you get good. And rank is meaningless. Soooooo.....
Git Gud?
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It's just MMR lol
The more you win the higher ranks you get
The more you be terrible the worse ranks you get
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Are you going to improve your boxing skills if you are matched against Floyd Maywather? My guess you are going to get you face smashed in. That's the equivalent of brown ranks vs red ranks.
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With the current state of matchmaking, even deranking to yellow ranks will still put you up against the same survivors....
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I've had this problem before as a rank 13 killer getting all rank 1's
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I think it happens when you get to high ranks but if u stop playing for 4 months I think it should at least be nice to not give you comple sweats at the game
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I mean didn't they have a solution they offered hiding the ranks? Problem is when averaged people complained, when they did this system people complained. No matter what next solution they do people are going to complain so might as well just enjoy the game for the good games or the bad ones just enjoy the game.
In reality whether I'm red rank or yellow I play the way I play color doesn't matter. If I'm not mistaken it's not really based on the rank anyway they have their own statistics or atleast they should based off ratios or something. Just be glad they are attempting to fix things in general so many other companies only do monthly sometimes even less or no updates. I appreciate all the work and the new content ..
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Telling me to use my brain when you couldn't even kill one survivor that game, that's what it means to: git gud bro
Quit complaining and actually play the game
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Yeah, as you guys can imagine, I had so much fun playing agains these swf.