Please make it so that offerings return when killers DC before game even starts

Fengminni Member Posts: 99
edited September 2018 in General Discussions
This happens to me all of the time and today every freaking game: Whenever I used a birthday cake offering or a bloody party stream the killers disconnected after the offerings were burned. It is so annoying because this happens 90% of the time when I use these offerings. Could devs make it possible that survivors get their offerings back when the killer disconnects? It is so unfair that killers can ruin our games like that. I lost most of my offerings this way.


  • Nightmare247
    Nightmare247 Member Posts: 187

    @scumrrado said:
    The game has to be able to know if it was the killer (AKA the host) who disconnected, therefor returning all our items.

    Until Dedicated Servers are a thing (IF they will ever be implemented) there is no way to tell. The thing is that the Killer becomes the host automatically the moment the library is generated. It sends some details back to relay end game stats. Those end game stats are generated when the killer says they are generated. So ending a game at any point = end game stats.

  • scumrrado
    scumrrado Member Posts: 61

    @Nightmare247 said:

    @scumrrado said:
    The game has to be able to know if it was the killer (AKA the host) who disconnected, therefor returning all our items.

    Until Dedicated Servers are a thing (IF they will ever be implemented) there is no way to tell. The thing is that the Killer becomes the host automatically the moment the library is generated. It sends some details back to relay end game stats. Those end game stats are generated when the killer says they are generated. So ending a game at any point = end game stats.

    There could and should still be a solution. The game can use a system of checks to see why the game ended: if it was a host disconnect or a completion of the game. If the game ends, but survivors are still alive, time spent playing is low, ping was high, etc the game should the recognize this as not a completed game but rather a host disconnect.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Fengminni said:
    This happens to me all of the time and today every freaking game: Whenever I used a birthday cake offering or a bloody party stream the killers disconnected after the offerings were burned. It is so annoying because this happens 90% of the time when I use these offerings. Could devs make it possible that survivors get their offerings back when the killer disconnects? It is so unfair that killers can ruin our games like that. I lost most of my offerings this way.

    Please make it so that the killer gets his stuff back if a survivor DCs, thanks

  • Nightmare247
    Nightmare247 Member Posts: 187

    @scumrrado said:

    There could and should still be a solution. The game can use a system of checks to see why the game ended: if it was a host disconnect or a completion of the game. If the game ends, but survivors are still alive, time spent playing is low, ping was high, etc the game should the recognize this as not a completed game but rather a host disconnect.

    You did not understand the actual problem that I stated was the cause. Sure, a series of checks is great to program into a game. Where is that held? On the hosting server. So each player has details and information, but the HOST AKA KILLER is the one that is collecting all that data and sending it back to the HQ Server.

    So let's say that something from HQ calls home to will keep calling to the HOST AKA KILLER server. If that connection does not make it then what? There is no data to collect. All it can see is the final condition, not who disconnected from the game. So as long as this game is 100% P2P hosted that data cannot process WHO the disconnector is. So it takes the benefit of the doubt that the killer did not disconnect and that the game ended.

    I understand it is a frustrating thing to happen, but the other case would be losing blood points and data like ranks causing most likely more issues than keeping the data stored locally on players systems did. That caused loss of legacy and other things.

    While it is disappointing it right now is the best solution UNTIL they put in dedicated servers.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Maybe, but only if the Killer DCs early.
    If the Killer DCs late, you get your earned BP, the BP for "escaping" AND you get to keep the Offering?

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    I agree! It's killers trying to get into the lower tiers.
    I stop using offerings just before the rank reset. If you are in lower ranks just play for a week and then it's back to normal... 

    That being said this is the first or second rank reset with the new rank pools. This should help with at least most of the riff raff. I don't think they get how it works yet teheheeee they're in for a surprise 😂😂😂
  • scumrrado
    scumrrado Member Posts: 61

    @Nightmare247 said:
    You did not understand the actual problem that I stated was the cause. Sure, a series of checks is great to program into a game. Where is that held? On the hosting server. So each player has details and information, but the HOST AKA KILLER is the one that is collecting all that data and sending it back to the HQ Server.

    So let's say that something from HQ calls home to will keep calling to the HOST AKA KILLER server. If that connection does not make it then what? There is no data to collect. All it can see is the final condition, not who disconnected from the game. So as long as this game is 100% P2P hosted that data cannot process WHO the disconnector is. So it takes the benefit of the doubt that the killer did not disconnect and that the game ended.

    I understand it is a frustrating thing to happen, but the other case would be losing blood points and data like ranks causing most likely more issues than keeping the data stored locally on players systems did. That caused loss of legacy and other things.

    While it is disappointing it right now is the best solution UNTIL they put in dedicated servers.

    Ok I think I understand now! Maybe haha

    So then until there are servers, IF there are ever servers, the loss of the survivors items in such a situation will remain the same. Bummer :/

    Perhaps there's a way still to penalize killers for disconnecting? Since they're the host, the game should be able to see if they disconnect yeah? That would make me feel better after losing my items.