Traps = camping?


Would you consider putting a trap under a hooked survivor camping? Would you also consider putting a trap near a survivor camping ? Do you think it's fair?

I just saw a video which talks about what your killer main says about you. He said: "If you main trapper your probably a camper. You probably but traps on the survivor that you hook. That's who you are."

First i though isn't that the points of traps but then i got to start a bit thinking. Is butting traps near a survivor camping? Is what I been doing the hole time that thing I try not to do and don't want to do (i couldn't even do it to boring for me) . (I don't place them underneath a hook. I place them near the hook in tall grass were its well hidden, some were on the side. Most of the times a way from or to the hook.)

Since before i started playing I watched tip and tricks videos were it was most of a time a tip to but a trap there. I've seen play on YouTube done the same. So i thought it was just a good strategy.


  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    If you just put a trap there, you arent a camper.

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    its not camping its just being smart. You might get someone going for a save or get someone after a save.

  • AestheticCharms
    AestheticCharms Member Posts: 136

    if you put a trap down and leave then that's not camping. Though there are a lot of camping trappers, not much different from bubba basement camp, except you don't have a insta down ability.

  • hagling
    hagling Member Posts: 279

    as a hag main i'll place one (1) trap at the hook and then follow wherever bbq leads me, i think a lot of the perception that she's campy comes from hags who chill near enough to the hook that they can catch someone rightly crouching to avoid the trap.. 'cause that's genuine camping. but no, I think if you're being reasonable about it and someone makes a silly mistake, capitalizing on that doesn't make you a camper.

    I played trapper the other day and a shocking amount of people stepped in an obvious hook trap against him, too. maybe because it's such a basic strat people don't expect it at higher ranks? idek. I didn't complain tho.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    I saw rhat, it was almost entirely sarcastic, dont worry you are good ,👍

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I had someone call me a camper once cause I had traps all around the basement and got all 4 of them. Tgese people are dumb. Ignore them

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    Don't fall into the trap of letting douchebags dictate how you enjoy your game, friend. You're using a game mechanic fairly as was intended and if they fall for it then maybe they should be more careful and not be sore losers. For ######### sake, you're playing a trap killer, if they can't rub a couple of brain cells together to suspect rushing in might be a stupid idea that's on them. Have fun and good hunting, friend

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    A trap there isn't a camper.

    I've had trappers put a trap beside a hooked survivor. I call it freebie points as I tend to avoid them but the hooked survivor doesn't, so I get to unhook and then untrap them. If I know where the Killer is, I'll disarm it first then get the unhook.

    I prefer the traps on hooks rather than by pallets or windows, especially when there's a daily to get through windows, or a challenge to drop pallets on killers.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,361

    Yes, you are most definitely a camper...If you so much as select KILLER on the main menu, your a camper. How could you stay on the same map as a survivor... JK of course, lol

    Really, do what ya want. Ppl will say what they want after the game is over no matter HOW you play, theres really no helping it.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    An important thing to ask is how old is the video?

    Many moons ago, Trapper could put a trap directly under the hook preventing survivor escapes and kobe's. If the video is talking about that old mechanic then it can probably be disregarded.

    Also, I tried to make a "What your Survivor main says about you" video, but I quit after remembering that Survivors are just skins and "Survivor Players" as a whole are just looking for an easy casual game to play with no risk to their sensitive egos (/s)

    It wouldn't be a very interesting video lol

  • Kira15233
    Kira15233 Member Posts: 473

    Tbh, placing traps isn't camping, I mean if I need a trap and place it to a my camper but I'm still being smarter than the survivors cause they won't loop me😊 so no, you're not camping, staying close and being smarter is the correct answer!

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    This is why killers make jokes about how remaining on the same map as a hooked survivor is camping.

    The term is so diluted at this point, they had to come up with a dozen extra adjectives to add to it in order to clarify.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah my experience is that if you are a killer and you do anything that results in the death of a survivor you are a camper/tunneler/trash killer etc etc etc.

    Also patrolling the hook as part of your new route is not camping either, I've crossed the entire map and back to catch a guy unhooking and been called a camper.

    Can we call the survivors who try and unhook 2 seconds after you've hooked, reverse campers? How about that survivor who runs back to the same gen every time and wonders why he gets smacked again?

    Basically this game is fun but its fun that must be had while sometimes surrounded by whiney, sore loser, bad winner, online douchebags.

    Placing traps isn't camping, you can run through hags traps and disarm them before the unhook, or crouch through them, you can disarm trappers traps, it is just a strat that takes a lil more time, effort and maybe teamwork to get around. Calling it camping is really just being a whiney douche and really there is enough of that in this game as it is.

    Roll with the wins and losses and have fun that's my motto.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Basically if the killer is on the map, he/she is camping don't you know?

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    Lucky you, I once got called camper because I teleported to my trap and downed both survivors (they were the last two) and then they started to call me camper on the chat and saying stuff like "this is a huge map how could you teleport to your trap if you were not camping" I was on lerys, I think it is the third smaller map in the game.

  • HelloThere
    HelloThere Member Posts: 59

    Its from 05-06. I don't know which year but it is pretty recent i think. (It's from tiktok, please don't judge me)

  • blasto
    blasto Member Posts: 41

    As trapper I don’t think it’s very effective to trap the hook for a few reasons. But it’s not camping.

  • HelloThere
    HelloThere Member Posts: 59

    Thank you, I have a problem to understand sarcasm sometimes. So it actually really helped to inform me.

  • Ikalx
    Ikalx Member Posts: 134

    The Trapper's traps kinda suck when they're around a hook, but the Trapper doesn't have all that many tools so you can't really blame people for using his only one.

    Most other types of traps I find fine because they have easier counterplay without alerting the killer, but that's just a biased way of thinking about things.

    I think I mind more're essentially going out on a limb to get someone anyway, and there's an audio notification to unhooking which brings the killer at least half the time. If you add a trap to that, you basically make leaving people to die the better option, and that's a hard pill to swallow.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    as trapper no unless you have trapped every entry into basement and are staying nearby

    as hag, only if you are waiting nearby and watching for someone to crouch over your traps to try to do a save since you have enough to get to them as they unhook and if they run you just tp on top of them or if you are running mint rag and waiting for saves.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    In particular if its who i think it is, his voice always sounds a little bit that way no matter what

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    No, it's not camping. A smart survivor is going to expect a trap there and disarm it first. A concerned survivor might run Small Game every match to detect traps. Since it can also detect totems it's not a complete waste when not facing Trapper or Hag. It's certainly not camping to place a trap that can be disarmed.