Gen Grabs...still an issue?

IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

Platform: PS4

This is not as bad as it used to be, it happens to me a lot less often now, but it still happens. Everyone probably knows what I’m talking about, but I’ll explain nonetheless.

Example (from actual gameplay): I’m playing as The Pig, Rank 1...not sure what team I’m up against yet (learn later there’s only one R4, and some purple dudes), Discordance goes off, so I’m sneaking towards the gen while keeping my line of sight off to counter any spine chills they may have while I’m crouched.

When I’m close to the gen, I face it so I can see my route for sure, 1 survivor catches a glimpse of me and starts walking away (baiting Sprint Burst), a 2nd survivor follows suit in a full sprint, I uncrouch and “grab” the oblivious to her surroundings Laurie off the gen, except she isn’t grabbed. My killer shows the grab animation, but the actual grab fails, now she sprint bursts away so I cannot even make a ‘recover from the failed animation’ M1 attack on her...3 survivors located early, closed distance and cut off 1 exit route early in the game, and I get no injury and now we’re in full-blown chase mode.

This is an annoyance as you can imagine, as every single second in red ranks is vital to success for a killer. I did recover and killed 3 before the match was over, but I have had this issue few times a week which applies to gen grabs only, pallet grabs and vault grabs I have not had an issue with.

Is this still an issue for other players?

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  • Hito420
    Hito420 Member Posts: 89

    still experience it myself, esp if im doing like a sneaky myers build with mirrors or no bell no heartbeat out of cloak wraith, sometimes ill go into half the grab animation an theyll sprint away, not just at gens but at windows too, so its the animation itself thats bugged

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    Get it all the time. It happens on window, pallet, hook, and gen grabs. It's been in the game for months now but it's a killer glitch so why would it be a priority?

  • widescreen
    widescreen Member Posts: 49

    Yes it is still an on going issue, happens to me a lot and I'm on PC. It will be a difficult fix due to latency; so if you're going against a swf and they're friends from all over the world, chances are good for some of them to have a high ping. Its sad to see that killers can no longer see the survivors' ping during pregame lobby. Aside from that, if you like The Pig killer come check out my Add On rework concept for her? Cheers

  • Hito420
    Hito420 Member Posts: 89

    so killers feel survivors get priority, survivors feel killers get priority, interesting. guess it just depends on who you ask as to which side is 'favored'