Killers are too Easy

I posted a discussion saying how killers had it too easy, and that the devs kept nerfing survivors to the ground. Since then I have only played killer to basically prove a point to myself. 2 days of playing, around 25 games and I have killed all 4 survivors before they even get 3 gens done. Not using anything like bbq and chili, or any unfair perks. I feel like this should at least matter for something that it is just way too easy lmao.


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  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Rank up a bit as killer and I will accept your apologies once you come back crawling on your knees after being bullied by a competent SWF :wink:

  • Oh yeah a pallet vacuum bug fix flashlight saves aren't braindead as an anymore and are more risky exhaustion was changed and 2 killer got buffed. There has only been 2 real good buffs stfu

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767
    edited September 2018

    you whine about survivors not being as overpowered as they used to be?
    you kidding, right? you still can gen rush a killer to hell, if you are a medicore survivor.

    you played 25 games on rank 20, so what? you expect rank 20s to know all the exploits and loops?
    play on rank 1 then come here again. tip: you will come here again to complain about survivors.

  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845
    But what rank were you tho? 
    Perks used? Killer used?
    Addons used? Offering?
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited September 2018
    Stating your rank and saying you got ez 3 or 4k doesn't  prove a point. High ranks are played with skill and not every player can exploit their strengths in every game. Making a claim that either side is ez based on your skill is a void argument because results are subjective. You want to convince and prove your point, use the mathematics the game operates on. Previous experiences cannot accurately account for the variation of the total player base. Some excel and others struggle, show us why the issue affects everyone and your more likely to get a discussion than a meme.
  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    OP, please get more experience under your belt and I assure you that you'll be complaining about the survivors as well.

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  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    @jamesdon18 said:
    I posted a discussion saying how killers had it too easy, and that the devs kept nerfing survivors to the ground. Since then I have only played killer to basically prove a point to myself. 2 days of playing, around 25 games and I have killed all 4 survivors before they even get 3 gens done. Not using anything like bbq and chili, or any unfair perks. I feel like this should at least matter for something that it is just way too easy lmao.

    If you're so good, find a team and win prize money from one of Tyde's tournaments. It's ez right? :D

  • ShockDoc
    ShockDoc Member Posts: 8

    As someone who has been rank 1 killer multiple seasons and rank 1 survivor for multiple seasons, it is soooo much easier are frequent that my team of survivors got all survived than when killer got the 4 kill...
    I have made it a point to show how easy it is to survive and solo qued as the biggest character (mr.king) with no items and no perks... easily made rank 1 and survived most of my games. (around 80%+ survival rate) This was solo que. when in a group it became even easier.
    If you think killers are overpowered, you may just be playing survivor wrong.

  • @jamesdon18 said:
    I posted a discussion saying how killers had it too easy, and that the devs kept nerfing survivors to the ground. Since then I have only played killer to basically prove a point to myself. 2 days of playing, around 25 games and I have killed all 4 survivors before they even get 3 gens done. Not using anything like bbq and chili, or any unfair perks. I feel like this should at least matter for something that it is just way too easy lmao.

    Well, then you are a lucky bastard.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    You're just so damn good, wow.

  • @jamesdon18 said:
    I posted a discussion saying how killers had it too easy, and that the devs kept nerfing survivors to the ground. Since then I have only played killer to basically prove a point to myself. 2 days of playing, around 25 games and I have killed all 4 survivors before they even get 3 gens done. Not using anything like bbq and chili, or any unfair perks. I feel like this should at least matter for something that it is just way too easy lmao.

    EZ bait.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    ShockDoc said:

    As someone who has been rank 1 killer multiple seasons and rank 1 survivor for multiple seasons, it is soooo much easier are frequent that my team of survivors got all survived than when killer got the 4 kill...
    I have made it a point to show how easy it is to survive and solo qued as the biggest character (mr.king) with no items and no perks... easily made rank 1 and survived most of my games. (around 80%+ survival rate) This was solo que. when in a group it became even easier.
    If you think killers are overpowered, you may just be playing survivor wrong.

    Survivors still said the game is unfair and too hard when I did solo que as Meg with her pure white outfit and hair and used No Mither, We’ll Make It, Urban Evasion, and Iron Will. Went from Rank 10 to Rank 1 in two weeks. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SovererignKing said:
    ShockDoc said:

    As someone who has been rank 1 killer multiple seasons and rank 1 survivor for multiple seasons, it is soooo much easier are frequent that my team of survivors got all survived than when killer got the 4 kill...

    I have made it a point to show how easy it is to survive and solo qued as the biggest character (mr.king) with no items and no perks... easily made rank 1 and survived most of my games. (around 80%+ survival rate) This was solo que. when in a group it became even easier.

    If you think killers are overpowered, you may just be playing survivor wrong.

    Survivors still said the game is unfair and too hard when I did solo que as Meg with her pure white outfit and hair and used No Mither, We’ll Make It, Urban Evasion, and Iron Will. Went from Rank 10 to Rank 1 in two weeks. 

    To be honest, piping is so easy now that those callenges dont mean too much anymore :lol:

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    congrats. you crushed low rank survivors. wow. its not like ALL OF US HERE COULD DO THAT.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    If killer is too EZ, try playing at rank 1. Don't use any perks or add-ons and lets see if it's still as EZPZ lemon squeezy as you say it is.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited September 2018

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    If killer is too EZ, try playing at rank 1. Don't use any perks or add-ons and lets see if it's still as EZPZ lemon squeezy as you say it is.

    I feel let down in more ways then one here, and I'm not sure which is more depressing. The op crushing newbies and claiming killers are op or the fact that @DocOctober didn't post his meme.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    powerbats said:

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    If killer is too EZ, try playing at rank 1. Don't use any perks or add-ons and lets see if it's still as EZPZ lemon squeezy as you say it is.

    I feel let down in more ways then one here, and I'm not sure which is more depressing. The op crushing newbies and claiming killers are op or the fact that @DocOctober didn't post his meme.

    I'd say both are equally matched in terms of disappointment ;-;
  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770
    edited September 2018

    Do you also disconnect when the killer tries to mori you?

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600


    Obvious bait/troll is obvious.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    powerbats said:

    @Doc_W__HOLLIDAY said:
    If killer is too EZ, try playing at rank 1. Don't use any perks or add-ons and lets see if it's still as EZPZ lemon squeezy as you say it is.

    I feel let down in more ways then one here, and I'm not sure which is more depressing. The op crushing newbies and claiming killers are op or the fact that @DocOctober didn't post his meme.

    I got you covered fam.
  • xxDeAd_SiLeNcE
    xxDeAd_SiLeNcE Member Posts: 23
    I’d like to know what all these people complaining about killers being overpowered are smoking. Play killer in the higher ranks and it will be survivors you’ll be complaining about 😆
  • ceeroover
    ceeroover Member Posts: 78
    edited September 2018

    I wouldn't say killers are broken, but BBQ allows killers to take very powerful addons regularly. I play killer too, so I know how hard it can be at high rank (especially if you go just with basekit). But still, if you constantly ran into killers that deny perks like Dead Hard or even worse one shot bullshit addons, this feels meh. And the killer can easily bring addons for 10-15k BP if he constantly get earnings of 40-60k BP each round.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    You played a full 25 games?
    I'm prood of you my child, no get the ######### of the forum and actully start playing seriously and posting non edited screen shot so we can know your rank, and what platform you are playing on.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055

    Just Rank 20 things...

  • Tazare
    Tazare Member Posts: 39

    Hes not replied for 5 days theres no point to continously comment, he obviously isnt being serious he plays killer for a couple of games at low ranks and claims killer is op. When really at that rank survivors dont even know what totems are yet, hes just another bad survivor main.

    You think survivors are being nerfed to the ground. I think you are taking some strong ass drugs kid.

  • Tazare
    Tazare Member Posts: 39

    Even got 16 LOL's on your post, this is a meme discussion just close it

  • Greater_Cultist
    Greater_Cultist Member Posts: 81

    @jamesdon18 said:
    I posted a discussion saying how killers had it too easy, and that the devs kept nerfing survivors to the ground. Since then I have only played killer to basically prove a point to myself. 2 days of playing, around 25 games and I have killed all 4 survivors before they even get 3 gens done. Not using anything like bbq and chili, or any unfair perks. I feel like this should at least matter for something that it is just way too easy lmao.

    Anectdotal evidence doesn't hold up when there's already a precedent set by mathematical calculations and actual experiments (namely the de-pip squad). If you wish to prove this entire community wrong, then play a killer perkless against fully decked opposition (perks, swf, comms, de-pip squad-like playing survivors) for a 100 games and win a majority of them.

  • BigBang
    BigBang Member Posts: 7

    So ture, between rangs 20 to 10, survivors are too bad and killer makes an EZZZZ 3 kills, and ofen 4.
    Between rangs 10 to 1, it become harder. If you take Nurse or Billy, there is no match -> EZ win. For the others killers, let's say it depends of the player. But I think killer are favored to do at least 2 kills.

    In the end, I think killers are too powerfull FOR MOST OF THE PLAYERS, of course there is the 5% player really good they can win on their own. But that's ONLY GOOD players. Do you think most of the plyers are good ? NO !
    Think about all the new player that comes in a be killed durring 2 houres and then quit the game. Fun ...
    And PLEASE, Nerf Nurse and Billy. Tanks :)

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    @BigBang said:
    So ture, between rangs 20 to 10, survivors are too bad and killer makes an EZZZZ 3 kills, and ofen 4.
    Between rangs 10 to 1, it become harder. If you take Nurse or Billy, there is no match -> EZ win. For the others killers, let's say it depends of the player. But I think killer are favored to do at least 2 kills.

    In the end, I think killers are too powerfull FOR MOST OF THE PLAYERS, of course there is the 5% player really good they can win on their own. But that's ONLY GOOD players. Do you think most of the plyers are good ? NO !
    Think about all the new player that comes in a be killed durring 2 houres and then quit the game. Fun ...
    And PLEASE, Nerf Nurse and Billy. Tanks :)

    You obviously don't play much in the upper ranks, let alone play killer. Obvious bait or obvious newbie, take your pick. Either way, anybody who plays both sides for more than 500 hours isn't going to take your post seriously.

    Billy and Nurse take a certain amount of mechanical skill that not everybody possess (I struggle as a Nurse). All the rest of the killers are beaten by delaying the game with simple circles while multiple generators are done in under 2 minutes.

    If you had any basic understanding of the game, you'd know this.

    It only takes 80 seconds to do a gen, and yet 2 minutes for somebody to die on a hook - do the math.

  • Tazare
    Tazare Member Posts: 39

    Nerf Billy and Nurse? xD thats ridiculous @BigBang stop crying about how you die and think its the killer being op, im sure you are either bad/dumb and get yourself killed all the time or you only remember the negative experiences of playing survivor. Dont post on the forums if you are feeding the community bullshi because some less experienced people may believe what you are saying and continue the loop of crying survivor mains, which will end up straight up breaking the point of the game. Also no matter if you are a god Nurse or Billy, if you verse a swf group that play optimally you may only get 1 kill which you had to camp just to secure it since the gates could be open in less than 5 minutes (without toolboxes that is) ;^)