So how does this new "block" funtion works? (PTB)

this wasnt in the patch notes of the ptb, and I noticed this after trying to see killer's profile
I'd assume it's to prevent you from going against that Player again. So if someone facecamps you with 5 gens left you can make it so you don't run into them again.
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Oh geez, that would be awesome.
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I thought the same, but let's see if a dev iluminates us with their knowledge.
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I'd more expect it to be to block communication, not matchmaking.
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I hope so, toxic people ruin everything.
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Well, if it's a matchmaking block, after 2 months you will have to wait for a lobby 2 hours, since you will block every killer/survivor that fl spam, tbag, camp, tunnel etc.
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But survivors would abuse it to block killers they simply don't like.
You play spirit? Blocked.
You brought Franklin's after you saw a key in the lobby? Blocked.
You didn't run away from the hook and face the corner of the map after hooking someone during endgame collapse next to an open exit gate? Blocked,
Overwatch removed the feature after people were abusing it vs a skilled sniper.
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If it blocks matchmaking, then it can be easily abused, i.e survivors will just block a killer who is better than them to have easier matches
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As a survivor main I love the idea. I wouldn't be blocking killers though. I would block other survivors. There are some survivors so toxic I would love knowing I would never have to participate in another match with them.
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Maybe that means you can't see what he is writing in the chat.
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The developers probably think they can allow people to block each other in the future when crossplay gets added as the queue times will be instant anyways for everyone when all platforms are united.
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It’s either blocks them on steam, or more likelly from the end game chat. But not from matchmaking. Even a larger game like Overwatch can’t afford that.