This isn’t the Killer we wanted

Let’s be real here we all wanted... SHREK and the devs have lied to me by personally assuring me I’d be getting the killer that I wanted IM VERY UPSET RIGHT NOW!
Nobody even knows silent hill it’s not like it completely changed and validated horror in gaming. (Alongside RE)
And pyramid head pffffft please who’s heard of that guy. A genuinely scary horror Monster icon from GAMING. There are loads of other gaming horror icons like like ummm well.. well it should’ve been from a movie! preferably one iiiive seen thank you very much like shrek!
In any case this won’t do I would have even taken pennywise from the great smash hit blockbuster movie IT starring Finn wolfhard from stranger things. I loved that one. But it’s second only to my big green boy!
I'm sorry for that post I just find it insane that so many are complaining that they didn’t get the killer they personally wanted. I’m personally loving the New chapter so far. Amazing job BHVR you’ve really outdone yourself!
I love this post :)
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LMFAO His mori would have been that move he did on the fish at the beginning of the first film.
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You had me at the title there.
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If they gave him the same kit from the Shrek games it would be all ogre.
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Why thank you
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Haha sorry for the bait
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whats wrong with jane's avatar lmao
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Haha brilliant!
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They had us in the first half....
ngl though it’s scary that so many are actually like this!
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The shear AUDACITY that the devs had to add pYrAmiD hEad instead of this CLASSIC horror great is unacceptable, I will be requesting a refund and uninstalling the game promptly.
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Thank you finally another likeminded Individual who gets it! 🤣
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You didn't get it from me but
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😱😍 This is it Gamers!
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Well, to be fair, three of my friends/family that heard about the Silent Hill chapter today already stated that they might actually purchase DbD when that DLC lands.
Before this chapter, they weren't interested. But I get that. It was the Halloween chapter that finally caused me to buy DbD, though I found out about it long after its release.
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What are you doing in my Swamp?!
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I uh.. Burned an offering for it.
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Boohoo. Shrek isn't even a horror character lol.
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why is your picture soo huge
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I... have no idea 😳
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Shrek is drek
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you do sum up the complaints about the new chapter very well xD
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Haha tbh this discussion is hardly even hyperbole at this point!
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the twitch chat was spamming "shrek" when they were about to reveal the trailer for the next chapter