Dead by daylight - Censure everything

MContender Member Posts: 2
edited September 2018 in Off-topic

Hi people! I just saw the last stream. Can I just say #########? I know this is going to be insulting, but are any of dev related to Hitler? For those who didn't saw the stream, the changes that are coming to the game, well not the game but to community are .... CENSURE.
From what I understand (I am not a English speaker) you can't say a bad thing about this game or you get permanent ban! No insults, no curses no bitching about the game....
To be clear, between fixing the game (like not waiting 30 min for a game as a killer in Europa, because I live in Romania, and after all this steam still get a Russian team that will dc in middle of the game) it seams to be more important to devs to not be disturb by bad press.
P.s. I am expecting this post to be the reason I will be BAN... with the new system from forum.


  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    No I'm pretty sure people talk crap about the devs all the time on this forum and unless they name call or break the forum rules, no ban. 
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited September 2018
    No I'm pretty sure people talk crap about the devs all the time on this forum and unless they name call or break the forum rules, no ban. 
    I got a ban for insulting to myself
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Why is it that some people have to resort to such extreme histrionics and bring Hitler into it? That's completely overboard and disrespectful to all those lives who were lost. Your region does cause you issues yes but to blame that on the devs when they're trying to improve things is beyond wrong.

    Most people on this forum will never get a forum ban and those that do most likely deserved it even though we can't see all the reasons why. You can criticize the devs just fine as long as you don't go overboard with it. If the devs banned everyone that was critical of them as you claim they would this forum would be pretty

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    My mother once taught me:
    "People who dont know how to argue will start addressing the other side as fascists/nazis as the conversation progresses. After that point, its not worth the time."
    Glad we started all off.
  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    PigNRun said:
    My mother once taught me:
    "People who dont know how to argue will start addressing the other side as fascists/nazis as the conversation progresses. After that point, its not worth the time."
    Glad we started all off.
    Wow those are some wise words there. You were taught well.
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited September 2018
    The only thing that actually warrants a permanent ban are real life threats...

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @MContender said:
    Hi people! I just saw the last stream. Can I just say #########? I know this is going to be insulting, but are any of dev related to Hitler? For those who didn't saw the stream, the changes that are coming to the game, well not the game but to community are .... CENSURE.
    From what I understand (I am not a English speaker) you can't say a bad thing about this game or you get permanent ban! No insults, no curses no bitching about the game....
    To be clear, between fixing the game (like not waiting 30 min for a game as a killer in Europa, because I live in Romania, and after all this steam still get a Russian team that will dc in middle of the game) it seams to be more important to devs to not be disturb by bad press.
    P.s. I am expecting this post to be the reason I will be BAN... with the new system from forum.

    What the {BAD WORD} are you talking about? I have never been {NORMAL WORD} before. Do you even understand that this isn't about how {EXOTIC WORD} works but rather {INTERESTING CHOICE OF WORDS} too?

    My goodness this game is easily {FLATTERING WORD} that we have seen in awhile. I'd suggest {SUGGESTIVE WORDS}.


  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    PigNRun said:

    My mother once taught me:
    "People who dont know how to argue will start addressing the other side as fascists/nazis as the conversation progresses. After that point, its not worth the time."
    Glad we started all off.

    Wow those are some wise words there. You were taught well.

    My mother once taught me:
    "That lady over there thinks she is so full of wise words...she must be a fascist!"
