Something i'd love with "Legendary" cosmetics

It was said in the 4th anniversary stream that Legendary cosmetics will completely change the character you are playing to someone else. I find this to be a brilliant idea and something I would love to see is Legendary cosmetics for Bill. So that way he can be changed into other Left 4 Dead characters. I get that we already have outfits based on some of them but the proper characters would be freaking sweet!
I was literally just thinking about this. No combination of words in the English language can describe how much I want to play as Coach.
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He was the character I played most in 2. Coach is bloody cool.
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Does it also change the face of the character or just the Outfit?
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It changes the character completely. So essentially another survivor but on a smaller scale (no perks of their own)
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Entire character. I think this may include voice lines but I'm not sure.
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Yea I was thinking it would be cool to have a legendary skin that turned Claudette into her mother because she played such a prominent role in her lore, or even Evan turning into his wicked father.
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I think they're going to keep it limited to licensed characters but who knows.
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The only way I see it being for Licensed characters is if they had a bunch lined up from the passed DLCs, but we've seen how strict those can be so is it really likely we're going to see a lot of these if it is only for licensed characters?
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They did add cosmetics for most of the licensed characters though. We don’t know since when the legendary skins were planned, maybe they already made those arrangements for other characters because it was already planned
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Oh I know, I'm just thinking it's a missed opportunity to restrict them to only being with licensed characters, they could have 0 planned and we'll rarely see them, you know?
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There are many options for Saw as well, since many people have worn the pig mask, and plenty of options to replace Tapp.
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I only say that because I just don't think it would bring as much hype. Legendary cosmetics are likely gonna cost more then Very Rare ones and I just don't think they would get a lot of sales on original characters ya know?
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yea but like, how many people play Laurie, Quentin, Tap, Ash, Bill?
The only played licenses I really see are Nancy & Steve, I just don't see people buying these legendary skins for characters they don't even level or care about
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They sound cool and all but I can see them charging $15 or more.
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This is how it should've been in the beginning. One bloodweb, changing characters using the skin system. Survivors are just skins...
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I see a ton of Ash and Bill players, a lot actually. The others not so much but they hardly have cosmetics as it is.
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On PS4 red rank survivor/killer I only see Steve and Nancy with Ash and Bill showing up every once in a while. I haven't seen a Laurie, Tapp, or Quentin in ages
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I want Wraith to change into Azarov, except it's just his skeleton.
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I don't know... I can see maybe it being another character or two from the series as Legendaries, but it would start seeming kind of strange if they started making, for example, Zoey as a legendary skin for Bill. The whole male/female model/animation discrepancies would feel kind of weird. Even if they made the animations different, then it would start making me ask "What would be so different between a legendary skin and an original survivor?" From what I can tell, people mostly feel like the survivors are just skins of each other already, so... It just kind of makes me confused a little bit thinking about it.
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it would be great to have a legendary johnatan byers skin for steve harrington!
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Anyway this means we can finally have Barb as a survivor
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Can the entire survivor cast just be rolled into this system? Just one big perk and item library? It would make the game way less of a pain, in terms of having access to perks and stuff.
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I'd like a legendary skin for Freddy....Robert englund.
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ONLY IF HE SPEAKS IN THE LOBBY AND SAYS "One man cheese burger apocalypse"
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I didn't have any ideas for the original characters but this is certainly a good one.
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Obviously demo boy is gonna have a xenomorph skin. Because if he was in the game there power would be the same.
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For the nurse when. And they cant say because of nudity cause hag to tiddie showing.
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I would love to see a Dr. Loomis skin
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this is great news, it means there's a chance we could get more SH related characters as legendaries, i know maria would be a must buy for me and bhvr could milk this since maria and mary share the same design, looks like our restless dreams are letting us see that town
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Is there another possible SH killer that could work as a Pyramidhead legendary skin?? I don’t know anything about SH but that would be really cool!
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alright, Xenogorgon and Dragon Demo are what I need in my life now
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But are legendary skins going to be canon?
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Like are the legendery skins/characters a part of lore?
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Have we confirmation that licensed characters are part of the lore though?
since they don’t come with their own perks or background stories etc I would say they (legendary skins) are not..
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I'm not against it but it just feels weird.
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If they re gonna all have their own unique voice,then,no problem,i dont want another legion case
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I really hope they have their own voices because it bugs me that Susie and Joey don't have their own. If they do add voices for legendaries I imagine these cosmetics are going to be more expensive than anything we've had so far which i'm not sure how i'd feel about.
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At first I wasn't really fussed if an alternative skin of the same gender would have the same voice...then I thought how stupid Hopper would sound with Steve Harrington's high pitched hooked scream 😂