Why does everybody hates the killer

JohnLöffel Member Posts: 6
edited November 2023 in General Discussions

I played today a round with a doctor.
They pallet looped me, teabagd and then i camped seens pretty earned.
but then they began to bully me in the chat.
Why are the survs so salty and why arent they get banned or some sort of other punishment

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Leon
    Leon Member Posts: 56

    there are 2 things here: a killer and a doctor xd
    It is funny that most survivors hate the doctor to the point if they hear a zap in the match they just dc. so it could be due to the fact doc can counter their moves if done in the right time by a good doctor killer.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    Well they do it because of posts like these, they like to know you are hurt, unsure, or possibly salty yourself. Sometimes they themselves Feign salt to get a reaction. It is you after all who gave the t-bagging meaning, as well as feeling provoked to make this thread from the chat. Simply ignore it, after all, you don’t know why they t-bagged, they could want your mom to die of cancer; or simply a plaful tease.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    All in all, don’t let it get to you. It’s you who have the choice to give those actions meaning.

  • Michael_Myers
    Michael_Myers Member Posts: 104

    Don't let it bother you. Troll them back if you can. People like that put their self-worth into a game which is sad. I agree that a lot of it probably comes from watching Noob3 or Ochido, who are extremely toxic. Hybrid Panda is hands down the best example of who to be like when playing DBD.

  • Don't listen to your enemy, my dear friend. MORI THEM

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Because a lot of Survivors expect Killers to let them win and if they don't, then it's like someone disrespected their family name. Survivors DC a lot against Doctor because they don't like that he gives you extra negative effects and that he ruins their precious stealth. Just ignore the the salt or embrace it.

  • DrDannieburger
    DrDannieburger Member Posts: 57

    Hey man listen.
    You're a great killer. Don't listen to those guys. You're really great at the game and those survivors shouldnt be giving you crap. Be polite and give em a gg. Just dont take it to heart because this community can be really hurtful.
    Best of luck my guy.

  • Tradebaron
    Tradebaron Member Posts: 135
    It's weird how doctor tends to cause more cases of survivors being dicks then others. Personally there's not much that can be done, my trick is to always take the high road. Sometimes the survivors are just giving knee jerk reactions and realize you're a nicer player so they apologize, which has happened to me. 

    Or sometimes they are truly disturbed, in which case bid them gg and move on to the next one. But rest assured, you're doing the Entity's work my friend.
  • TrappyBoi
    TrappyBoi Member Posts: 17
    Ever notice killers are usually super calm acting and overall nicer than "most" not all survivor mains that are toxic 
  • Bradcore
    Bradcore Member Posts: 68

    Because Survivors in general are absurdly verbally abusive post game. When I started, I was primarily Survivor because I liked the idea of being the one that is hunted in a horror movie. Now, I primarily play Survivor because when I play Killer, Survivors are usually complete ass-hats. I'll admit, I'm not great at Killer by any means. But if I do good, I'm a camping ######### or tunneling #########, even if neither of those things ever happened. And if I do poorly, I suck and I'm still somehow a camping #########. I don't bother to stay and see how I did post game most of the time because I just don't want to see the nonsense spewing from the Survivors, but that doesn't stop them, because they take time to exit the game and post that crap on my profile wall.

    Honestly, Survivors are the main reason I don't play Killer more often. I just don't want to deal with the abuse. I'm generally a calm, cool, and collected person, but damn, these people love to pile it on to an absurd level. Because of my experience as a Killer, after every game I play as a Survivor (which is most games), I try to make a conscious effort to thank the Killer for the fun game (unless it's blatantly clear they intentionally being a dick and honestly, a part of me can't really blame them with the abuse they get) so that they know they are appreciated.

    HUNGRY_AS_A_HIPPY Member Posts: 49
    A lot of survivors (myself included) want to DC as soon as they see a doctor. The doctor is not underpowered nor is he overpowered. He’s just annoying. Sure, his ability to shock survivors and prevent them from performing certain actions is semi ok, but the thing that’s most annoying is how he is able to find survivors without even looking.

    I’ve seen survivors just roast the killer because they played The Doctor and don’t like the doctor.
  • Tradebaron
    Tradebaron Member Posts: 135
    A lot of survivors (myself included) want to DC as soon as they see a doctor. The doctor is not underpowered nor is he overpowered. He’s just annoying. Sure, his ability to shock survivors and prevent them from performing certain actions is semi ok, but the thing that’s most annoying is how he is able to find survivors without even looking.

    I’ve seen survivors just roast the killer because they played The Doctor and don’t like the doctor.
    I get the urge to do so, but why don't people just let themselves die on hook? It's just as fast, gets you points and better yet you don't risk yourself getting banned.

    I know they haven't gotten super great at bans but they're trying and at least you left the game on better terms, right? Alot of disconnects tend to happen midway in a game, so they did collect some points. Idk just seems a waste.
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    @HUNGRY_AS_A_HIPPY said:
    A lot of survivors (myself included) want to DC as soon as they see a doctor. The doctor is not underpowered nor is he overpowered. He’s just annoying. Sure, his ability to shock survivors and prevent them from performing certain actions is semi ok, but the thing that’s most annoying is how he is able to find survivors without even looking.

    I’ve seen survivors just roast the killer because they played The Doctor and don’t like the doctor.

    Looks like someone can't accept the loss of their precious stealth.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @SnakeSound222 said:

    @HUNGRY_AS_A_HIPPY said:
    A lot of survivors (myself included) want to DC as soon as they see a doctor. The doctor is not underpowered nor is he overpowered. He’s just annoying. Sure, his ability to shock survivors and prevent them from performing certain actions is semi ok, but the thing that’s most annoying is how he is able to find survivors without even looking.

    I’ve seen survivors just roast the killer because they played The Doctor and don’t like the doctor.

    Looks like someone can't accept the loss of their precious stealth.

    and doctor really does'nt take stealth away at all...it just takes survivors being actually skilled at stealth too beat doctors.

    HUNGRY_AS_A_HIPPY Member Posts: 49

    @HUNGRY_AS_A_HIPPY said:
    A lot of survivors (myself included) want to DC as soon as they see a doctor. The doctor is not underpowered nor is he overpowered. He’s just annoying. Sure, his ability to shock survivors and prevent them from performing certain actions is semi ok, but the thing that’s most annoying is how he is able to find survivors without even looking.

    I’ve seen survivors just roast the killer because they played The Doctor and don’t like the doctor.

    Looks like someone can't accept the loss of their precious stealth.

    Technically you’re right, because Dead by Daylight is actually a game of hide and seek, and when playing hide and seek one needs to stay hidden and be sneaky when moving around. However, that can’t exactly be accomplished when there’s a character which takes that whole aspect of the game away.

    So yes, I suppose I can’t accept the loss of my precious stealth in a game that’s supposed to aim at being stealthy. Am I right or am I right?
    HUNGRY_AS_A_HIPPY Member Posts: 49

    @SnakeSound222 said:

    @HUNGRY_AS_A_HIPPY said:
    A lot of survivors (myself included) want to DC as soon as they see a doctor. The doctor is not underpowered nor is he overpowered. He’s just annoying. Sure, his ability to shock survivors and prevent them from performing certain actions is semi ok, but the thing that’s most annoying is how he is able to find survivors without even looking.

    I’ve seen survivors just roast the killer because they played The Doctor and don’t like the doctor.

    Looks like someone can't accept the loss of their precious stealth.

    and doctor really does'nt take stealth away at all...it just takes survivors being actually skilled at stealth too beat doctors.

    Doc doesn’t take stealth away at all?

    > Survivor hears a heart beat 
    > They move behind cover so they aren’t seen.
    > Doc switches to treatment
    > Survivor screams revealing their position when trying to hide.

    no, doc definitely doesn’t take away stealth. You’re completely right.
  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited May 2018

    @HUNGRY_AS_A_HIPPY said:
    Doc doesn’t take stealth away at all?

    • Survivor hears a heart beat 
    • They move behind cover so they aren’t seen.
    • Doc switches to treatment
    • Survivor screams revealing their position when trying to hide.

    no, doc definitely doesn’t take away stealth. You’re completely right.

    Technically you both right.

    Stealth against the Doctor is harder compared to most killers but not impossible compared to the Nightmare.

    But its incredibly difficult to stealth against a Doctor when his heartbeat can cover the entire map. We're also forgetting his shock attack that helps reveal the survivors that try to hide against him. Lockers aren't really effective against good Doctors and the time spent hiding in one is needed to repair the generator anyway.

    Honestly I don't find him annoying at all. I much rather face a Doctor then a Hillbilly any day of the week. I do understand why survivors see him as annoying though.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    To the op not all survivors are jerks just like not all killers are campers from the moment they get 1 person down and chain camp them. What is annoying as a survivor is well geared and ranked killers doing that and or dcing as match loads/starts to get rid of rare and ultra rare offerings.

    Also don't respond to flamers simply report them and move on saying only gg and only adding more if the chat is friendly. They'll get nailed eventually so don't feed the trolls so to speak.

    As for the Doctor, they are the worst on Gideon Meat Packing Plant since if they have the corroded electrode they just walk on either upper or lower floor and spam the treatment every few seconds. Within 10 seconds of match starting he had revealed 2 people and within 25 he had everyone on tier 1 and 2 on tier 2. Within 1 min 3 ppl were on tier 3 and I was on tier 2.

    There was 2 people on upper floor with Doctor and 1 other and myself on lower floor. Being stealthy means nothing when he can simply walk around and aoe afk farm you.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615

    @JohnLöffel said:
    I played today a round with a doctor.
    They pallet looped me, teabagd and then i camped seens pretty earned.
    but then they began to bully me in the chat.
    Why are the survs so salty and why arent they get banned or some sort of other punishment

    Survivors are salty because they know the devs love them over Killers and have proved it many times in the past so they know they'll get away with it. But if you do anything as a killer, you'll probably be banned way before a survivor :p

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    @HUNGRY_AS_A_HIPPY said:
    A lot of survivors (myself included) want to DC as soon as they see a doctor. The doctor is not underpowered nor is he overpowered. He’s just annoying. Sure, his ability to shock survivors and prevent them from performing certain actions is semi ok, but the thing that’s most annoying is how he is able to find survivors without even looking.

    I’ve seen survivors just roast the killer because they played The Doctor and don’t like the doctor.

    Looks like someone can't accept the loss of their precious stealth.

    Technically you’re right, because Dead by Daylight is actually a game of hide and seek, and when playing hide and seek one needs to stay hidden and be sneaky when moving around. However, that can’t exactly be accomplished when there’s a character which takes that whole aspect of the game away.

    So yes, I suppose I can’t accept the loss of my precious stealth in a game that’s supposed to aim at being stealthy. Am I right or am I right?
    You aren’t right because the devs are discouraging stealth. Doctor, Freddy, BBQ+Chili, and the Evader emblem all try to discourage the use of stealth. 
  • Steebear
    Steebear Member Posts: 105

    It really is not a game of hide and seek in my opinion, I can tell you that the most boring games as killer are where survivors are all immersed and go urbanly evading into cover the moment they hear the heartbeat...it is boring. Chases are fun for both sides and give points to both sides.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Steebear said:
    It really is not a game of hide and seek in my opinion, I can tell you that the most boring games as killer are where survivors are all immersed and go urbanly evading into cover the moment they hear the heartbeat...it is boring. Chases are fun for both sides and give points to both sides.

    The problem is that certain killers and perks make it impossible for chases to be worthwhile anymore. The Doctor and Pig are the 2 who you don't really want to get into a chase with and the Nurse is probably not far behind with hag also.

    I play Claudette since I like to be sneaky but I'll also do chases with the killer and see if I can outplay them (not by looping unless no choice). Trying to out do them is fun and occasionally I make a move they don't expect and other times turn into a dead end and kiss my arse goodbye.

    But unless and until perks are more balanced for both sides and killers stop camping solo queue matches, especially the really well geared ones survivors will tend to play hide and seek. Which if you think about it is a great idea since you're trying not to get noticed by teh killer, not jump up and make a bunch of noise and say here come chase me.

    I've played as killers as well and yes it can be frustrating, especially against svf groups. It's worse with quitters because then it really does become a game of hide and seek because you're screwed mostly.

  • MimimiLalala
    MimimiLalala Member Posts: 37

    I dont know how often it needs to be mentioned in the forum before this gets into the average killer's heads, sigh.
    Teabagging is for most survivors not there to insult you. it is there to taunt you. When you camp/tunnel you get tbgd because they want to distract you so that you stop camping/tunneling. Its more of a strategy that we use to draw the killers attention because we know you guys start chasing us when we do it. That is it.

    Tbging in the exit gates is there to celebrate victory- just like you killers headbang or moonwalk when you get your 4k.
    killers really need to stop taking this teabagging thing so personal.

    Endgame chat is ofc a completely other thing and I d like to mention that (yes, it is true) most survivors i have encountered in DBD are actually around 14-18. I m a survivor main that's fairly active in most survivor-based discord servers and yeah overall i d say that the survivors are fairly young. IDK how old killer-mains are in general tho, would be interesting to make a poll actually.

    What i m trying to say is. yes,endgame chat is just stupid and sometimes people that i SWF with are complete asshats to the killers and i find myself telling them during voice chat stuff like "he isnt camping, he just knows that you re around the hook, mate. cus BBQ/scratchmarks" and stuff like this.

    Many survivors are way too young to play the game and arent mature enough to handle defeat yet.

    Stop getting triggered by tbgs, they re often not directed to you personally or meant to be insultive. Actually nevermind please keep getting triggered by tbgs cus else I dont know how to get a camping leatherface away from the hooked person lol.


  • Michael_Myers
    Michael_Myers Member Posts: 104

    I've got no patience for anyone who dc's because of who the killer is, or because they don't want to lose an item, or they don't want to get moried. Quit being a little baby, suck it up, and quit ruining the match for everyone else. If you dc you are literally screwing over your entire team.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Doesn't matter the reason nor which side does it, dcing because you're just proves you're an immature jerk and you'll never get better at the game. Then the devs will hopefully notice enough complaints about you and perma ban your arse and any and all stuff on that account regardless if paid for or not.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    Doc doesn’t take stealth away at all?

    > Survivor hears a heart beat 
    > They move behind cover so they aren’t seen.
    > Doc switches to treatment
    > Survivor screams revealing their position when trying to hide.

    no, doc definitely doesn’t take away stealth. You’re completely right.

    Doc does not even remotely take stealth away from the game, he just requires an extra step towards it, simple hint, let him chase someone else then go get madness 1 while he is distracted, easy as pie at that point to stealth him.

  • Raziel
    Raziel Member Posts: 100

    @HUNGRY_AS_A_HIPPY said:
    A lot of survivors (myself included) want to DC as soon as they see a doctor. The doctor is not underpowered nor is he overpowered. He’s just annoying. Sure, his ability to shock survivors and prevent them from performing certain actions is semi ok, but the thing that’s most annoying is how he is able to find survivors without even looking.

    I’ve seen survivors just roast the killer because they played The Doctor and don’t like the doctor.

    Stealth against the Doctor is not only possible but very viable. It does require common sense and some knowledge about how the Madness mechanic works.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @JohnLöffel said:
    I played today a round with a doctor.
    They pallet looped me, teabagd and then i camped seens pretty earned.
    but then they began to bully me in the chat.
    Why are the survs so salty and why arent they get banned or some sort of other punishment

    Just adapt, logg into the next game and bully them harder than they can bully you (at least try to)

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    DbD breeds a lot toxicity. The gameplay kinda gives people a ground who like to humilate others and besides that there is a lot frustration that causes people to be very salty. Especially if something doesn't go the way they want it to be.

    And there is really nothing I can say how to deal with it better. Even though I know it's just game sometimes certain things get me and I really have a bad time. It kinda helps to get more into a lesser intrigued mindset. Experiment more with different builds. Meme around and just try to stay nice, because in the end of the day I feel like people are kinda kind to you too.

    And one word about the Doc. I sometimes don't like to go against him, mostly how bad a game can be as soon you hit some technical issues like lags and also he is the only killer that can cause my FPS drop in the game for me. Also Doc can unnecessary lengthen a game sometimes. But stealth is possible and you can deal with him.

    HIPSTERLION Member Posts: 323
    edited June 2018

    I played today a round with a doctor.
    They pallet looped me, teabagd and then i camped seens pretty earned.
    but then they began to bully me in the chat.
    Why are the survs so salty and why arent they get banned or some sort of other punishment

    1_Face camp the survivor who tbags you.
    2_after the game ends don't mind the chat and if you want to be real nice just type gg and get out .
    3_never quit the game because survivors tbag you and they get to escape as we all know survivers are op .
  • Saphira344
    Saphira344 Member Posts: 10

    I do not hate killers, they are a valuable and necessary part of the game, without killers we have no game, i uset to hate getting camped and tunneled because it felt unfair that my game went by so fast and it wasn't fun. But now i relise with all the loopers and toxic suvivers they have little to no choice. I don't hate killer, i don't like getting camped or tunneled but i understand it. Some of my closet friends are killer mains, i am a suvier main yet i listen and hear what they say. Normaly though if i have the chance to leave and i see that the killers been looped or had people be complete brats to him ill try and let him hook me. And then when i explain why at the end, i normally end up getting attacked as well as the killer. People i fear do not understand that killers are REQUIRED that without them we do not have a game, we need to have killers to be able to have even a little bit of fun. We all need to work on it but it is basically impossible if one side will not change.
    And at times i fear suvivers don't relise killer is a living breathing person behind the screen.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    I think they should remove the post game chat entirely tbh - we don't have it on PS4 and when playing it on PC I rarely find anything good comes out of it. Also If you get abusive PSN message you just report them to PSN and they are pretty good at mute banning people

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