Keep PC seperated from Console

I have played both sides of PC and Console, I'm more into the console but I think they should be seperated. I don't mind the crossplay between ps4-xbox-switch but they should just keep pc out of the way
I agree, PC has a lot of different advantages that would make games easy to win as both killer and survivor.
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You'll have the option to opt-out of cross-play and continue playing to your queue only (AFAIK).
Personally, I'd love PC-Console cross-play. It means I could use my Switch when my sister's doing her schoolwork on my computer and still play with friends, or could play with my PS4 friends while on my computer.
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As long as there is an option to opt-out of crossplay, I don't see what the concern is.
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I mean, not to sound biased I sure hope there's an opt out from PC. I don't mind playing with other consoles.
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what advantages you guys talk about i wonder?
do you mean like PC hunterss v Console survivor is a problem?
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I've heard there will be an opt-out option from crossplay, but obviously your wait times will be longer than when crossplay is enabled.
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Do it yourself.
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Super-disagree. Keeping them separate would defeat the entire idea of cross-play. The whole point is to improve queues.
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Pc has hackers so I do not super duper disagree.
Seeing how convoluted the report feature is I really do not want to spend 15 mins to report a hacker when I could just opt out of playing with them.
I get it the master race wants us to be forced to play with them but no thanks I would rather play with other console owners or have a check box as to what systems I want to choose to play with.
Pc bad no pc.
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Given that this game doesn't require precise aim, the gap between controller and keyboard/mouse is much smaller than other games. That said, though, if you still don't want to play against people on other platforms, you'll be free to opt out of crossplay if you wish.
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If this was a competitive FPS I'd agree with you 100%
But it's not. Devs refuse to call it competitive but still implement competitive solutions/band-aids, so we're going down this road.
It won't matter too much in this game outside of Nurse/Huntress/Deathslinger tbh.
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I've played this game for 1700 hours on PC and I've never, to my knowledge, encountered a hacker. I know this is anecdotal, but it's not like they're around every corner. It's certainly not a rampant enough problem to hobble an entire major feature addition.
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Welp you can jump on YouTube and find a ton of videos of people hacking and ruining dbd matches.
I really not want the same scandal that modern warfare has currently.
People asking for a feature to opt out is not that big of a deal and you have no say in the matter.
Someone tag a dev so we can get an answer
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Well when you look specifically for something you're going to find a lot of it. But take ALLLLLL those videos into context: 1000's of hacker videos vs MILLIONS of completed games.
I won't say that the hackers shouldn't be dealt with or anything like that, just that it isn't a rampant problem in DbD.
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YouTube can make a lot of things look more prevalent than they really are. I haven't gone looking, but I assume there are probably like, hacker compilation videos and stuff that make it seem like a huge problem. And I'm absolutely not defending hackers at all, it's a real concern but my experience is that Behaviour does a good job of getting rid of them.
I suspect there will be some sort of opt-out option, a la the current one for Steam and Windows Store cross-play, but that's also likely to saddle you in a far more anemic queue.
Also, Peanits weighed in with the community manager perspective a few posts up.
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Is there a way to just play cross platform with other consoles but opt out of pc cross play ?
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From my understanding you can either be placed in the 1.) crossplay lobby or the 2.) [platform you're on] only lobby
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Of course you can find something in droves when you're LOOKING for it. But how many videos of it are there compared to how RIDICULOUALY MANY games are played?
An almost nonexistent percentage of them.
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Great response. I'm happy to see BHVR are giving this a lot of thought. The vocal minority have ruined other games, they can't be allowed ruin the biggest feature this game has received in years.
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I started out on the xbone version then switched to PC. I still use my xbone controller and do just fine. There isn't really as big a difference from m/k vs controller as one would think. If this was a FPS it would be different but DBD doesn't go that hard. I could see the frame rate being a semi issue. Not sure what the game runs at on ps4 but it was reasonably smooth on my xbone. To me the frame rate is just for looks once it goes over 30fps. If it drops below 30 is when actual problems happen. Crossplay won't be bad at all I think.
Edit: The only other thing I can think of is it's easier to 360 a killer on console and it's way more prevalent there. PC killers for the most part will slap you down trying to 360 them. So if you rely on that then you may have some problems.
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PS4 players do 360 way more easily than PC players.... so I prefer NOT to mix
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So if I play a great Nurse game (Xbox) the survivors will think I'm a mediocre PC Nurse? Or will everyone see I'm on Xbox?
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Queues are an awful lot more complicated than what you are suggesting here. This would be neither great nor functional.
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*cries in zombie cowboy*
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Since the controller sensitivity isn't an issue anymore the only problem now is the optimisation. Because if this game isn't optimised by time crossplay is activated. Then this game will unplayable for console players like myself.
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This is not hard to do on PC. It's also just shenanigans, it only works consistently on pretty inexperienced killers. And it's certainly not worth holding up a major feature addition over.
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As long as their is an option for the player to chose I don't see any negatives about Crossplay but only positive points.
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Wait, so this guy doesn't want cross-play because he is scared of hackers? 1. a lot of other games have cross-play, so it's nothing new 2. if cross-play was should a bad idea, then why would people still want it? 3. console players also have hackers! just because you don't see it on dbd doesn't mean they don't exist.
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God... hackers?? I've played for like 700 hours and haven't seen 1 single hacker. It's not really a problem
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If it were opt-out and not opt-in, like 90% of players would probably never notice or change it. They would just see way faster queues and stick with it.
Always remember that our line-in-the-sand attitudes and opinions about things here in these forums are not representative of the average player. We are, by definition, the extreme section of this game's audience. Most of the player base isn't going to think too hard about their cross-play checkbox.
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Kewl I've play 1200 hours on console and I have not seen any nor do I want to. I will be opting out. Sorry it bothers you?
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No, but everything you said in this forum was straight up bull.
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I really don't care because I use A PS4 controller on PC anyway so it's a toss up for me.
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How will it be unplayable?
Survivors are practically the same across both platforms. Nothing changes.
Console killers suffer from more lag than PC killers but they are still facing survivors who don't have this lag issue. Again, nothing changes.
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Was it now ? Can you prove there are no hackers on pc ?
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jeez, when crossplay comes out try it for yourself, I guarantee you can play like 3 thousand matches and find 0 hackers. And if you play 100,000 matches and find a hacker, don't cry about it. try having fun with it.
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I do not think he was implying that there are no hackers.
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It should not matter if I want to use the feature or not.
What's bs is getting crap from some low count rando that I've never talked to before telling me I need to use a feature the devs already stated is an option.
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I think the point is that your premise of this feature being a bad idea, due to some edge-case hackers on one platform, is possibly shortsighted.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
I am fine with the feature, on console with other consoles.
I rather not play with pc gamers. Hackers is a valid reason contrary to what 2 people think on here.
I am sure me opting out of playing pc players will not screw your que times up.
It's not a big deal.
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No just no...if pc is better just get better at game
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I'm not too hot on the notion of crossplay, but I can work with it. My bigger question is there any news on cross save/progression? I've always meant to transition to PC.
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It's not you personally at all. It's the idea that being able to opt into cross-play on a granular platform-by-platform basis would result in a functional system, which it wouldn't. Console players would have to be mixed in with PC players.
I'm sure Behaviour knows this because it's obvious. But, historically speaking, they're also stand-up ball-droppers where matchmaking is concerned, so I feel like it needs to be spelled out wherever possible, so ideas like the one above don't gain traction and ruin matchmaking further.
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yes cross save/progression
lvl of are killers and survivors so it not grind
devotion level and iridescent shards (maybe)
progression in the rife not buying the pass tho
anything that cost auric cells sure not be cross/progressionsaved
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You can hook a keyboard and mouse up to console.
I am very surprised how many people don't know this.
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I think the advantage of PC over console is extremely exaggerated when it comes to this game. About the only legitimate advantage I feel PC has is frame rates. Hopefully that can be fixed before cross play.
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It's time for console to play with real gamers : )
I can't wait for this to be added, hopefully it will speed up matchmaking too.
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I think it impacts certain killers, like Huntress and Nurse, way more than others. The net benefit is still huge regardless, though.
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You act like i'm attacking you. Sad.