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Freddy Buffs (New Mechanics)

Member Posts: 8,243

Hopefully you guys agree with these buffs, Freddy really needs them currently!

  • Survivors who are awake do not see or hear The Nightmare. Awake survivors don't see or hear sleeping survivors and vice versa.
  • Once targeted by The Nightmare power, Survivors enter the Dream Transition for 5 seconds.
  • The Nightmare will see auras of awake survivors when putting a survivor in the Dream Transition for 5 seconds.
  • During the Dream Transition they can see The Nightmare intermittently.
  • When the Dream Transition lapses, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World and leaves behind their sleeping body in the Real World.

Once in the Dream World:

  • Sleeping survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 100 %.
  • To exit the Dream World, awake Survivors can find a sleeping survivors' body in the Real World to perform a wake up action that takes 10 seconds.
  • Awake survivors cannot wake up a sleeping survivor when the sleeping survivor is in a chase, in the killer's grasp, on a hook, or in the Hell Realm.
  • After completing the wake up action or failing a skill check, the sleeping survivor will be teleported to their corresponding sleeping body in the Real World and will be woken up.
  • Failing skill checks will wake a survivor up (See Above) and will suffer a additional 10 % Regression Penalty.
Secondary Power: (Hell Realm)
  • Freddy will start the trial with 4 nightmares.
  • While using Dream Demon, press the attack interaction key to switch your power to Nightmare mode.
  • Once a survivor is targeted by Nightmare mode, the survivor and Freddy will be sent inside Badham Preschool for 60 seconds.
  • No pallets will spawn inside the school.
  • Freddy's terror radius is reduced to  8 while in the Hell Realm.
  • If the survivor is downed in the Hell Realm, both Freddy and the downed survivor will be teleported back to the Real World. The down survivor will be hooked closest to the killer.
  • If the survivor is not downed in the Hell Realm, both Freddy and the survivor will be teleported back to the Real World at random locations.
Civil feedback will be appreciated! :)

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  • Member Posts: 349
    Really like sleeping survivors not seeing awake ones. Could be really cool. Not sure about the other way around.
    Sleeping survivors bodies staying put is very interesting. Not sure how I feel about it. Could be awesome, could be awful. 

    I don't feel the Nightmare mode is needed at all, or something is like to a see. 

    Great job. I like the thought you into this.
    I was hoping for smaller changes, like inability of survivors to perform actions during dream transition. 
  • Member Posts: 110

    I love the first part, but i also think its not necessary to warp to the school everytime. could be boring fast.

    if you want a nightmare mode, just let the survivor see dark fog creatures around him, let him scream like doctors treatmentmode, confuse him with optical fake things (like big black holes right in front of him, trees that try to hit him with branches, and other shocking stuff, and if he got woken up, he has a fear-penalty like 50% to all actions, more difficult skillchecks and so on.

  • Member Posts: 264
    Fake things are useless, no survivor would be fooled since this is a game.  
    I suggest a secondary power that charges based on people asleep and more if in a chase.  
    It would charge slowly based on how.many survivors are asleep and would charge faster when he interacts with survivors( hitting, being in a chase, etc.).
    Activating the power would give the survivor a nightmare, causing a variety of things to appear at random. Random windows will block and unblock themselves. Random undropped pallets will disappear and reappear for them. Giant claws will move around randomly in the map, if a claw touches the person in the nightmare, they will get injured if healthy or hindered if injured.  
    This will last for as long as Freddy has charge for his power. The power must be at least half charged to be used.  
    When Freddy and the survivor are in the nightmare, they become isolated, meaning that they both cannot see or interact with other survivors and survivors in any way, and vice versa.  
    This would mean that freddy would have to be slowed down to hag speed when not in a nightmare to compensate for extra chase potential.
  • Member Posts: 23

    This seems to be put lots of tought into and honestly i agree, theese are good changes all though i dont agree with all, like id say 75% action penalty instead of 100%. But all in all good ideas

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