Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

PH is the perfect killer for noobs -> increase of sales is guaranteed

  • Noobs can counter easier than ever the most pro survs at looping, since the special attack trespasses objects
  • Camping is encouraged, since the cage may kill survs faster with an increasingly hard skill checks at 2nd stage
  • Minimori without the need of perks or addons... ez ez (none of the other killers have this)
  • Average good characteristics: speed/height like trapper etc
  • It is tremendously easy to play with the skill to engulf survs, just running on circles around survs
  • The teleport of a dying surv to the cage avoids flashlight blinds, bodyblocking, sabotage hooks, etc...

Summarizing: this was designed as the easiest killer to increase sales, so all the noobs will luv it and vets annoyed


  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    What a long way of saying that you didnt actually try the killer, maybe instead of making such an elaborated and misleading post you could use the time to actually play against him and learn the counterplay.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    so basically every released survivor ever? lol Survivor is easy mode in this game. Who honestly cares if the killer is easy?

  • TheeHappyDalek
    TheeHappyDalek Member Posts: 46

    I hate when people even use the word noob as a derogatory. Because what you mean is new players. That's what you're saying. That they are making this game more accessible to invite other people in to love it as much as we do and that when those new players get here they won't know what they're doing. (Mind blown)

    That aside from the fact I don't even agree with that statement anyway. Like someone else mentioned the cage thing sends them all the way across the map from you, literally the farthest possible hook from your location. All this is is a counter.. finally a counter.. to flashlights and body blocking. That ability is not about camping. That ability is about focusing on the generators while still doing your job. You know the generators right? The things you can put a new part in and have repaired before some killers can cross the map?

    I play both, and it's crazy to me how survivors have it easy and I say that as someone that finds it much easier on survivor, but one counter to anything the survivors have in their vast arsenal and everyone loses their minds. I'm not a silent Hill fan I've never played it, I was not excited by the announcement today I was a little disappointed it wasn't somebody else that I thought it was, I'm not sure how pyramid head is in any way to quote the development team "there since the inception" but it's also pretty asinine that people are so mad there's a counter to some more annoying items and tactics finally.

    When I play survivor or killer I encounter what we all encounter on either side of the coin where you hit someone after getting looped or get hit after looping whatever the case may be, you pick up / get picked up and boom the flashlight goes on right? And so that killer has wasted time getting looped just to not get a hook when finally picking the survivor up. I see absolutely no problem with one killer amongst the entire roster of killers having a hard counter to that circumstance. Know what you do against pyramid head? Bring a med kit or tool box instead of a flashlight.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    I initially thought Phead was going to be an irritating Killer to go against. After watching a few videos on him, I don't think that much anymore.

    I'm still not sure if I'll enjoy facing off against him, he might be fun, the associated map looks confusing as all hell, but I'm trying to keep an open mind about it. He seems like a cool concept, I just don't know if I like the whole "don't need to hook anyone cursed and I can mori them on final hook" piece.

    I'm sure it'll be fine, I'm probably just being pessimistic about it.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Thanks for all the effort getting PH from konami, but he is unfun to play against. Remove PH from the game...thnx, bye

  • angematias
    angematias Member Posts: 86

    Guys the counter to phead is literally forcing him to hook. If you force him to hook by crouching by trails or refusing to get downed after torment by engaging another loop/getting downed before getting tormented, he won't be able to use his cage. I just wish PH cages didn't undo weaker hook save based perks like WGLF and We're gonna make it.

  • 5thPerkSlot
    5thPerkSlot Member Posts: 395

    PH will receive big nerfs for sure... so far he is too easy to play so killers dont get stressed against pro loopers, bodyblockers, DS, flashlights, sabotages.. he is the perfect killer right now

  • MysterTal
    MysterTal Member Posts: 157

    Please play Pyramid Head and record your gameplay, upload the videos to YouTube.


    You MUST use the Killer's Power to down Survivors. (Remember: you said THE POWER is OP and makes every chase easy, so you should be able to consistently down Survivors with it)

    You cannot use Devour Hope, NOED, Ebony Mori (or Mori in general).

    You must win every match (4k - but if the last Survivor escapes through hatch, it still counts as a win).

    I would like to see several such videos, for "science"...

    Looking forward to never hearing from you again!

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    Yes it so tragic that survivors can't get a crutch perk against 1 killer how dare the devs try to change the meta

    Seriously please atleast play him before asking "devs to pls nerf soo i hav easy tim"

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Pyramid Head has exactly 1 thing going for him in a chase which is his ranged attack. This ranged attack is OK-ISH against good players because:

    1) windup animation

    2) audio cue

    3) "beam" animation

    4) the damaging spikes have a brief travel time

    As a result any good looper can react and dodge his ranged attack at least a few times even if Pyramid Head predicts the survivor's movement decently.

    Stop acting all dramatic over a killer that you (obviously) haven't even played yourself. Using his ranged attack effectively requires a lot more skill than facecamping people on rank 16.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238
    edited May 2020

    > Noobs counter pros at looping

    Uhh no? I wouldn't consider myself a pro, barely a rank 1 survivor, but I dodge his ranged attack pretty often. It's not that hard, especially if they're being predictable. Certainly easier to dodge than huntress or deathslinger.

    Have you tried hitting good survivors with it? It's not as easy as it looks, especially if you don't have I'm All Ears.