the legion skin is nice, but....

the legion skin is nice, but legion has already got too many skins. it seems like evry update they give legion another skin. legion got a skin in the rift, is getting 4 skins soon that were datamined, and now was chosen to win in the art contest.
why bhvr. there are plenty of killers who do not have 26 bloody skins already, why are you still milking this character? we all know the only reason you made them was to sell skins, but why are you still milking them for microtransaction money when you could have give deathslinger, plague, nurse, doctor, wraith, all of these characters that had AMAZING skin submissions in the art contest, that you ignored because you wanted to give frank ANOTHER skin.
with this skin, i refuse to buy it. we need to tell bhvr we are DONE being tricked into buying costumes for the scummiest character in the game most widely hated by the community. boring to play, boring to play against, only exists to milk money from the playerbase.
please do not continue giving legion skins, frankly, the community has enough of them now. the legion has at least £40 worth of skins at this point.
stop it bhvr. just stop.
######### you never stop slashing legion is gonna be amazing it was one of the most upvoted fan submissions so obviously the community wanted it.
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i didn't say it was a bad skin, i said we don't need any more after this.
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Well its kinda hard when they cant give the licensed killers skins and some of the others take longer to make.
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Of all the things to make an account to complain about.
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That and it will 99% most likely be a free skin. Thats how the other contest winners were. To be fair, the only people paying for those skins will most likely be in the form of behaviors payroll depaetment
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i didn't make an account to complain about it, this is just my first post
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Well, I have to agree partly on that one.
The Legion Skin which won the contest is amazing, this is without a doubt. And the win is well-deserved. However, it is kinda a shame because Legion already has so many good Skins.
Of course this should not mean that someone who does really good work should not win. Would have been even worse if the Skin would not have won because Legion already has so many Skins.
Personally, I would have loved a different Plague-Skin which stands out from the others so far. Or a good Billy Skin which is not trying to make him look funny.
But as I said - the Legion Skin is a well-deserved winner. And the current number of Legion Skins should not change that.
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Reminder that legion also gonna get a Halloween skin rofl
Legion barely got any skins, the one that doesn't deserve more is meg
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i agree that meg doesn't need more skins but this is killers i'm talking about
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are you saying killers don't deserve skins?
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no, i'm saying legion has enough skins and the skins should be given to other killers
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Unless these are Legendary skins, I can't wait to have the Neon body paint legion with a Bunny head... :)
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All these legion skins and Susie has only gotten one good one.
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I'd say after these skins the Legion can have a wee break. I agree with you on what your saying.
Legion has a wealth of extremely good skins in my opinion. I love the Julie body skin in the rift and my mates love the mask. These new skins look cool and the never stop slashing Legion was a deserved winner.
Plague however doesn't have many good skins imo. I only like her P3 cosmetic and I have never run anything different. To me she is begging for a really good skin which I felt there was in the contest. Billy is another killer who I don't like many cosmetics on. If I had his bloody body I'd run that over any other cosmetic.
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Well Legion is 4 characters. They all need love.
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that's my point. they made legion 4 characters to have an excuse to sell 4 times the skins. we have enough legion skins now. they can stop
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Couldn't we have extra categories for cosmetic winners, maybe 1 fan chosen and 1 dev chosen for killer and survivor.
Or possibly every month or so we have a contest for specific killers/survivors (maybe for who is in the rift) or maybe a theme like to go well with a specific map.
I've seen lots of submissions where i'm like "i want all of these" it's just a shame we only get 1 of each.
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They have no reason to stop if the community likes it. If what you state about public opinion on Legion would be true, they wouldn’t have soo many skins and new ones comming still.
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you have to admit though, legion has enough skins at this point, they're getting more soon and most of them are at least £7. there is no need to add more.
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Well I’d like to see at least 1 more good skin for Susie. Also 2 of the legion shins are rift exclusives that are won’t be available ever again.
If they use their recourses and make more skins for say Plaguer or Trapper they take a risk of not getting enough sales.
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"use the resources to make skins for plague or trapper they might not get the sales"?! #########
the rift thing, yeah you might have a point but legion still has enough great skins to make up for it, but get out of here with that bs about sales, just because it's not legion doesn't mean the skin won't sell
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Sorry winner of contest. Legion has too many skins so we are taking your win back. Have a nice day 😐
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Every skin will sell. My point is Plague is a pretty trash killer that not much people likes. So even if they make a really cool skin for her for a change, the purchases it gets will be way lower than if they just made a good Spirit skin or again, a Legion one.
Good example is that cool, well detailed Trapper skin that looks like he came straight from the board (or hull) of the Flying Duchman. I havrn’t seen it since it’s release. Only in the store...But I see spirits wearing the white/red kimonos all the time.
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that isn't what i mean and you know it, nice straw man argument though
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In other words. Create stuff for popular characters if you want to make good profit. $$$ is the only reason there is soo many cosmetics in the game after all. There used to be none but prestige and the ones you can still purchase from the steam store.
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I get that you don't like it but how is anyone being tricked into buying skins for Legion?
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i like it. From a chill perspective keep em comin. Remember this is an online game, so it means they're paying for the servers. I can enjoy more years of service through their donations.