the legion skin is nice, but....

Zena Member Posts: 14

the legion skin is nice, but legion has already got too many skins. it seems like evry update they give legion another skin. legion got a skin in the rift, is getting 4 skins soon that were datamined, and now was chosen to win in the art contest.

why bhvr. there are plenty of killers who do not have 26 bloody skins already, why are you still milking this character? we all know the only reason you made them was to sell skins, but why are you still milking them for microtransaction money when you could have give deathslinger, plague, nurse, doctor, wraith, all of these characters that had AMAZING skin submissions in the art contest, that you ignored because you wanted to give frank ANOTHER skin.

with this skin, i refuse to buy it. we need to tell bhvr we are DONE being tricked into buying costumes for the scummiest character in the game most widely hated by the community. boring to play, boring to play against, only exists to milk money from the playerbase.

please do not continue giving legion skins, frankly, the community has enough of them now. the legion has at least £40 worth of skins at this point.

stop it bhvr. just stop.
