I am still upset over Ash.

Avarice Member Posts: 65

Does anyone think about all the shady stuff that behavior does?

Remember when they released Ash from Ash vs Evil Dead with one of the most powerful perks in the game?

Yeah and then they nerfed the obviously overpowered perk weeks later once people had bought Ash. Honestly, I can't see how anybody thought that perk wasn't going to be broken on release.

Anyone think about how it costs 14 dollars to play as the real ghost face?

I know you can buy the behaviour ghostface, but if you want to play the true ghostface from the movies it will cost you extra money because not only do you have to buy the power, but then you have to buy the costume seperately. You can technically just buy the body and it would only be 4 dollars more after purchasing the character. Why did they make the choice that the ghostface you buy doesn't wear the same costume as the ghostface in all of the movies? It wasn't because of licencing because evidently they were able to make and release the skin.

Ever think about how they touted making the rift a massive grind as a gift to the community?

I don't remember where I saw it, but there was an official DbD communication that said their battle pass, the rift, was better for the community because unlike other passes the paid route didn't progress faster, and therefore there was less of an incentive to buy it. I understand that it would suck to see other people progressing faster through the rift, but to not opt for it and tell the community you did them a favor is actual bs. All the devs did was make sure that everyone playing was subjected to the same massive grind.

On the subject of the rift, what do you guys think about all the free stuff that you get from the rift?

Honestly, I'm actually not even mad about this one because the Devs are giving out some free cosmetics, but I just want to draw attention to two things. First, the vast majority of what comes out in the rift are just re skins of existing charms or re skins of charms that you already earned earlier in that rift. Second, the free rift is so empty. Really, there are so many blank spots that they could have put like a free blood points or iridescent shards into. The point I'm trying to make is that while they are being generous and giving free stuff, it seems like they are in many ways giving out the barest minimum, which in my mind supports the idea that to the devs these objects aren't free. To me, the devs give so little because they would rather give nothing at all, and they only give what they do because they know that by making these things unlocked by time they can ensure a consistent, returning player base of people who would rather not play the game, but feel they have to because not playing the game means they permanently loose out.

What about the statement that the Devs didn't want to split the player base by giving certain communities cosmetics while other didn't get them?

Well they certainly didn't see that through entirely because right now switch is getting its own unique Nintendo cosmetic, and DbD mobile is getting its own cosmetics. Ask the devs and the response will be that they are not the same team that does DbD mobile, so they have no control over it.

Remember when you thought that the Dead by Daylight team actually cared about the experience of its players?

I do. I remember when lullaby for the dark came out and I was so happy that I could play and support a game where the developer was doing things like giving away free dlc or raise money for charity. Over time that Iost that feeling. It was when the cosmetic store opened where you could spend a whole ten dollars on a single outfit, and then you could wait a week or two to see something else that you can't have. Then when they shoved down our throats that they were so generous that you can grind your life away to buy everything or mostly everything, but the rate at which you accumulate iridescent shards i so slow that in actuality that will never happen. Then the rift came out and now every three months I get to see a collection of items I will never have because I just don't have the time to complete the rift or the money to pay my way through it.

Well, this post ended up becoming something entirely different than what I set out to make. Feel free to rant about BHVR below I've found this experience to be very cathartic.


  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    It's cathartic until you realize it doesn't do anything, sadly.

    It's unfortunate but capitalism will sink it's filthy claws into everything including game studios.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Well...yeah but it was obviously an OVERPOWERED perk.

    The only counter to it was not hitting the survivor, and I remember EVERYONE running it. I played both killer and survivor when I first got it and it was indeed very overpowered.

    Imagine with DS and Mettle of Man right now, our killer player base would be non-existent.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    You need to understand what business ethics are.

    The primary ethical obligation is to the shareholders (they're why the company exists). If extorting people, harming environment, ect. is beneficial to the shareholders it's the ethical thing to do.

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    remember when they spent thousands of man hours developing new characters, maps, and abilities while also trying to fix bugs, then released it on servers they have to pay for so that people could play test it and they could go back and sink hundreds more hours working overtime to fix the bugs and balancing issues in order for them to go to a general release fast enough to meet an aggressive timeline. And then they had the audacity to just let you have it for free just for you playing long enough to earn enough of the in game currency? greedy corporate bass turds, the whole lot of them!

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Yeah, MoM is the biggest fiasco in the game to date. No reason for it to be there only for it to be a shameless cash grab.

  • OhMyWords
    OhMyWords Member Posts: 230

    remember what they did to legion?

    hahaha, i dont want to ):

  • Avarice
    Avarice Member Posts: 65

    @FrootLoops Thats my bad they do a lot for us, and I didn't represent that well in my rant, but I think you and @Dr_Trauts miss the point I'm trying to make. I'm not mad that they want to make a profit. I'm upset with how they are trying to make this profit. Someone along the line should have seen what MoM meant for the game, and it should have been fixed it before the release. I just can't believe that they released Ash without any idea that the perk was broken, and that it would make people want to buy them. As for the rift, my major complaint is that the they are putting a time limit on when you can get these items. I want the items, but I just don't have the ability to get them and I am upset with the devs for it because the only reason I can't get them is because the devs were the ones who decided to limit when you can get them.

  • Ikalx
    Ikalx Member Posts: 134

    The free Rift is pretty poor, I have to agree on that. Charms are nothing, at least to me and the handful of people I play with. The other stuff is really quite thin on the ground but...I don't really mind because I treat it as a non-entity really (no pun intended lol). The thing they should really get rid of is the reminder that you've levelled up in the rift and need to claim your "rewards" which...turn out to often be nothing.

    On the other hand, I love the Compendium, the Tomes and all that lore and I think they're doing a great job with that. I enjoy unlocking those things for the bloodpoints but the voice overs of the log entries are really wonderful. Also hats off to that voice actor for bringing those to life, really enjoyable and atmospheric.

    Perks are whatever. Almost every single game company out there unbalances things on release and needs to rebalance them to make them...well, balanced. That's not a trick that they're using to sucker you into buying things, it's game development that's all. The difference between widescale use and small-scale feedback.

    I'll be honest with the DLC's, I only ever buy them on sale. There's not usually anything I absolutely need right then, and I'm usually pretty good at waiting.

    The in-game Store on the other hand is a bit of a poor show. One full outfit does, as you say, cost $10 which is actually off a few dollars for a game like this, I think. The problem for that, though, probably stems from the fact that they've priced it to be just under the Auric Cell bundle cost and they pretend it's a discount for the full outfit by putting the -10% stamp on it.

    That's actually (imo) not something that's earning them more money but earning them less. Practically every seller in the world uses the 9.99 system because it works, buying a set for 1080 just doesn't have that added edge of savings. It's not even 1000 on the dot. There's really no good pricing strategy there. Tbh it should be 10% less for an outfit on what the ($10) Auric cell pack would buy you - e.g. 990 cells, and top level individual pieces should be priced around that - 350 or 365 cells or something close to that.

    The rest of the gear I'm not sure about. It's tough to get high rarity gear for iridescent shards but the 900 and 1800 sets are very reasonably priced in shards and relatively easy to save for, which I like a lot. I think the gap between the common clothing and the higher rarity clothing is pretty okay in terms of Shard pricing, but I think there's not as much incentive with their Auric Cell pricing right now to intice as many people into buying as they could.

    Which is a shame, since there's a good middle ground between earning more money and having customers feel satisfied with their purchases.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I'll wait why you name another economic system that puts profits above people, and continues to destroy thousands of lives, and wreck the ecosystem of our Earth for things that don't matter and get thrown away back into the same place they pulled it from.

    I don't think they intended MoM to be so powerful but who knows for certain.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    And you look stupid for supporting a system that is actively oppressing you and destroying the environment (planet more specifically) that you LIVE ON.

    I'm also not a "commie" While communism has some good points, much like capitalism is doesn't work. Neither does pure Socialism. But please keep assuming things because that's always worked and never failed just like capitalism.

    Well I would appreciate more Nurse skins that's for sure. I put for a futuristic skin on the last survey.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    On topic: Yes, games often do this when there are DLC characters, abilities, or other game-altering effects.

    Intentional? Perhaps. Hard to say. It's frequent enough that you wonder, but perhaps devs just get caught up in their own hype and want to make something awesome without thinking about it, and then have to revisit it.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Don't buy DLCs right away. We learned this with Freddy. Sure it's terrible business, but ultimately your making the decision to buy the DLC early while being fully aware a nerf very well could happen. It is what it is and they aren't forcing you into a purchase.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    It's relevant to the topic OP posted. I postulate the drive for money and the pursuit of profits blind companies to what their customers want.

    That drive for money and greed comes from our system (crony capitalism) that encourages and rewards that BHVR.

    That BHVR then means we stop getting content we want and start transitioning into profitable content. Doesn't matter what else it is, as long as it makes a profit.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    I mean,I dunno. They sell you the game once and then what? Some people didn't even have to pay for it (was free for PS Plus). They have to keep the servers on,pay their team and bills. I don't really fault them for trying to make money,but I do feel like some of the pricing is egregious. Like you draw and render an outfit to have it cost $10+ or an insane amount of time. I think it's like 40 levels to get 9k shards even. So for 20k we are talking an insane amount of time.

    I personally don't mind the Rift. I've bought it twice so far (was on a break for the first one,which seems to have the hardest challenges anyways). I'm not going to buy cosmetics so I figured might as well. I played without any of the DLC characters for almost two years. I just came back February after a long break and now I only have Ash and the Stranger Things chapter left to buy. I bought like 6 chapters this month lol.

    I'm what most people would consider poor. I know it's kind of a cliche or jerky thing to say,but if you don't like it don't buy it. Or if you do,you gotta go by their prices or wait for a sale. If people weren't paying the money stuff wouldn't cost so much,so they obviously are. I've seen so many bunny Fengs it's unreal. I understand your argument and don't really disagree though.

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    No capitalism = no game

    why would devs waste their time in a game if they got no money off of it...

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Implying people wouldn't contribute out of sheer desire to do so if their basic needs were met. Ever hear of 99% of the modding community?

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Don't you know anything good can't exist if there isn't a monetary motivation behind it?

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Nurse was only OP if the player was really good with her.

    Old Mettle of Man didn't require any skill to use at all.

    You can't compare those two.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Nurse was fine. Survivors had every tool they needed to evade her; most didn't do it and choose to loop her like any other killer and suffered for it.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    All this political talk is hilarious.

    I think this comment put it pretty well ^

    Anyway, to the OP: I thought you kinda had a bit of a point with MoM, but then practically all the points after that were about cosmetics. Like, aren't the cosmetics the things people shouldn't be caring about, since they don't affect gameplay? Even if you care about the cosmetic sort of stuff, didn't we essentially get almost the exact same Trapper skin they got on Switch, just slightly recolored? These just aren't the kinds of things I would be thinking about if I wanted to make a forum post complaining about things BHVR does and why I can't trust them or whatever...

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    The thing is that im predicting that theyre going to do the same thing with pyramid head. MoM was overpowered and the community told BHVR this in the ptb. They could have fixed it before release but no they waited, got everyone's money and then nerf the perk into the ground. Same thing with BBQ adding a S+++ ton of counters. The sad thing is i feel like theyre going to nerf pyramid head in a hotfix and hes not even as strong as everyone thinks he is. Im predicting that they make ds and bt work with his cages. Watch im calling it now

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I didn't start playing until last October, what was the perk like when it was released?

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I am an ex-Blizz fanboy. I will never do business with them ever again for ruining my childhood games. Behavior is much better when it comes to communicating with us. Sure, they're not as polished, but they provide a very fun and addicting game.

  • BlueFirebilly
    BlueFirebilly Member Posts: 257

    MoM was broken af and it needed fixes, but I think that it’s stupid to assume that BHVR won’t wanna make money off the game, they have to promote spending as well or we wouldn’t have the new licenses, DLCs, content and bug fixes, I do wish they would add bp to the free rift

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    He's A-/B+ Tier at best, he's not even all that lol

    He has some gimmicks that help him in chase, but that's about it, nothing special. The only thing I'm bothered by and I've already posted my feedback on the Feedback section is that he shouldn't be allowed to see Caged survivors. Since it disables Borrowed Time and DS and all that stuff, it'll only lead to further camping and tunneling.

    Other than that, he's not that strong.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    3 hits from any killer activated Mettle of Man.

    So, you get hooked, that's already 2 hits right? You get unhooked, you get HIT, it's activated.

    You hit DS, you run off, he finds you again, and you take another hit while injured because of Mettle of Man, and back when Insta-Heals were instant, you can pop off an insta-heal and you'll be a full health starting a fresh chase again.

    Imagine that Times 4.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Well, this is the most erroneous statement in the thread so far. Even relating specifically to this game, 2 of the dlcs were free. If I remember right, since the Clown dlc you no longer need to pay money to get unlicensed characters. The large majority of skins in the game can be earned with playtime instead having to pay for them. A significant number of things BHVR has done has needlessly lost them possible profit.

    And once you get outside of the game, that statement only gets even more incorrect. Hell, the very acting of letting people exist is expensive as hell rather than profitable. Have you ever had to just pay for the birth of a child let alone the cost of raising one?

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Oh thank God I wasn't around to try out Killer then. Thanks for the explaination!

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Believe me when I say this. Everyone ran it when it came out. The perks were leaked when Plague and Jane came out, they were available in KYF so everyone knew months before Ash came out what his perks were going to be and people were already saying the perk was going to shake the Meta and they still didn't change it.

    They waited for their money, waited a couple of weeks, then nerfed the perk to the ground.

    It went from an S+ Tier perk, to F Tier. It had 0 counters.

    It was Meta, it was DS, Dead Hard, Mettle of Man and your 4th Perk.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Noed was already changed quite a few times throughout the game.I agree that it is not in a perfect state yet.They would need to implement a totem conter for solo players.

    Other than that,finding totems is pretty easy except on Badham,Swamps or Indoor Maps but you also have Perks and Item for that matter aswell.So you see that survivors have plenty tools to counter it.

    Plus the community is always crying about something.It doesn't automatically means that the things they are complaining about are OP.

    Yes MoM isn't really great as a perk,but we have sooooo many perks that are equally or even worse than MoM in my opinion.Also balancing MoM is really hard because too many protection hits and it is useless but too few and it's overpowered.And didn't they improve protection hits already recently?

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    This is why I never use real money for video game characters unless they’ve been around for a while and are on sale, and even then, I still don’t like spending when I had to buy the game in the first place. I’ll probably wait 3-5 months before I even think to purchase Pyramid Head, if I’m still around.

  • Hag.is.Dtier
    Hag.is.Dtier Member Posts: 1,398

    I'll Agree on Ash, most pointless licenced DLC along side Leatherface.

  • GetDedicated
    GetDedicated Member Posts: 64

    Ah the MoM times. When all people used it and killers dc'ed over and over. Two weeks later when the DLC couldn't sell anymore, bam, MoM's neff. Broken af and a dirty move from BHVR.

  • GetDedicated
    GetDedicated Member Posts: 64
    edited May 2020

    I don't have any problem spending money on a game. But I want to see this money reflecting in the game with good optimization, good ded servers and bugs fixed, an interesting Rift challenges, good content. DBD lacks of that. They're just hungry for money and they do the minimum for their game now. They offer so little and they ask so much for i.e. a dumb single cosmetic. There's no point to buy a cosmetic or buy a Rift pass.

  • Sheldor
    Sheldor Member Posts: 213

    The solution is easy. Wait with DLC purchases for at least 3-6 months after release and observe where they take it.

    If it is not what you would pay money for - just don't. Vote with your wallet.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    edited May 2020

    They improved protection hits TWICE. If you arent getting protection hits now, then you are doing it wrong.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Freddy:Remember me,Fire up

    Quentin:Pharmacy,Wake up,Vigil

    Pig:Hangmans Trick

    Tapp:Stake out

    Myers:Dying Light

    Ghostface:Furtive Chase

    Demogorgon:Mindbreaker,Cruel Confinement

    Steve:Babysitter,Camaraderie,Second Wind


    As you can see,Ash is not the only licensed character with very bad/gimmicky perks.

    And those perks aren't 100% hidden behind a paywall because there's always a chance for them to appear on the Shrine of secrets

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944
  • casonius
    casonius Member Posts: 29

    Dude, this is a pretty non-nonsensical response. If you're gonna bring out a new character with the intention of releasing them in a broken state so that they get purchased more, just to nerf them after sales drop, you're being borderline unethical. Hell, if they planned that, it's damn close to false advertising, since you're promoting a product with the INTENTION of altering the product without advertising the change. Of course, bhvr can balance whatever they want but its ridiculous to intentionally make characters overpowered to boost sales. And if you're just gonna nerf them into oblivion afterwards its just a slap in the face to all players that bought the character. It isn't smart, it isn't fair, and it just isn't sustainable; players get tired of that sorta stuff real fast.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    If you think that Com and Pharmacy is ok then so is Flip-flop.

    Pretty fun in an anti slugging build.

  • Scal3r
    Scal3r Member Posts: 188

    You guys are all forgetting ash has the best cosmetic in the game, the puppet, that alone makes him the best/most worthwhile character in the game.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I'm surprised people havent complained that puppet gives an unfair advantage. It's really hard to see if Ash is bringing a key because it almost looks like the puppet's hair.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944