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Survivors get mad when I don’t save them

DwightSupremacy Member Posts: 6
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

If I save them I die too and I lose points. They cry because I don’t save them but I have more points than them and I’m better at hiding and I always escape either by gate or hatch, .... killer can’t find me! They just run out in the open and get mad at me for no reason!


  • DwightSupremacy
    DwightSupremacy Member Posts: 6

    I’m always hidden because I’m good at the game and I always escape, killer never catches me. These other survivors are not stealthy and are always getting chased then they get salty at me because they get caught and I didn’t save them. I don’t care about saving them if I can just leave and get my points!

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    It's all about risk assessment and in some ways just denying a 4k.

    Are MORE of us likely to die if I go for this risky save? If yes, then prioritise personal escape. If no, then go for the save.

    I've had games where I've seen people come for me, or go back for someone else, that lead to the killer being handed more kills. I've been the killer in those games. It's confusing and ends up costing survivors more than it's worth to try and go for the save.

    And here's a message to anyone who reads this and gets annoyed by this type of play: Just because you aren't being mori'd or killed off THIS SECOND, doesn't mean that I would have had time to dodge the killer to get to you, or even you being able to get out as well. You ARE already dead. It is not worth it for me to go back and die as well for you.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    It all depends on context. If the killer is chasing someone else, and I see another survivor hiding nearby but NOT coming for the safe unhook and heal, I get pissed. If NOED is up (or it's a camping Bubba or it's T3 Myers, etc etc), then I totally understand not going for the save. Even if it's general endgame, or like if it's a huge AF map and you're super far away, it makes sense. But leaving someone to die on hook for selfish reasons? Especially if it's toward the beginning of the game when having 3-4 survivors to do objectives is better? Yeah, that's just ######### gameplay imo.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    As a stealthy Ghost Face/Pig/Legion main I have a thing for spotting, chasing and at least tagging EVERY Survivor once in a match. So, if you're just ducking out and leaving teammates I'll notice and intentionally leave them to their devices and seek you out and I can't remember the last time I wasn't able to find everyone in a match. Sometimes that exact strategy calls more attention to you, even if your only plan is to hide, it makes me consider you might be pro at knocking out gens and totems and makes me wanna take you off the board quicker. Teammates can be pretty effective decoys and meat shields, just saying.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited May 2020

    In all seriousness: Where it's reasonable, Dwight is right. I NEED YOU TO SURVIVE SO THAT I CAN SURVIVE.

    I also try to stay away from the killer and stick to objectives like glue, and I will go for a save if I think that it is reasonable for me to do so without creating a bigger risk to myself -- because I want points, and living teammates are more useful than dead teammates. But if the killer is camping, or if the gate is open and you're hooked across the map, I dunno man, I'm probably outta here.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480
    edited May 2020

    I like your name.

    Ya, there's been times where I'll be like in a situation where I'm at an exit gate with a daily ritual to escape with my survivor I'm playing, while my two team mates are being hooked all the way across the map and the killer is a Billy with NoED. Then I leave, and get one of my team mates telling me "######### u huff" as if I could/should have done anything.

    Edit: I also forgot to mention it was only us 3 left in the game. Player #4 was out already.

    Post edited by Huff on
  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Even if the Billy didn't have noed. It's still a Billy. One shots and speed. That is a scary thing to face. Even if Noed was not in play, it seems like it might of still been the smart call to get the heck out of dodge. Since well half way across the map and you are near a exit gate. Odds are if you when for them. You might of died and granted the killer another kill. That and any odds of finding noed before going for the save, have gone down greatly, just due to having half your team being hooked. So yeah, seems like the smart call was to get out of dodge and escape.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited May 2020

    Being good at hiding doesn't make you good at the game. At all. You're basically the exact opposite of the kind of person people want on their team and the exact type of person that causes people to just kill themselves on hook. Because you're useless. But at least you hide gud. But you're not going to hide gud if a killer has Whispers and wants to find you, and I hope they make sure you die for being an immersed gamer.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited May 2020

    I'm immersed and I make it out alive 8 times out of 10 while pipping 9 times out of 10. I regularly double pip (sometimes I'm one or two points shy of a double pip) and rarely depip. I complete gens, perform safe unhooks, heals, destroy totems, open exits.

    Maybe the problem isn't immersed players. Maybe the problem is you.

    On-topic: I had a survivor be mad at me for not rescuing him from a Huntress that I could see with Kindred while I was on the other side of the map. He wouldn't let me heal him afterward and went to the trouble of searching a chest to get a medkit just so he could heal (all while I was right there, mind).

    We ended up surrendering to the killer, who let us go, and the survivor actually said everyone else was a ######### teammate and that I should've unhooked him anyway. It's bonkers.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I'm sure you escape every match and this is not bait in any way. 😂