Wich maps are you most excited to see in the graphic update?

I'm really curious about how the og realms will look like, but the one that i'm most excited to see is Haddonfield.
Those I can run with solid fps. So probably none lol
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Considering how bad the new Lery's runs compared to the older maps, I am not thrilled for any graphic update of any map.
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The Red Forest is my favourite realm by a long shot, I'm very excited for those to be redone.
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Yeah I'm not really excited for any of them for a different reason. None of them are very visually appealing,and usually feature the same dull colors. Yamaoka I guess might be alright. I guess if they run like crap it doesn't matter anyway. I don't get it. This game isn't exactly pushing limits. I've seen way more detailed online games with bigger zones,and they seem to run fine.
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Coldwind maps :v
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Gideon and Haddonfield.
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The autohaven maps, they are extremely outdated. Not just in visuals but in game play design as well. They need huge overhauls. They're just an open field of pallets, that's it.
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+1 for the original realms, I really really hope they prioritize the oldest maps first since I see them the most often, although I did get a bit excited when I saw their yamaoka house WIP because that realm seriously needs a makeover too.
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YAMAOKA. Any GOOD change to that map and I’ll be happy.
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every map
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I think the Saloon. It has unique lighting with the sunset and would love to see more shadow effects come into play.
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I'm really excited for the Yamaoka Estate, say what you want about the map layout but visually it's one of the best maps in the game. I'm especially interested with what they'll do with the arbor and the bridge near it, it's one of my favorite structures in the whole realm.
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Asylum. That place looks kind of meh now.