Cross Console Account? (idk the correct term)

I own the game both on PC and PS4, and it would be awesome if I could log in to either and have the same characters/blood points on both, instead I play one more than the other and cant share progress across both platforms.

Are there any reasons this wouldn't be feasible? I'm not asking for cross play, just link our progress please!


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Sony is the main reason this isn't feasible, just like they're vehemently against cross play.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    omg can sony GET THE ######### OVER THEMSELVES FFS

  • kisow244
    kisow244 Member Posts: 13

    They are against cross-play, however I can still log into my Epic account on every platform, including Sony, and my progress carries. I guess Sony is just being super lame, brvh.