How to counter hatch-closing

Master Member Posts: 10,200

I have seen a lot of complains that after the hatch has been closed there is litreally "no way" for the survivor to win anymore.
I know, a lot of you only use meta perks and dont even try other builds, thats why I will explain it to you.

The new hatch closing mechanic can be countered easily by the perk Left behind.

Thank me later and stop crying :wink:


  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    Just what we needed another Hatch post :P

  • MOMO_Chaotic
    MOMO_Chaotic Member Posts: 7

    Plus... The rng could give the killer Hatch and Gen control... Left behind would be pointless...

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    You say that but think of it this way, your basically going in with a perk that isnt usefull unless your the last one in the match, and your basicly going in with only 3 perks, if every suviver now has to run Left behind just to stand a chance aginst the hatch being closed we are basicly forced into running 3 perks only. 

    Yeah... The Killer called, he wanted to remind you that he has been dealing with this exact same ######### for ages with needing Ruin.
  • Saphira344
    Saphira344 Member Posts: 10

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    Saphira344 said:

    You say that but think of it this way, your basically going in with a perk that isnt usefull unless your the last one in the match, and your basicly going in with only 3 perks, if every suviver now has to run Left behind just to stand a chance aginst the hatch being closed we are basicly forced into running 3 perks only. 

    Yeah... The Killer called, he wanted to remind you that he has been dealing with this exact same ######### for ages with needing Ruin.

    Yes i know that but, keep in mind i dont use BNPs and rarely even bring in toolboxes, heck i dont even touch the killers totem unless its devour, so in that response you are attack the wrong kind of suviver here. At times ill even try and slow down the game take out some dull totems(hoping killer doesnt have Noed) search some chests just to buy the killer time if hes geting gen rushed.

  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369

    Purple key, solved. It makes the hatch a situational way to escape, which I prefer. Makes more sense than the casual "hey, the killer recked us, but I can still escape with the hatch!". Also it makes keys more valuable since they have more uses than ever.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @MOMO_Chaotic said:
    Plus... The rng could give the killer Hatch and Gen control... Left behind would be pointless...

    RNG? PLease explain that. Survivors choose on their own which gens they repair now and which one they repair later

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Saphira344 said:
    You say that but think of it this way, your basically going in with a perk that isnt usefull unless your the last one in the match, and your basicly going in with only 3 perks, if every suviver now has to run Left behind just to stand a chance aginst the hatch being closed we are basicly forced into running 3 perks only. There needs to be a slite buff with gen repair when the hatch is closed without having to run a perk that might not be needed or used. Chance of you staying alive that long is about 25% if you get lucky!

    Funny, but exactly this is what survivors suggest the killer all the time.
    Get genrushed? Take ruin, have a dead perk after 30 sec
    Cant protect your ruin? Take TOTH, have 2 dead perks after 1min+
    Survivor then tells you to take OP noed, dead perk because it doesnt even activate sometimes
    Cant find the lsat survivor? Use whispers
    Scared of flashlights? Use lightborn
    Too many toolboxes/medkits? Use franklins

    Should I keep going?

  • MeowLux
    MeowLux Member Posts: 80

    Left Behind isn't even necessary to do a gen. I've done 3 gens alone against a legacy Nurse. My only perk that helped was Urban Evasion. People thing stealth is impossible, if the killer doesn't have Whispers you can easily stealth around and do gens alone. It isn't impossible.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @MeowLux said:
    Left Behind isn't even necessary to do a gen. I've done 3 gens alone against a legacy Nurse. My only perk that helped was Urban Evasion. People thing stealth is impossible, if the killer doesn't have Whispers you can easily stealth around and do gens alone. It isn't impossible.

    I know but most survivor complain that is not easy enough, so I opened their eyes and showed them a perk too fasten up stuff

  • Saphira344
    Saphira344 Member Posts: 10

    @Master said:

    @Saphira344 said:
    You say that but think of it this way, your basically going in with a perk that isnt usefull unless your the last one in the match, and your basicly going in with only 3 perks, if every suviver now has to run Left behind just to stand a chance aginst the hatch being closed we are basicly forced into running 3 perks only. There needs to be a slite buff with gen repair when the hatch is closed without having to run a perk that might not be needed or used. Chance of you staying alive that long is about 25% if you get lucky!

    Funny, but exactly this is what survivors suggest the killer all the time.
    Get genrushed? Take ruin, have a dead perk after 30 sec
    Cant protect your ruin? Take TOTH, have 2 dead perks after 1min+
    Survivor then tells you to take OP noed, dead perk because it doesnt even activate sometimes
    Cant find the lsat survivor? Use whispers
    Scared of flashlights? Use lightborn
    Too many toolboxes/medkits? Use franklins

    Should I keep going?

    i never say this, I run ruin on MM but i expect it to go poof, i just need it to help him get his teri 2. Dont relie on ruin, i would never suggest ruin other then to expect it going poof, only run it on killers who need time to set up. Or in low ranks becuse half the time they dont know how to counter it(spawned next to a gen once and the gen kept geting touched but the ruin remained strong like honstly!). Ruin unfortunately is pretty ######### with gen control,moreso with the placements of the totem. you would be better off running than or overcharge but neither is effective. I will always try and not gen rush the killer unless he plays like an ass and deserves it. Yes i have a gen rush build but i rarely use the charter with it unless i fear the killers a lag switcher and lets face it those guys deserve to be gen rushed. Pop goes the weasel has some chance to help with gen rush but i am not sure how effective because i rarely play killer of late(so tired of loopers, trollers and getting tormented throughout just to have them bully me end chat.). What iam trying to say is there is no perks to slow down gens efficiently yet but the devs wont dare do anything like that because they listen to suvivers more then they do killers.

  • Fre_Shavacado0
    Fre_Shavacado0 Member Posts: 106

    i am a ps4 player so i don’t know much about what’s on the ptb... is the new hatch on the ptb?! if so can someone explain to me how it works (ex: how many times the killer can close it, if there is a way to get it back open) thank you <3

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436
    edited June 2018

    @Fre_Shavacado0 said:
    i am a ps4 player so i don’t know much about what’s on the ptb... is the new hatch on the ptb?! if so can someone explain to me how it works (ex: how many times the killer can close it, if there is a way to get it back open) thank you <3

    I'll try to break it down really simple for you :)

    • The current mechanic of The Hatch stands as when you are the last survivor standing, with atleast 2 generators done, the hatch spawns and opens as an alternative escape for the survivor. If the survivor jumps through the hatch, he escapes. The killer if close enough, can activate a grab (Similar to hook+gen grabs) and prevent from escaping through the hatch.
    • With this current mechanic, it usually results in what we call a "hatch standoff" where both survivor and killer sit there contesting on whether or not the survivor gets the hatch.

    They have changed the hatch mechanic and tested it in the PTB as so:

    • The killer now has the option to close the hatch once opened. This allows for the standoffs to stop occuring, and to allow the killer to now go hunting for the survivor rather than just standing at the hatch.
    • The hatch can be reopened by doing a generator. Although, the killer can once again close the hatch once it reopens. So, the killer has unlimited use to how many times he can close it as long as it gets reopened.
    • The hatch can also be reopened by bringing a Skeleton or Dull key.

    Problems people are facing:

    • Killer is sitting at the hatch allowing every gen to be repaired, then closing the hatch permanently and patrolling exit gates, stalling the game greatly.
    • Survivors can just hide the entire time and attempt to hold the game hostage with no proof that they are.

    Hope that sums it up for you.

  • Fre_Shavacado0
    Fre_Shavacado0 Member Posts: 106

    @Brady yes, thank you!

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    If only more people what a BRILLIANT idea. Now all i have to do is run the perk, fix 3 gens and open the gate...ez pz

  • MOMO_Chaotic
    MOMO_Chaotic Member Posts: 7

    @Master said:

    @MOMO_Chaotic said:
    Plus... The rng could give the killer Hatch and Gen control... Left behind would be pointless...

    RNG? PLease explain that. Survivors choose on their own which gens they repair now and which one they repair later

    Yes... True, but I mean in the off chance they mistakenly give the killer gen control.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @Brady Never considered that the killer could sit on top of the hatch and could just keep closing it. Sounds annoying.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Mc_Harty said:
    @Brady Never considered that the killer could sit on top of the hatch and could just keep closing it. Sounds annoying.

    Killer gives you free emblem points then, just go and harvest them at the gens^^

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @Master said:

    @Mc_Harty said:
    @Brady Never considered that the killer could sit on top of the hatch and could just keep closing it. Sounds annoying.

    Killer gives you free emblem points then, just go and harvest them at the gens^^

    Pretty much, plus then your gonna have a chance at getting gates too.

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Master said:

    @Mc_Harty said:
    @Brady Never considered that the killer could sit on top of the hatch and could just keep closing it. Sounds annoying.

    Killer gives you free emblem points then, just go and harvest them at the gens^^

    Pretty much, plus then your gonna have a chance at getting gates too.

    yeah, fixing 2-3 gens solo; Sounds fun...

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SoulKey said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Master said:

    @Mc_Harty said:
    @Brady Never considered that the killer could sit on top of the hatch and could just keep closing it. Sounds annoying.

    Killer gives you free emblem points then, just go and harvest them at the gens^^

    Pretty much, plus then your gonna have a chance at getting gates too.

    yeah, fixing 2-3 gens solo; Sounds fun...

    If you dont wanna do gens, then playing survivor might be the wrong role in this game, try killer isntead :wink:

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @Master said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Master said:

    @Mc_Harty said:
    @Brady Never considered that the killer could sit on top of the hatch and could just keep closing it. Sounds annoying.

    Killer gives you free emblem points then, just go and harvest them at the gens^^

    Pretty much, plus then your gonna have a chance at getting gates too.

    yeah, fixing 2-3 gens solo; Sounds fun...

    If you dont wanna do gens, then playing survivor might be the wrong role in this game, try killer isntead :wink:

    Or play Civ 5 : P

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Master said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Master said:

    @Mc_Harty said:
    @Brady Never considered that the killer could sit on top of the hatch and could just keep closing it. Sounds annoying.

    Killer gives you free emblem points then, just go and harvest them at the gens^^

    Pretty much, plus then your gonna have a chance at getting gates too.

    yeah, fixing 2-3 gens solo; Sounds fun...

    If you dont wanna do gens, then playing survivor might be the wrong role in this game, try killer isntead :wink:

    Or play Civ 5 : P

    lol i would have taken your advice if the hatch mechanic remained as it was, but they changed yeah maybe one day. At least you guys enjoyed the free kill for a couple of days in PTB :pirate:

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SoulKey said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Master said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Master said:

    @Mc_Harty said:
    @Brady Never considered that the killer could sit on top of the hatch and could just keep closing it. Sounds annoying.

    Killer gives you free emblem points then, just go and harvest them at the gens^^

    Pretty much, plus then your gonna have a chance at getting gates too.

    yeah, fixing 2-3 gens solo; Sounds fun...

    If you dont wanna do gens, then playing survivor might be the wrong role in this game, try killer isntead :wink:

    Or play Civ 5 : P

    lol i would have taken your advice if the hatch mechanic remained as it was, but they changed yeah maybe one day. At least you guys enjoyed the free kill for a couple of days in PTB :pirate:

    New mechanic will just turn NOED into a meta perk and will make killers camp the hatch till the survivor reveals his position, really bad design idea if you ask me

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    @Master said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Master said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Master said:

    @Mc_Harty said:
    @Brady Never considered that the killer could sit on top of the hatch and could just keep closing it. Sounds annoying.

    Killer gives you free emblem points then, just go and harvest them at the gens^^

    Pretty much, plus then your gonna have a chance at getting gates too.

    yeah, fixing 2-3 gens solo; Sounds fun...

    If you dont wanna do gens, then playing survivor might be the wrong role in this game, try killer isntead :wink:

    Or play Civ 5 : P

    lol i would have taken your advice if the hatch mechanic remained as it was, but they changed yeah maybe one day. At least you guys enjoyed the free kill for a couple of days in PTB :pirate:

    New mechanic will just turn NOED into a meta perk and will make killers camp the hatch till the survivor reveals his position, really bad design idea if you ask me

    NOED is already a meta, at least in my region ^^ If killer decides to camp the hatch without closing it, then at least we know who to blame for almost keeping the game hostage if i had to fix 3 gens :D

    My advice to Devs is to prevent the hatch grab animation, that may force the killers to close it at one point.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SoulKey said:

    @Master said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Master said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Master said:

    @Mc_Harty said:
    @Brady Never considered that the killer could sit on top of the hatch and could just keep closing it. Sounds annoying.

    Killer gives you free emblem points then, just go and harvest them at the gens^^

    Pretty much, plus then your gonna have a chance at getting gates too.

    yeah, fixing 2-3 gens solo; Sounds fun...

    If you dont wanna do gens, then playing survivor might be the wrong role in this game, try killer isntead :wink:

    Or play Civ 5 : P

    lol i would have taken your advice if the hatch mechanic remained as it was, but they changed yeah maybe one day. At least you guys enjoyed the free kill for a couple of days in PTB :pirate:

    New mechanic will just turn NOED into a meta perk and will make killers camp the hatch till the survivor reveals his position, really bad design idea if you ask me

    NOED is already a meta, at least in my region ^^ If killer decides to camp the hatch without closing it, then at least we know who to blame for almost keeping the game hostage if i had to fix 3 gens :D

    My advice to Devs is to prevent the hatch grab animation, that may force the killers to close it at one point.

    You are wrong, if the killer is not doing a gen, then he is holding the game hostage, and you can even report him for that
    Sure noed is one of the "viable" perks a killer has, but with this hatch change it will become something like the sprintburst or SC for survivor

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    @Master said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @Master said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Master said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Master said:

    @Mc_Harty said:
    @Brady Never considered that the killer could sit on top of the hatch and could just keep closing it. Sounds annoying.

    Killer gives you free emblem points then, just go and harvest them at the gens^^

    Pretty much, plus then your gonna have a chance at getting gates too.

    yeah, fixing 2-3 gens solo; Sounds fun...

    If you dont wanna do gens, then playing survivor might be the wrong role in this game, try killer isntead :wink:

    Or play Civ 5 : P

    lol i would have taken your advice if the hatch mechanic remained as it was, but they changed yeah maybe one day. At least you guys enjoyed the free kill for a couple of days in PTB :pirate:

    New mechanic will just turn NOED into a meta perk and will make killers camp the hatch till the survivor reveals his position, really bad design idea if you ask me

    NOED is already a meta, at least in my region ^^ If killer decides to camp the hatch without closing it, then at least we know who to blame for almost keeping the game hostage if i had to fix 3 gens :D

    My advice to Devs is to prevent the hatch grab animation, that may force the killers to close it at one point.

    You are wrong, if the killer is not doing a gen, then he is holding the game hostage, and you can even report him for that
    Sure noed is one of the "viable" perks a killer has, but with this hatch change it will become something like the sprintburst or SC for survivor

    I didn't mean killer would be keeping game hostage if he didn't close hatch as in a reportable offense for sure. I meant keeping game hostage as in it's gonna take SO LONG to actually end the game. That is why they need to tweak things a little bit more.

    I think they will change it so that hatch will automatically close after X amount of time, Makes sense right ?

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,194

    ........ By opening the exit gates instead. Problem solved.