Idea for P3 lvl50

I have an idea for P3 lvl 50s. Why cap it at 50? if that's the last Prestige at least make it so it counts above 50 it would be interesting to see how many blood webs some people reach above 50 and your own ofc. It will be something like devotion, but devotion is for overall progress and this will show just how much you're into a certain survivor or killer. I think its gonna be a cool feature to implement (my opinion) that will add one of those "little things" in the game since there is basically nothing after P3 lvl 50.
Personally I don't like this idea. Seeing a 50 everywhere is much cleaner, if you know what I mean.
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Yeah i got you, but if we go with that... if you remove devotion and you see 100 only it would be cleaner too, but it doesn't make sence to me to Not see the progress you're made. (again only my opinion)
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I don't see why this isn't in the game already. It's such a basic thing, too.
At least get rid of the constanst reminders that "HeY YoU HiT LEvEL 50 LIkE 234712458 BlOodWebS AgO MaYBE YoU'D LIkE tO PrEsTigE AnD WaStE AlL ThAT fOr A CrAPpPY 'rEwaRd'??". Yes Dead by Daylight, I know that there is a feature that lets me completely waste my millions of bloodpoints. It's a bad feature. No thanks.
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What I think that could be nice is if we had also prestige IV and V, where the prestige IV gives you some shards and prestige V gives you some auric cells and you dont see the killer level anymore since you will have the lvl 50 bloodweb only. Did you understood? cuz my English is pretty bad
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It would piss off a lot of players to add extra prestige levels at this point unless they reworked the prestige system severely.
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I thought of that and that's why I suggested just adding a counter above lvl 50
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