Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Pig On Console

Idk why, but Pigs on console tend to camp and tunnel more than any other Killer on console.. why? I'm curious. I feel like Pig is meant to make the game a little longer but I may be wrong.


  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    Yeah I have killers who play as pig who do this sometimes. It does not happen all the time because I barely see her. What system do you play on? 
  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623
    Iceman said:

    Yeah I have killers who play as pig who do this sometimes. It does not happen all the time because I barely see her. What system do you play on? 
    PlayStation 4. Like I can understand certain circumstances but they literally camp, 4-5 Gens still up, helmet on the survivor on hook and all. I don't understand the Piggy logic. Maybe they're newbie Pigs, idk. 
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Michiko said:
    Idk why, but Pigs on console tend to camp and tunnel more than any other Killer on console.. why? I'm curious. I feel like Pig is meant to make the game a little longer but I may be wrong.

    The more frustrating it is to play killer, the more killers start camping.
    I am not surprised that with console framerate and controller aim a lot of killers camp.

    tunneling just means using your brain when playing btw

  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    The Pig on console camps hook for idk what reason she is supposed to patrol her boxes.
    they can't from my understanding because of the no terror radius
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Michiko said:
    Idk why, but Pigs on console tend to camp and tunnel more than any other Killer on console.. why? I'm curious. I feel like Pig is meant to make the game a little longer but I may be wrong.
    Eh, I never camp unless they give me a reason to such as survivors swarming the hook.
  • Many killers on ps4 camp and tunnel and lots of high ranks rely on NOED. They will get 2 hooks before all gens are done and then get a 3k because of NOED. That's why I spend most of my time breaking totems just to make sure bad killers stay in their place lol.
  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423
    The fps makes a big difference between a good game as survivor and killer.  The toxicity doesnt help either, waiting at the open exit gates to tbag the killer or the one player that stays in game and hides to keep the game hostage.

    Its bad enough when you miss an easy hit because the game jumps, but over time it is just depressing when those games the survivors think they are soooo good.

    Today i had a wraith whiff even with bloodlust the entire chase, he eventually quit chasing me. Its not always bad skill.
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @Michiko said:
    Idk why, but Pigs on console tend to camp and tunnel more than any other Killer on console.. why? I'm curious. I feel like Pig is meant to make the game a little longer but I may be wrong.

    Odd on PS4 it seems to be Hag that camps the most. I really don't understand why the killer with the best map pressure is camping, even more so when they are also using Devour Hope.

  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    Most pig mains on console are ######### players.
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Funny story, I was getting annoying playing and slow killers (Huntress/Hag) and wanted to play a normal killer so I picked Pig. Sitting in a lobby and my friend shows up I didn't even realize he was online. I invite him to a party and play it like I'm already in a game and we should join up after. Just gonna say this was a very fun game, he got so mad because I trolled him a few times. I put a trap on him and he's all like "Ha F U #########, I got the trap off on my first try" so I went and put another on him xD

    I feel like most Pigs on Xbox either hard camp or hard tunnel. If you get a Pig that does neither it's a really fun game though.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Nickenzie said:
    Michiko said:
    Idk why, but Pigs on console tend to camp and tunnel more than any other Killer on console.. why? I'm curious. I feel like Pig is meant to make the game a little longer but I may be wrong.
    Eh, I never camp unless they give me a reason to such as survivors swarming the hook.
    Same here if your friends keep spamming the hook as I'm patrolling before going for gens you die on hook
  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502
    edited September 2018

    My personal experience with pig has always been one of amusement and terror. One minute you are minding your own business as a survivor on a gen. (must be a micheal, or pig) Turn away for a second to check another point of access, and then slowly pan camera back.....and there she is......staring daggers at you from a crouch position 10 feet away. (Heart skips a beat or two as you fly off that gen so fast.)


    Playing the jaws theme song in your head as you slowly get closer to your prey. Seeing them on the gen, and just waiting for them to wig the mess out. Trying to get as close as you can without moving too much(Weeping angel style.) And then the amount of explosive reaction as the survivor jumps all over the place is priceless.

    aside from that....I don't see a reason to camp with the pig a whole lot. Place trap on head, decide to hook this one or not, patrol for viable subjects in the grand experiment. Two deaths later, and one on the hook. Last guy has a trap on his head....let him free. (And then watch his reaction, and record feedback from the experiment.)

    Who ever said science wasn't fun?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Nickenzie said:
    Michiko said:
    Idk why, but Pigs on console tend to camp and tunnel more than any other Killer on console.. why? I'm curious. I feel like Pig is meant to make the game a little longer but I may be wrong.
    Eh, I never camp unless they give me a reason to such as survivors swarming the hook.
    Same here if your friends keep spamming the hook as I'm patrolling before going for gens you die on hook
    I like NEVER camp unless I have a reason to. Even if the survivor gets off, I have no reason to tunnel since the injured survivor has a RBT on! Basically I can go after the healthy survivor without worrying about the unhooked survivor doing generators... It's almost as if the unhooked survivor was still on the hook.
  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    @Michiko said:
    Idk why, but Pigs on console tend to camp and tunnel more than any other Killer on console.. why? I'm curious. I feel like Pig is meant to make the game a little longer but I may be wrong.

    Try playing her without great perks from other killers. :) She's more fun to play (IMO) than the other killers, but a mid-rank killer is not an easy life choice.

    I play Amanda fairly often. Got matched recently against some survivors who were way above my poor Pig's ability. Did an ok job, didn't camp, didn't tunnel, and really didn't mind losing. They beat me, fair and square. But what do I get at the end? 10 mins of survivors holding the game hostage. Have this happen often enough, and the temptation to start treating survivors like ######### becomes overwhelming.

    Anyway, I'm mostly just posting to say that I'm surprised that you find Pigs camp more than others. I'm on PS4, and tend to find Myers and Huntress players to be pretty bad for camping. Though as a Huntress killer, I can totally understand why they end up resorting to it.

    (Not a killer main btw. I'm 50/50)

  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    Though, with my Meg cap on, a well-played Pig is a terrifying thing to go against. So some of you Piggies have definitely got your act together. Teach me. :)

  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623
    Eight said:

    @Michiko said:
    Idk why, but Pigs on console tend to camp and tunnel more than any other Killer on console.. why? I'm curious. I feel like Pig is meant to make the game a little longer but I may be wrong.

    Try playing her without great perks from other killers. :) She's more fun to play (IMO) than the other killers, but a mid-rank killer is not an easy life choice.

    I play Amanda fairly often. Got matched recently against some survivors who were way above my poor Pig's ability. Did an ok job, didn't camp, didn't tunnel, and really didn't mind losing. They beat me, fair and square. But what do I get at the end? 10 mins of survivors holding the game hostage. Have this happen often enough, and the temptation to start treating survivors like ######### becomes overwhelming.

    Anyway, I'm mostly just posting to say that I'm surprised that you find Pigs camp more than others. I'm on PS4, and tend to find Myers and Huntress players to be pretty bad for camping. Though as a Huntress killer, I can totally understand why they end up resorting to it.

    (Not a killer main btw. I'm 50/50)

    From my experience against Pig, every Pig I face is a camper. Same thing with Hag but Hag differs between campers & tunnelers. I think I’ve faced probably 3-4 Hags on console that actually get 3 or more kills without camping/tunneling but literally EVERY Pig I go against crouch and face camps or hides behind a tree and camps me. I really don’t get it to be honest. Maybe because I don’t have Amanda as a DLC so I’ve never really felt what its like to play her. But shout out to everyone on this topic that doesn’t camp/tunnel as Killer. We all LOVE a long fun game, despite if we live or die ❤️
  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    @Michiko said:
    But shout out to everyone on this topic that doesn’t camp/tunnel as Killer. We all LOVE a long fun game, despite if we live or die ❤️

    Well said.

    Hopefully, you'll run into me one day with my Pig face on, and I can restore your faith in Piggies. :)

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Eight said:

    @Michiko said:
    Idk why, but Pigs on console tend to camp and tunnel more than any other Killer on console.. why? I'm curious. I feel like Pig is meant to make the game a little longer but I may be wrong.

    Try playing her without great perks from other killers. :) She's more fun to play (IMO) than the other killers, but a mid-rank killer is not an easy life choice.

    I play Amanda fairly often. Got matched recently against some survivors who were way above my poor Pig's ability. Did an ok job, didn't camp, didn't tunnel, and really didn't mind losing. They beat me, fair and square. But what do I get at the end? 10 mins of survivors holding the game hostage. Have this happen often enough, and the temptation to start treating survivors like ######### becomes overwhelming.

    Anyway, I'm mostly just posting to say that I'm surprised that you find Pigs camp more than others. I'm on PS4, and tend to find Myers and Huntress players to be pretty bad for camping. Though as a Huntress killer, I can totally understand why they end up resorting to it.

    (Not a killer main btw. I'm 50/50)

    I main killer as you know ps4 has terrible lag on survivors half the time but I only camp as huntress and never for long if people just swarm meh hook blatantly trying to lure I play along run back and face smack next guy
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Michiko said:
    Eight said:

    @Michiko said:
    Idk why, but Pigs on console tend to camp and tunnel more than any other Killer on console.. why? I'm curious. I feel like Pig is meant to make the game a little longer but I may be wrong.

    Try playing her without great perks from other killers. :) She's more fun to play (IMO) than the other killers, but a mid-rank killer is not an easy life choice.

    I play Amanda fairly often. Got matched recently against some survivors who were way above my poor Pig's ability. Did an ok job, didn't camp, didn't tunnel, and really didn't mind losing. They beat me, fair and square. But what do I get at the end? 10 mins of survivors holding the game hostage. Have this happen often enough, and the temptation to start treating survivors like ######### becomes overwhelming.

    Anyway, I'm mostly just posting to say that I'm surprised that you find Pigs camp more than others. I'm on PS4, and tend to find Myers and Huntress players to be pretty bad for camping. Though as a Huntress killer, I can totally understand why they end up resorting to it.

    (Not a killer main btw. I'm 50/50)

    From my experience against Pig, every Pig I face is a camper. Same thing with Hag but Hag differs between campers & tunnelers. I think I’ve faced probably 3-4 Hags on console that actually get 3 or more kills without camping/tunneling but literally EVERY Pig I go against crouch and face camps or hides behind a tree and camps me. I really don’t get it to be honest. Maybe because I don’t have Amanda as a DLC so I’ve never really felt what its like to play her. But shout out to everyone on this topic that doesn’t camp/tunnel as Killer. We all LOVE a long fun game, despite if we live or die ❤️
    Ikr I tend to go for basement as often as I can makes game longer more bp payouts plus basement is the SWF team killer because soooo aulteristic they have to save friends and end up killing there friends from rushing unhooks plus you notice after first or second hooks in basement if they have sc they hide down there so I check and wadda ya know there hiding and die because they found out the hard way don't dare go into my territory or you die
  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    @redsopine1 said:
    I main killer as you know ps4 has terrible lag on survivors half the time but I only camp as huntress and never for long if people just swarm meh hook blatantly trying to lure I play along run back and face smack next guy

    Huntress is a tough gig, man. I know. And I don't think a little "patrolling" is the end of the world with her - she's slow enough etc. that survivors still rescue people with a bit of skill. But I find too many survivors think "Aha, a Huntress! She's easy, let's all descend upon the hook". Then followed by "Y U NO LEAVE HOOK!?!"

    A camping Freddy on the other hand... time to reevaluate your character selection. Thankfully, they seem a little rarer.

  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623
    Eight said:

    @Michiko said:
    But shout out to everyone on this topic that doesn’t camp/tunnel as Killer. We all LOVE a long fun game, despite if we live or die ❤️

    Well said.

    Hopefully, you'll run into me one day with my Pig face on, and I can restore your faith in Piggies. :)

    Hopefully ❤️
  • Gun_Doc
    Gun_Doc Member Posts: 43

    As a PS4 killer main 90/10 (I only play survivor for daily challenges or for the bonus 300 XP so I can get shards a little quicker) I don’t ever set out to camp or tunnel. I will camp the hook under certain situations and once again I will only tunnel under certain situations. For me it isn’t very fun at all to camp (even under the situational times, but sometimes that is the only option the killer truly has) and as for the tunneling even without running BBQ it just doesn’t feel very rewarding. I’d much rather have a game where I’ve hit every survivor multiple times and hooked them all at least once and have them all escape rather than tunneling one poor survivor for a sacrifice only to have the other 3 escape. I truly do set out to make the match the most fun for myself and my survivors by constantly applying pressure to each and every one of them. I will even run all the way across the map to go after the one & only survivor that is working on a generator and allow the rescue of the survivor that I just hooked. I truly don’t care about the win…..It’s all about the fun and I think I do a pretty good job at.

    I’ve only played piggy 3 times (just started playing during the PS+ era). My first two were absolutely horrible, but my third I ended up RBT’ing all 4 survivors at one point or another and ended up methodically hooking and sacrificing 3 of the 4. That game was while I was an online LV 12 or 13 running a LV1 Piggy with Hangman’s Trick. I’m currently gathering up 1 million blood points to level my piggy from lv 1 to 40ish so I can see if I want to main Piggy are stay Trapper or who knows maybe I’ll do both. I will say that the Piggy’s ability to crouch and remove their terror radius does invite a camping mentality to those killers who don’t yet understand that you get more Blood Points and enjoyment by leaving the hook and going after someone else.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,895
    This is why Pig is one of my least favorite killers to face.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    @Michiko said:
    Eight said:

    @Michiko said:

    But shout out to everyone on this topic that doesn’t camp/tunnel as Killer. We all LOVE a long fun game, despite if we live or die ❤️

    Well said.

    Hopefully, you'll run into me one day with my Pig face on, and I can restore your faith in Piggies. :)

    Hopefully ❤️

    What console do you play? :)

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Michiko said:
    Idk why, but Pigs on console tend to camp and tunnel more than any other Killer on console.. why? I'm curious. I feel like Pig is meant to make the game a little longer but I may be wrong.

    Console experience is a lot more frustrating for all killers due to controler aim and low fps, ofc they camp

  • BigBadPiggy
    BigBadPiggy Member Posts: 678

    @Nickenzie said:
    Michiko said:

    Idk why, but Pigs on console tend to camp and tunnel more than any other Killer on console.. why? I'm curious. I feel like Pig is meant to make the game a little longer but I may be wrong.

    Eh, I never camp unless they give me a reason to such as survivors swarming the hook.

    I'll camp if a survivor is not being fair to the others, Ex, Ratting them out, watching them die on hook, body blocking windows, etc.

  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    @Nickenzie said:
    Michiko said:

    Idk why, but Pigs on console tend to camp and tunnel more than any other Killer on console.. why? I'm curious. I feel like Pig is meant to make the game a little longer but I may be wrong.

    Eh, I never camp unless they give me a reason to such as survivors swarming the hook.

    I'll camp if a survivor is not being fair to the others, Ex, Ratting them out, watching them die on hook, body blocking windows, etc.

    Word, someone sandbagged a teammate so I camped the dude to death and I got called out on it by the other players even though that player kept putting the pallet down to block other survivors. Ungrateful. 
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    BigBadPiggy said:

    @Nickenzie said:

    Michiko said:

    Idk why, but Pigs on console tend to camp and tunnel more than any other Killer on console.. why? I'm curious. I feel like Pig is meant to make the game a little longer but I may be wrong.

    Eh, I never camp unless they give me a reason to such as survivors swarming the hook.

    I'll camp if a survivor is not being fair to the others, Ex, Ratting them out, watching them die on hook, body blocking windows, etc.

    Word, someone sandbagged a teammate so I camped the dude to death and I got called out on it by the other players even though that player kept putting the pallet down to block other survivors. Ungrateful. 

    Yeah, some survivors are like that sadly.

  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    Blame the players not the console.

  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623
    Gun_Doc said:

    As a PS4 killer main 90/10 (I only play survivor for daily challenges or for the bonus 300 XP so I can get shards a little quicker) I don’t ever set out to camp or tunnel. I will camp the hook under certain situations and once again I will only tunnel under certain situations. For me it isn’t very fun at all to camp (even under the situational times, but sometimes that is the only option the killer truly has) and as for the tunneling even without running BBQ it just doesn’t feel very rewarding. I’d much rather have a game where I’ve hit every survivor multiple times and hooked them all at least once and have them all escape rather than tunneling one poor survivor for a sacrifice only to have the other 3 escape. I truly do set out to make the match the most fun for myself and my survivors by constantly applying pressure to each and every one of them. I will even run all the way across the map to go after the one & only survivor that is working on a generator and allow the rescue of the survivor that I just hooked. I truly don’t care about the win…..It’s all about the fun and I think I do a pretty good job at.

    I’ve only played piggy 3 times (just started playing during the PS+ era). My first two were absolutely horrible, but my third I ended up RBT’ing all 4 survivors at one point or another and ended up methodically hooking and sacrificing 3 of the 4. That game was while I was an online LV 12 or 13 running a LV1 Piggy with Hangman’s Trick. I’m currently gathering up 1 million blood points to level my piggy from lv 1 to 40ish so I can see if I want to main Piggy are stay Trapper or who knows maybe I’ll do both. I will say that the Piggy’s ability to crouch and remove their terror radius does invite a camping mentality to those killers who don’t yet understand that you get more Blood Points and enjoyment by leaving the hook and going after someone else.

    This is how most killer should think/play. Great methods & ways of getting the job done the fun and skilled way ❤️
  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623
    This is why Pig is one of my least favorite killers to face.
    Same. Shes so adorable as a Killer but its not fun facing Pig at all smh
  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623
    Nickenzie said:

    @Michiko said:
    Eight said:

    @Michiko said:

    But shout out to everyone on this topic that doesn’t camp/tunnel as Killer. We all LOVE a long fun game, despite if we live or die ❤️

    Well said.

    Hopefully, you'll run into me one day with my Pig face on, and I can restore your faith in Piggies. :)

    Hopefully ❤️

    What console do you play? :)

    I play on PS4 ❤️
  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623

    Blame the players not the console.

    You misinterpreted the purpose of this post. I never blamed the console.