Three Will Protect You, The Others Will Try To Kill You

Who would you choose?
Three Will Protect You, The Others Will Try To Kill You 78 votes
Legion , Oni, Leatherface
Oni is ridiculously strong and is a well-trained warrior, Leatherface has a chainsaw and Legion has four members, effectively giving you SIX protectors (and given their speed, the others will have a hard time bringing them down).
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Plague, Demogorgon, Pig
Ok, ok, I may have my bias because I main demogorgon, but from the fragment that I have watched from the show, isn't Demo almost completely invulnerable? He can teleport to the upside down at will and bullets do jack ######### to him, he is also massively strong.
Amanda is quite smart and strong and if she manages to get her hands on somebody she can just rig a bear trap and get him killed.
Plague might not do much with her base vomit but corrupt purge sound powerful, i think it is ultra potent stomachal acid that burns skin so there is that
Out of all the other the only one I think could give a remote challenge to Demo is Oni, because that dude is massive.
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Nea, Freddy, Billy
You shouldn't have combined the powers of The Entity with the Dream Powers of Freddy.
Oh, and Billy is there too I guess.
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Ghostface, Doctor, Clown
Clowns bottles will help disoriante the others, which aids GF in his stealth, to allow him to get some really easy hits.
Doctor can make it really difficult to figure out who the real doctor is, making him a long lasting partner. on top of the illusions the clown can make it even harder to hit the real Doc.
GF on his own is good, but the abilities of the others help him tremendously. I've already stated why clown is great for GF, but Doc will obviously be the main target from most killers with sense as they will quickly realize he is a priority due to his illusions making him a very defensive foe, which gives GF more time to take down a couple of the others.
TL;DR their powers have great synergy for a fight
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Huntress, Oni, Nurse
The Huntress and the Oni are not just murderers, but expert fighters who can subdue even big groups. The Nurse instead has telekinetic powers. I feel this trio would be unbeatable and could provide the best protection.
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Huntress, Oni, Nurse
Huntress alone has killed platoons of soldiers with guns.
I'm confident she, a huge raging warrior with a gigantic club, and a supernatural ghost that can teleport will be able to handle everyone else working together.
Well, maybe everyone but Freddy - but he can't really by stopped by any waking person nor really help defend against any of them either. I think Huntress + Oni is the best option.
Also I'm an insomniac that's seen all of the NOES films, so I think I have an edge against Freddy.
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Trapper, Myers, Hag
Trapper and Hag would be able to set traps opportunistically and keep the other killers at bay.
Trapper could elimate other killers when they're prone in his traps.
Hag's traps would act as a security system. When activated, she could teleport quickly and surpise the approaching attacker.
The only issue would be Nurse who would be able to float over the traps. Perhaps Myers could grab her mid-Blink and dispose of her.
I think Trapper, Hag and Myers are a good hand.
Trapper is a brickhouse and would likely being able to take tremendous punishment. He probably has a burning rage as a result of his relationship with his father, making him a more dangerous fighter. He's a skilled hunter (No offense, Huntress), who is well-skilled in incapacitating his prey.
Myers is highly resilient to pain (all the damage he took in the 1978 original, having half his hand blown off during Halloween 2018 etc). He also has above-average strength and can't be reasoned with. He would kill without mercy.
Hag is a vicious creature with an almost animal-like approach to brutality. Whilst she has supernatural powers at her disposal, she can also maim her victims with a frenzied attack.
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Wraith, Spirit, Deathslinger
Spirit is invincible since she’s already dead.
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Legion , Oni, Leatherface
Team synergy: All 4 Legion members run about and inflict a lot of injuries, allowing The Oni to activate blood fury extremely often, while Leatherface with his sweeping chainsaw deters unfriendly killers who try to attack teammates when they're stunned after using their power.
Each killer's advantages:
Legion: 4 members, best hit and run attacker, killers instinct reveals unfriendly killers, Mad Grit (they'll never stop attacking), small and agile enough to dodge attacks.
Oni: Samurai training and combat experience, monstrous size and strength, superhuman running speed and endurance, 2 very deadly weapons that happen to be long and have a decent reach, unstoppable rage.
Leatherface: Multi-hit chainsaw, Franklin's Demise (attacks cause unfriendly killers to drop their weapons / equipment), Knock Out (working as the butcher in his family's slaughterhouse, he knows which part of the head to hit), high persistence, fiercely protective of anybody that's on his side.
What if we're about to lose the battle: Disguise myself as a Legion member and escape together with The Legion in the confusion / Jump on Oni's back and have him dash as far away as possible / Hide in the basement chest and have Insidious Leatherface guard it until the killers look somewhere else.
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I can create my own choose ?
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Legion , Oni, Leatherface
I have faith in our Lord and saviour Bubba.
He will stop all those who oppose me.
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Trapper, Myers, Hag
LeatherFace is a human being though. I'm pretty sure he can be killed. I figured Trapper,Hag,Myers, because they might not be able to get near you with all the traps and stuff,and Myers comes out of nowhere. Kind of a hard question because with a lot of the killers,we don't know if some of them can be killed,and there's a few where we do know if they can be.
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Trapper, Myers, Hag
Have you watched the Halloween movies???? I'd rather have Myers on my side oh my god.
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Legion , Oni, Leatherface
Honestly, I would pick this for similar reasons to @VolantConch1719. 6 protectors instead of 3, and they are specialized. They also have the biggest reasons why they might protect you.
Oni - could actually judge you worthy.
Legion - could consider you a part of them if you have proven yourself.
Leatherface - could protect you if he considers you family.
The other killers are more or less loners/don't have a reason to help you.
This is, of course, considering the entity is not involved in coming after you...
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Sure go for it.
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Anyone who dares to approach me will suffer the consequences by receiving a stabbing from behind from the spirit, and will be sent eternally to suffer in the dream world by Freddy, and if those two are not there to protect me, Nurse will always be from above. watching me like a hawk
And the best thing is that none of the three can die!
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Leatherface failed to protect his own family.
Legion is 6 teens....
Oni is....a really great choice actually I mean he walked the same speed as Yui rode that bike in the trailer haha.
I'll take shirtless Myers against the world!
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Trapper, Myers, Hag
I'd I were to make my own I would do Myers, Billy, and Oni.
Myers don't take nothing from nobody. We've seen him shot, ran over, blown up, ect ect. He's a big man and has great strength. He's also really fast and sneaky. And he's creepy af.
It's a toss up between Billy and bubba. I chose Billy because he's faster and more resilient. Man broke out of chains and through a brick wall and ran to slaughter animals. And he's another big man with a lot of strength.
Oni is a seasoned warrior who FEEDS on BLOOD. Man can stab the shite out of his opponents and then be powered by their blood. Something all the other killers have in common. They bleed. He's also extremely quick so things like the nurses blink and the demogorgons lunge are ineffective against him.
Bit of an edit, their powers would work well with each other. The loudness and speed of Billy and Oni can distract the killers while Michael tiers up. When Michael stabs another killer or Billy cuts another killer in half, that's a lot of blood for Oni. They synergize pretty good. Not the best (Clown and GF would be best) but we'll enough to be great protection. They're more instadown then progressively hurting so there is less chance of getting overwhelmed
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Nea, Freddy, Billy
I'm confident Billy alone can protect me. Not biased whatsoever.
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Nea, Freddy, Billy
Freddy and billy are already quite powerful but Nea is the true mvp here, she would literally loop them until dc
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Nea, Freddy, Billy
Freddy can bring me into the dream world which means I'm safe from the other killers anyway, and then he can bring Nea and Billy into the dream world too so I have some company!
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Trapper, Myers, Hag
Trapper, Myers, Hag. Pretty sure between Trapper and Hag the other killers won't be able to get to me, and Myers will finish the rest of them off no problem once he hits tier 3. Especially since only Ghostface can crouch. Well I guess Pig can too, but the regular traps should handle them.
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Huntress, Oni, Nurse
Just the fact that you can't really escape a good nurse, I would want her on my side. Also Huntress and Oni are very strong killers.
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Trapper, Myers, Hag
Daddy Myers could beat every killer in the game easy
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Trapper, Myers, Hag