Tips on the gen grab challenge?

I've been trying so hard but I play at Rank 1 and it's really hard to get one gen grab let one two for the tome challenge.
Spine Chill is extremely common and even if there's a Survivor that doesn't have it their teammates that do will give them the clue to get off the gen. Plus, even if everything is perfect once someone gets gen grabbed the Survivors are paranoid and leave gens super early.
I'm basically a Ghost Face main at this point. It's been 20+ games and the most gen grabs I've gotten in the same match is one
@gatsby Play a Killer your confident with and can easily 3-4k with (for me that's either Freddy or Legion)
Let the Survivors know you want to farm
Once they know its safe to be around a gen with you, grab them and let them go till you have the gen grabs done. It's how I did it on the last rift before this one. Worked pretty well.
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From what I have seen is use the no hag illusion traps add-on+ longer trap duration, put the traps on gens, and pray they let you do it twice.
You have to delay the teleport to give them time to actually get on the generator.
This add-on lets you teleport to traps while the trap doesn't give away sign of being there and if your doing it right you will teleport on top of them before they have time to react to spine chill going off.
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- Kill everyone but leave one.
- Down them and bring them over to a gen
- M1 the gen to indicate you want them to work on it.
- Pick them up and let them struggle off
- Grab them a couple times while they are working on it
It always worked for me, as survivors get the idea pretty quickly. You don't have to 3k ether but I find survivors are more willing to cooperate if they are out of options.
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Ghost Face or jumpscare Myers should work
Also this if you want to do the challenge quickly
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Got it ;)
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I was planning to do this with Ghostface, but this actually sounds like a better idea. Now I just need to dump some BP into Hag to get Discordance.
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I simply farmed and got it over with
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Scratched Mirror Myers on Lerys, works every time except for spine chill.
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If grabbing is impossible because of latency, then why put in a challenge that requires the other team cooperating/farming? Ridiculous.
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Basement 4k challenge already exists lol
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Pretend to be a friendly farming Killer, get two grabs... proceed to kill them.
Its not hard to trick survivors.
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Farm with survivors... grabs are too buggy right now, at least for me they fail 100% of the time unless the survivors allows me to do it.
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If you don't like to farm, pray. Wraith with a clapper, All-Seeing add-on, and a gen that obstructs the Survivors view could work well (barring any server issues).
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i farmed the last 2 guys. grabbing today with dedicated servers is hard unless they allow it.
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being friendly works rather well, that's how I did it, hell that's how I did all of the "do this in one match" challenges (excluding the hook all survs once challenge) because sweet lord are they painful
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Wraith with Silent Bell and All Seeing Purple or Brown "Ghost" addon on Lerys. Just concentrate on patrolling generators and ignore people not working on gens.
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Play Spirit.
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I did it with mirror myers on the game, but i recommend farming.
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wraith with Coxcombed Clapper + "The Ghost" - Soot.
Basicly silent wraith :) but I like the hag idea as well.
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Down the first survivors and take them to a gen and smack hit until they wiggle free. They'll understand very quickly. It's archives time, so survivors are fairly open to farm.
If you want to do it legit, use silent bell Wraith, jumscare Myers, or Ghostface and go to an indoor map. You could use Pig with combat straps too, but it's significantly more difficult.
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Tried the same like in the challenge before (with insidious), but this time I was hiding to near. Thought I'm completely invisible. It worked better with Spirit hiding behind a wall next to the gen.
But the survivor was nice and helped me. 🤗
So maybe this setup helps someone.
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I tried that but on the game, didnt get gen grabs but it was the most fun ive ever had in this game 😂