The camping killers

So can we talk about this. Literally just got out of a match against a camping bubba whose name was face camp sry. Like ######### is wrong with people (mainly bubbas) doing this there needs to be a hard penalty to face campers or even just a ban because it ruins people’s games. I don’t care about tunneling killer that much because you have chances, but a camping killer you have a small chance of escaping. So bhvr can you either a punish the killers who camp with a ban or something or make it so they can’t hurt survivors if they stay too close for X amount of time.



  • crowscythe13
    crowscythe13 Member Posts: 15

    Insidious was made in the old days where you had to camp because survivors didn’t die on hook after three hooks and where hit boxes were weird. This is modern day a insidious needs a rework and camping should be harder punish because legit if you are found and down early you de pip and don’t get a chance to play. Literally defending camping is just a way of say I’m bad at the game. Just cause the devs say something doesn’t mean it’s right to keep it. It is literally stopping a person or multiple people from playing the game and it’s not healthy for the game.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    Seriously, I rarely see campers. But if you are coming across too many for some reason why don't you try this build; Deliverance + DS + Unbreakble + Tennacity or Slippery Meat.

  • crowscythe13
    crowscythe13 Member Posts: 15

    you make a valid point Orion, but it still doesn’t mean it isn’t annoying to just be one hooked and de pip because of it. And after looking at multiple other forums about this same subject I see that it’s a huge split of the community. Again I don’t care about tunneling that much it sucks but there’s ways to avoid it it’s just Uber annoy and dumb founded concept have some go into game and decide I’m going to ruin this person and my own experience of play this game. Because face camping is literally the equivalent to watching paint dry (and this might not be know but this is more warranted at people who 5 gen face camp people).

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Killers can start to tell survivors where to go and not to go in the game also. Stop doing gens you are camping them etc. This is not the survivors game they do not make the rules. This is a game for both sides. If the killer is "camping" it's the killers strategy and that is non of your business.

    This is the same as killers who complains over "gen rushing" well it's also a strategy within the rules.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    95% of the Cannibal players I see are facecampers. If you go to the basement vs. Cannibal, sorry, you're dead to me.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Losing because you ######### up isn't fun, no. Killers also don't like to be stunned or blinded, but you don't hear them complain nearly as much as survivors complain about being camped.

    My recommendation to those who don't like to lose even when they ######### up is to play single-player games. I'm quite enjoying Stardew Valley myself.

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    No its literally a legit strategy. As stated by the devs. In that video. And many times since. You're not entitled to 3 hooks. Crying for nerfs is a way of saying change something so i wont suck as bad. Camping only works if the other survivors are stupid. Why would the killer go anywhere if theres survivors all around the hook?

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Stop getting caught early. You should be playing it very safe at the start, especially if youre solo/in a bad spot.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited May 2020

    I need to save this video link and post it every single time I see a thread of people complaining about face camping. Even the devs stated what we've all been saying. Do gens and GTF out!

  • Gomolazoli
    Gomolazoli Member Posts: 336

    Leatherface is trash. Camping especially the basement is the only thing he’s really good at.

  • Gomolazoli
    Gomolazoli Member Posts: 336

    He have some insta down mindhame potential at some loops though which is great but...way too unrelyable with his speed.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Best way to punish campers is to do gens, then teabag and clicky clicky on your way out. When you get the 4th gen done, make sure you're split up enough that the killer can't come for all of you at once. Maybe head for the exit gate furthest from the killer. Hope you have one survivor on each exit before that last gen pops.

    Campers really are ruining the game though. Because of them, Gen Times can't and won't be increased. As soon as gen times are increased, camping becomes even more viable. Which breaks the balance of the game entirely.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014
    edited May 2020

    Facecamping a survivor? TOTALLY FINE! It's just taking them out of the game on their first hook, giving them no chance to play the game once they're hooked. Nothing wrong with that!

    Doing a little dance, and making some noise that has not effect on the killer's ability to play the game? WORST THING EVER!!

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I am not sure about that actually. It is an individual opinion of course, but i think with old ruin camping was less rampant, because killer could afford not to camp, at least the good to mediocre ones. I know i camp and tunnel in games where i am outskilled anyway. If its about equal or survivors are actually less skilled then me (aka i can actually end a chase) i dont feel the need to do so. I might still lose if i dont, but since i dont have the constant feeling of being helpless, going after survivors actually accomplish something.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951
  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455
    edited May 2020

    Facecamping might be annoying but it's a strategy because you try to kill the hooked survivor and perhaps slug survivors trying to unhook, so it's at least playing to kill/stop survivors from escaping which is what the killer is supposed to do. T-bagging is just mocking someone so that is just being stupid.

    T-bagging is worse than Facecamping! I say that playing mostly as survivor.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Thank you :) it is a valid strategy (specially for bubba) but i can understand why ppl hate it. Its why ill agree to saying both are rude.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    so you dictate how a killer plays? you get hooked and camped oh well it's crappy but it happens. the DEVS have said it's a legit strat as is tunneling. the key here is people think their way to play is the only way to play.

    1) Killers are to hook and sacrifice the survivors

    2) Survivors are to repair gens and escape.

    these are the TWO main objectives. there is nothing to say that a survivor must be given a chance to get off the hook, hide and heal, and come back at the killer. and there is also nothing to be said that the killer must get 4 kills each game.

    both sides need to stop whining and PLAY the game. face camping happens for various reasons, and if you don't want to be face camped right away use the vigo's shroud to start as far away from the killer, and use stealth perks and clothing to avoid being caught. you're choice what to do.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    Better idea might be to rework Bubba so people don't feel like it's necessary or worth it. He's one of the only ones I see that does it consistently. When I see him it's like a 90% chance that's what's going down. If it happens to me,I just sit there and hope nobody comes and is doing something productive. If your team is coordinating and has a flashlight,you might be able to pull something off,but usually it just gets everyone killed. With any other killer you can try for a trade. You have to hope he grabs one person so another person can get the unhook. Really depends. I doubt they will change it or punish anyone for it. Just try to get out. If it's you hope your team gets out. Best you can do really.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Eh, the only camping complains I have, is that you're forcing a survivor to depip. You used to have "killer depip squads" and those were considered toxic as hell, because they forced a killer to depip. Yet forcing a survivor to depip isnt toxic?

    I agree that it can be a legit strat, but at the very least, let them swap hooks once. At least, unless being camped ensures you a safety pip, just like a DC tends to do for killers, which it doesnt for survivors, which again, is quite a dick move unless the killer himself dc's. Any dc in game should prevent other people from losing a pip by lowering the safetypip requirements for each DC, but not lowering the requirements for a pip. That way, mass DC's wont happen. I've dc'd from a game before, because 2 others DC'd and I was gonna lose a pip anyway and the killer wanted to end the game fast rather than let us get our safety pips(like seriously, it's only gonna be like 2 minutes of your time, you can even practice some harder to pull of moves in that time)

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581

    It might have an effect on their ability to play the next game. Especially if it's a new player,or low rank player on the other end. It does kinda suck when you had no hope of winning in the first place and someone acts like they did something special. Plus usually they STAY until the collapse is about to happen,just so you can come over and see. That might not be what's happening,but it feels like it,trust me. I usually don't even bother to go over and they stay the entire time. Some of the excuses for that are really thin. Not saying it's as big a deal as camping or a number of other things people don't like,but I wouldn't completely discount it. It makes some people not even want to play anymore. Not having players definitely ruins a game lol.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Probably just bait but I’ll respond there is a penalty to camping it’s called 1 kill and a depip. It is also not against the rules so stop crying about it please no one wants to see a hundred of these same posts.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    That's more on the side of player choice (which you can only effect so much) vs game balance (which devs have complete control over). Game Balance doesn't take into consideration player choice. Because it can only somewhat predict what players will do under any given set of circumstances. Maybe less killers camp if they increase gen times. Or maybe camping becomes an effective strategy, and more killers camp because of it. Players who don't find camping fun (Like me) probably don't camp most of the time anyway. You might reduce camping a little by increasing gen times, but you also risk making camping a more effective strategy, even against optimal survivors. Which is what the devs want to avoid doing. Because the optimal survivor should be able to escape against the killer who wastes two minutes of their time nodding at a survivor who's only real interaction with the game from that point forward is tapping a button to prevent from dying, in hopes their teammates get out.

    If all 3 remaining survivors play optimally against a killer who camps the first survivor they find, ideally all 3 optimal survivors escape and the killer ends up with a single kill. Gen times have to be balanced around that, because if optimal survivors -- which are rare -- struggle against that play, what hope do sub-optimal survivors have against it? Because the vast majority of the game plays sub-optimally.

    Personally, I don't find camping fun. So I don't do it. Others find the game frustrating, and camp because they feel like it's their only choice. Like me, they might not find camping fun -- but they do it, because it's their best shot at winning. This is where killer re-works and fixing maps comes in. But gen times will almost always be a problem, because they simply can't be fixed without making camping a more viable strategy. Because even if you'd have less camping, you'd be making it effective for the players who are just in it for a 4K. And they can play however they like, and if they get sub-optimal survivors, they get their 4K and can walk away happy. That's fine. Survivors make mistakes, and they should own those mistakes. Learn from them, like I learn when I play killer and face optimal survivors Next time, just do gens. Fix the gen times, though, and you get a situation where even the optimal survivors get 4k'd pretty easily as long as the killer isn't a braindead potato.

    The devs don't want to put players in a situation where they can't win. This is why the hatch exists. It's why closing the hatch powers the exit gates. Killers don't have an equivalent because the game is designed to make the game a little easier as the killer's opponents (Survivors) complete their objective. The more gens get done, the smaller the map becomes. There's fewer gens to patrol. The first gens are always the easiest to do. And they generally take the shortest time to complete. Then the map shrinks, and keeping away from the killer becomes harder and harder. Whereas for survivors, the game gets harder and harder as the killer completes their objective. Less people to work on generators. Less people to open the exit gates. Once the killer gets down to two survivors, if one is in chase -- then that last chase has to last long enough to get that last gen done. (Whether it's at 0% or 99%) Then long enough to 99 the exit gates. Of course, most killers probably don't realize this, and start to panic as soon as 3 gens get done.

    It's a delicate balance, and one that's hard to maintain.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    It being strategy doesn't make it any less frustrating. Just like survivors bringing keys are a strategy, but still frustrating and a bigger problem than something with no real effect on the game. And keys can be SUPER frustrating.

    Just yesterday I had a Nancy teabag me on the way out of a game that looked to be a 0K. I had one person on their first hook, one person trying to get an RBT off, and one person 99ing the other exit gate. Nancy got her teabag in as I chased her out the exit gate. I then went back, found the person who 99'ed the exit gate, downed them, hooked them, found the person who JUST got their RBT off, right at the exit gate, trying to heal, and I hit them, ended up with a 3K because Nancy decided to wait at the exit gate and Teabag me instead of saving her teammate. Was it annoying? Definitely. But it had no negative effect on my ability to play the game. If anything, it gave me a 3K because she could've saved her teammate instead of teabagging me. So joke's on her. Her teammates were unfortunate to have her as a teammate.

  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    If Survivors can’t get Camping fixed, then ALL Killers need to actually shut up about SWF or survivors being “overpowered” Literally all the good perks of survivors have been nerfed, while killers have not, very few killer perks have been nerfed and the only nerfed killer is Nurse, like are you kidding me?! Doctor was fine before now he’s one of the most hated to go against

  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    All killers do is complain about how overpowered survivors are and only they are heard

  • petneato
    petneato Member Posts: 6

    There pretty much already is a hard penalty being that you really cant rankup. Also literally if you have a cmaping killer just gen rush and save at last second.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I'd say that's not giving the devs enough credit. They listen to both sides pretty equally. On the survivor side they nerfed Ruin, buffed Sabo, and they're always nerfing Pig (*makes sad oink noises*). Not that she needs any nerfs. On the killer side, they buffed Doctor and reworked some of the maps. They're also looking to fix the opening of the game to make it more fun for both sides. If Devs listened to only killers, DS, BT, Dead Hard, Unbreakable, and Adrenaline would be nerfed. And Ruin would've remained the same. A lot of killers relied on Ruin to slow the game down, and now they have to find other perks to rely on. (Personally I like PGTW)

  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    DS is already nerfed, adrenaline is barely ran unbreakable is not very often seen and not much a problem but that’s the problem that’s the only major perk that’s been nerfed a lot of reliable survivor perks aren’t really reliable as much anymore, where as killers if they play right can rely on their perks

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I think the difference is intent. Those depip squads were actively trying to make killer depip, tge killer isnt thinking about your pips hes worried about his kills and hoping your team is overly altruistic

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Or everyone can stop whining about how people play and let them do what they want to do. Also btw doc only got changed cuz survivors were complaining that his passive madness was too strong so they removed it for a more active version instead.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Agreed. Camping really does ruin the game. And not just for the person being camped. Its not good for anyone. All of the remaining survivors don't meet their objectives because the Killer isn't actually playing the game. And it's just not remotely fun. After the last player survey and Q&A, I have some hope that they are at least working on methods to make it less appealing. Here's hoping.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Pretty much. Many survivors seem to think killers are mind-readers who're out to ruin their individual trials, when the fact is, killers (generally) couldn't care less. Killers aren't trying to ruin your trials because they honestly just don't give a ######### about you. They give you no more thought than you would a bacterium in your drinking water. In short, it's not about you. Survivors need to get over themselves. The same goes for killers who think survivors repairing generators are out to ruin their trials.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Ds is the strongest its ever really been, adrenaline is in ery freakin game same with unbreakable. Most of the survivor perks are stupid reliable, like, its never a bad idea to take DS or unbreakable. These perks give major gamechanging events for 0 risk. Meanwhile killers have several perks that can br completly negated by survivor perks. Not to mention 16 survivor perks per trial compared to killers 4

    THEFREAK420 Member Posts: 138

    Ruin, enduring, huntress lullaby. Nerfed all because survivors cried like babies. Franklins demise is worthless now. They dont lose their items anymore.

    Legion nerfed, Ghostface nerfed, Oni nerfed, Demo's lunge nerfed, Nurse nerfed, Spirit nerfed. Deathslingers perks were destroyed before it went live. Because survivors cried. Im sure Ive left some out. Nice try. Theres nothing to "Fix" with camping, other than your dumb team. How many times do devs have to say it? Its valid. Face reality.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    No, ignorance doesnt matter on this case. Past rank 10 you must be aware that the survivor you are camping is gonna depip. As for the team being overly altruistic, well, you know after they tried for 10 seconds and you wont budge that they will go for the gens.

    And yet those people have the balls to complain about a genrush.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Well, he was weak, but his passive was too strong yeah. It was literally "be in my TR and your madness goes up". On smaller maps like Lery and The Game, you literally couldnt avoid being in his TR, so you were essentially constantly in t3 and couldnt fix gens or heal up. While snapping out of it only regressed to t2, meaning you essentially were perma t3.

    You need a vanilla counter against vanilla abilities. If you dont, you're ######### over a massive amount of players. It's why some perks got turned into hex perks in the first place.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Its not about ignorance, its about intent as I stated. You dont understand the difference between ignorance and intent dont you? I hope so cause one is murder 1 and the other is manslaughter.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Like I said, it doesnt matter to claim ignorance. Past rank 10 you must be aware that the survivor is gonna depip. If you got a gun, shot it at someone, knowing fully well that it would kill him, even though you didnt have the intent to kill him. It's still murder. You knew what was gonna happen when you did it, and still went through with it. Not even the excuse of "I was worried my gun might not work and perhaps his skin was able to block the bulled" is gonna help you there.

    Feigning ignorance because "I was worried on my kills and maybe the team might be overly altruistic" isnt an excuse. You're 100% aware the survivor you hook will depip.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Youre stuck on ignorance for some reason. What Im telling you is nobody is claiming ignorance. What were saying is the killer is not camping the person specifically to make them depip. Thats not the point/purpose. The point/purpose is to draw the other survivors in to make their objective easier. Nobody goes into a game saying "im going to make that person depip." They might say "im going to kill that person" but they dont care if you pip or not in those situations.

    Swf depip squad the intent specifically is to depip the killer (because they cant kill the killer so thats the next best thing).

    You can let the ignorance bit go now.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Im gonna go bubba facecamp because you complained about it here

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah with the difference in MM skill level lately I'd say camping and tunneling become more viable strategies especially when you can't down the first survivor till two gens have popped.

    Evenly matched game then no need to camp or tunnel, horrible one sided game well if you loop me for a minute and the difference in our level of experience is palpabal you won't get a second chance to do that. Viable strategy.

    As a new player the number of times I get boddy blocked and flashlighted by survivors at 2-3 gens left and this is my first down and hook, well yeah I'm not letting you off that hook and your exploitative buddies can watch you die with me.

    I appologise for nothing.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    "What were saying is the killer is not camping the person specifically to make them depip. Thats not the point/purpose. The point/purpose is to draw the other survivors in to make their objective easier. Nobody goes into a game saying "im going to make that person depip." They might say "im going to kill that person" but they dont care if you pip or not in those situations."

    Those are equal situations. "im gonna depip" and "I dont care if you depip" are literally the same in terms of this game. For a depip squad to depip a killer, they literally dont care about them depipping.

    Camping someone you know is gonna depip because all they could do was 1 pallet stun and a 30 second chase since the start of the match is intentionally depipping someone. You dont care about them depipping, which is literally the same as going into a game, constantly stunning the killer as much as possible while having people with prove thyself fix gens as fast as possible. Which is a "depip squad". They dont care about the killer depipping, they got dubbed depip squads because they depip killers. Because they dont care. They are not actively depipping killers, they just dont care about it.

    They are literally one and the same, and here you are trying to argue one is not because "its making their objective easier". Well, guess what? Stunning the killer over and over again literally makes the objective easier for people fixing the gens.

    That is why I said the claim of "im going to camp this person" is equal to "im going to depip this person". Claiming they are not the same is IGNORANCE, regardless if they care or not. Knowing someone is gonna depip because of your action and you not caring about that is intentionally depipping someone.

  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    Im just gonna say this real quick camping is poor game strategy and should not be rewarded as much as it is, a killer could get more then 5,000 bp for camping everyone and that is unfair, just sit and let other survivors do gens? Really? So you depip while they don’t, while everyone else gets to escape you have to suffer not getting the chance to do a thing, the half hour wait for that match and you just get to sit there on a hook and die and not gain anything from that, it ruins the games experience for the survivor not so much the killer, the killers still gain from camping while the survivor whose being face camped Gets nothing, say you’re new to the game and the first reaction you get is sitting on the hook with the killer in your face, that’s not fun in fact if my first match was a face camping killer and the pattern repeated itself multiple times than it should, then I would just delete the game because what’s the point of playing a game where you get to sit and do nothing, you can’t actually play the game that you paid for, honestly there was less camping 3 years ago I’ve played this game for that long and there’s been more campers than ever, honestly if camping should be allowed than just have an algorithm that sets up dcing survivors with face campers so survivors who actually wanna play the game can play with a killer who won’t ruin their experience

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    If youre going to respond to me why not tag me in it?

    Do you understand what the difference is between murder and manslaughter? Its intent. If you cant understand how intent changes an action, i dont really know what to tell you. And I dont know why you keep harping on ignorance, nobody is claimimg the killer is ignorant that the person on tge hook might depip, it just doesnt figure into the equation.