Dcing Survivours are a pox on this game

I am frankly sick of playing this game when every survivor player usually with ds and a flashlight dc the minute they mess up. I never encounter this problem in low ranks but in high ranks the number of anti mates is absurd. We need way harsher penalties for dcers. Just a temp ban if a player has left 3 games in a 24 hour period. I am pleading with behavior to put out another wave of bans so we can deal with these toxic players who are killing any enjoyment in this game.


  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    I think a few things may help with this:
    1. Put a time severe time limit on when they can search for lobbys again.
    2. If they DC on the hook, or in the killers arms, for a period of time all other survivor who were not SWF with DCer actions are boosted a % in speed. This is due to the fact that the way the game was intended to be played, survivors are supposed to get some reprieve while the killer handles a survivor. If they DC right away, there is no carry, no struggle - its a bonus to the killer and a penalty to all that players team mates. This doesn't necessarily discourage DCing, but at least it helps make the game a bit more enjoyable for those remaining.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    @MisterCremaster said:
    I think a few things may help with this:
    1. Put a time severe time limit on when they can search for lobbys again.
    2. If they DC on the hook, or in the killers arms, for a period of time all other survivor who were not SWF with DCer actions are boosted a % in speed. This is due to the fact that the way the game was intended to be played, survivors are supposed to get some reprieve while the killer handles a survivor. If they DC right away, there is no carry, no struggle - its a bonus to the killer and a penalty to all that players team mates. This doesn't necessarily discourage DCing, but at least it helps make the game a bit more enjoyable for those remaining.

    I really like the second idea. Then again you could just have the character remain in the killers arms and have him able to hook them. This means the killers get his points and survivors get the time lost by that player.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @MisterCremaster said:
    I think a few things may help with this:
    1. Put a time severe time limit on when they can search for lobbys again.
    2. If they DC on the hook, or in the killers arms, for a period of time all other survivor who were not SWF with DCer actions are boosted a % in speed. This is due to the fact that the way the game was intended to be played, survivors are supposed to get some reprieve while the killer handles a survivor. If they DC right away, there is no carry, no struggle - its a bonus to the killer and a penalty to all that players team mates. This doesn't necessarily discourage DCing, but at least it helps make the game a bit more enjoyable for those remaining.

    I dont think the game has the knowledge which survivors are SWF or not once they entered the game.

  • HookedonDemand
    HookedonDemand Member Posts: 181
    edited September 2018

    Every other match I played today, one person dc'ed, sometimes coupled with a hook suicide for no apparent reason. And then double purple add-on Myers annihilated the one team where it didn't happen lol.

    No Killer ever made me as mad as my so called teammates often do. :(

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    @Zarathos said:
    I really like the second idea. Then again you could just have the character remain in the killers arms and have him able to hook them. This means the killers get his points and survivors get the time lost by that player.

    If the survivor remains in the map after DCing, the killer will just put them down and take care of them last. I believe the killer gets a DC Bonus for DC survivors anyway, but it should IMO be the same as sacrificing.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    To solve your problem @Zarathos you'll need to rout the toxic players. The dc is a result of them not having a white ward. Honestly, what the devs really need to do is have survivors lose items on dc. That'll fix the problem right quick.

  • HookedonDemand
    HookedonDemand Member Posts: 181

    @Peasant said:
    To solve your problem @Zarathos you'll need to rout the toxic players. The dc is a result of them not having a white ward. Honestly, what the devs really need to do is have survivors lose items on dc. That'll fix the problem right quick.

    Yeah, but that doesn't help people with a genuine connection loss.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    edited September 2018

    @HookedonDemand said:

    @Peasant said:
    To solve your problem @Zarathos you'll need to rout the toxic players. The dc is a result of them not having a white ward. Honestly, what the devs really need to do is have survivors lose items on dc. That'll fix the problem right quick.

    Yeah, but that doesn't help people with a genuine connection loss.

    Just tell them to get over it and explain why they had to make the change. There's a reason we have the phrase "this is why we can't have nice things." Survivors used to die slower if the killer was nearby the hook, survivors abused it and the feature was removed. This feature is no different.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @Zarathos said:
    I am frankly sick of playing this game when every survivor player usually with ds and a flashlight dc the minute they mess up. I never encounter this problem in low ranks but in high ranks the number of anti mates is absurd. We need way harsher penalties for dcers. Just a temp ban if a player has left 3 games in a 24 hour period. I am pleading with behavior to put out another wave of bans so we can deal with these toxic players who are killing any enjoyment in this game.

    well im sick of this game when i dont bring DS even though i can hit it and i dont bring a flashlight when i can flashlight save. and we are killing your enjoyment? how about when killers that have all bloody clothing at rank 1 get angry because they cant one shot me with a chainsaw (Billy) and i chase them for 2 gens and they hook me and stand in front of me with thier chainsaw . good thing a person saved me and he tried to M1 me but hit the other person and eventually we all escaped through the exit gate. my point is is that is a 1/100 chance that i survive if the killer had suceeded i would of been dead due to me waiting to phase 2 (struggle) back to the point at high ranks killers expect survivors to be babys and not experienced and think they deserve the kill because of thier prestiege. if he wouldnt of camped he could of easily killed another survivor but no he didnt. dont say your annoyed by the game and we arent when most people arent SWF you just go unlucky try console most of us arent SWF

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    @Zarathos said:
    I am frankly sick of playing this game when every survivor player usually with ds and a flashlight dc the minute they mess up. I never encounter this problem in low ranks but in high ranks the number of anti mates is absurd. We need way harsher penalties for dcers. Just a temp ban if a player has left 3 games in a 24 hour period. I am pleading with behavior to put out another wave of bans so we can deal with these toxic players who are killing any enjoyment in this game.

    well im sick of this game when i dont bring DS even though i can hit it and i dont bring a flashlight when i can flashlight save. and we are killing your enjoyment? how about when killers that have all bloody clothing at rank 1 get angry because they cant one shot me with a chainsaw (Billy) and i chase them for 2 gens and they hook me and stand in front of me with thier chainsaw . good thing a person saved me and he tried to M1 me but hit the other person and eventually we all escaped through the exit gate. my point is is that is a 1/100 chance that i survive if the killer had suceeded i would of been dead due to me waiting to phase 2 (struggle) back to the point at high ranks killers expect survivors to be babys and not experienced and think they deserve the kill because of thier prestiege. if he wouldnt of camped he could of easily killed another survivor but no he didnt. dont say your annoyed by the game and we arent when most people arent SWF you just go unlucky try console most of us arent SWF

    What the hell are you saying read your post its completly incoherrent. There is no rhyme or reason to what your saying. I wasnt talking from the killers perspective btw. I mean from the survivours perspective. 
    Those three games, I was playing survivour who was down one teamate because for some reason. The minute a game looks hard or difficult people dc. Its frustrates me how you dont see the damage you do to your team when you dc and leave the rest of the team to cover dcing survivours slack. 

    Forget balance for a second and focus on the topic. If a killer is playing a nasty build you dcing makes the experience worse. Survivours need to learn to tough out rough games instead of pulling the cord like a bunch of five year old "babies" throwing a tantrum. 
  • Grimzy
    Grimzy Member Posts: 219

    Ooooor make it similar to F13:

    Players that DC get 'salt'. the more salt they get the lower their priority to find a match in a queue. Let it decay over time.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Grimzy said:

    Ooooor make it similar to F13:

    Players that DC get 'salt'. the more salt they get the lower their priority to find a match in a queue. Let it decay over time.

    That would be fitting for dbd 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @MisterCremaster said:

    @Zarathos said:
    I really like the second idea. Then again you could just have the character remain in the killers arms and have him able to hook them. This means the killers get his points and survivors get the time lost by that player.

    If the survivor remains in the map after DCing, the killer will just put them down and take care of them last. I believe the killer gets a DC Bonus for DC survivors anyway, but it should IMO be the same as sacrificing.

    The killer gets 2,5k BP if all survivors ragequit. Thats not even worth a single common addon and he loses all his stuff

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    edited September 2018
    Yeah the dc is bad especially with swf groups. I've joined some and have listen to them confirm with each other to dc just to ensure the killer's game suffers. Sad enough these were not whinny kids but overly entitled adults. Hopefully the new ban rules will rid us of these good time parasites. 
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    @Grimzy said:
    Ooooor make it similar to F13:

    Players that DC get 'salt'. the more salt they get the lower their priority to find a match in a queue. Let it decay over time.

    The “salt mines” on F13 were just a cover up because the devs were implementing dedicated servers on consoles. I doubt it was even a real thing, the devs on F13 are extremely incompetent to do anything right.

    This is coming from somebody who has played that game since the launch date :/

  • Toecutter
    Toecutter Member Posts: 56

    You are correct even if i`m playing as a survivor i report these disconnecting ######### as they ruin the game for the rest of the team. They always DC when they are hooked or caught it is obvious and are usually ######### at the game