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Killer Choice on PTB

I have for the first time used PTB, to see new survivor, map and Killer etc etc...

on the odd occasion i have NOT faced Pyramid Head, and encountered a Huntress, and others..

I personally DONT have a problem with seeing Killers already released on PTB..

So, after a few Survivor matches i thought i would take GhostFace into a match..

To see if i would get the new level with him and see how i did on it.

MAtch went fine, all ok. no problems..

I did this a couple of times, (not on new level, got other maps) then went back to Survivor, and all was fine..

Earlier i took GF back in and had two DC's as soon as i got a first hit on them..

At the end the chat lit up.. saying i shouldnt have took GF into the match.. and that they DC'd because it wasnt pyramid head..

I HONESTLY thought the two red ranks were sour because i took them out, (im only rank 18 on PC as i dont play killer much) but they said they only wanted Pyramid head.. so i said if thats what they really want. to play as him themselves...

WHO was i n the wrong here? Was i wrong to take a killer already released to a match on PTB??

Are their specific rules saying NOT to take other killers in??

I recorded the match .. not that ill use it in a clip though..

But i want to know was i REALLY wrong to take a GF in a PTB match?

Its not something i do really.. as its my first time on PTB.. and ive only been playing the PC version under 2 months..

Im normally on Nintendo Switch.. but the difference in EVERYTHING on PC version makes it better..

We dont have the chat on Switch' either.. so not something ive had before..


  • MrJack20252
    MrJack20252 Member Posts: 390

    you did nothing wrong, everyone can play what he wants, if they want to face only PH is not your problem. you could have choose GF even only to try the new perks on him, or try the new survivor perk against him

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,707

    There was no one in the wrong here. DC penalty’s are not implemented in the PTB for a reason, so they can disconnect.

    if they were rude by telling you to not play GF that would be a different matter, but then again everyone is allowed to give their opinion and as long as they didn’t insult you/broke any rules, just ignore them..

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Well, yes. But unless a mechanic is changed there's no real bug to be found.

    It was on the dedicated servers ptb. Which happened right before the stranger things ptb. So there were no killers to be tested, just the servers.

    It absolutely won't hurt. But people usually want to try the new stuff. So DC's are gonna happen. 🤷‍♂️

    Still no reason to be an ######### on the post-game chat.

  • GhostFaceTJW
    GhostFaceTJW Member Posts: 25

    I thank you all for replies.... It put a sour taste in my mouth tonight... To be told who to play and what NOT to do was degrading . Especially when new to the pc format... I see a point with regards to the new stuff on ptb. And that's what players hope for .... But as said.. I hoped to see how I performed on the new map. . and I got my answer. . not all matches will ever be the same each time. But I got to try GF out on the new map at least. Just the second time I took him in I got this bunch....

    One last thing... How long is the ptb usable?

    As I'm not sure as to leave it until the finish.. or go back to normal live build 3.7.2 ...

  • dollidahlia
    dollidahlia Member Posts: 343

    Why play GF on PTB when its used to try brand nee things?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    The DC penalty is non-existent on the PTB for a reason.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,707

    Try GF on new map, as OP has stated.

    and try GF (or any other killer for that matter) with the new Killer Perks or against the new survivor Perks.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Because some people like to test there main killers on the new level w new perks possibly too?

  • GhostFaceTJW
    GhostFaceTJW Member Posts: 25

    To try him on the new map...

    And see what worked, and didnt work, or report bugs etc... as others have said here too...

    A 'Public Test Build' is for us normal players to try and use the new killer/survivor and for testing other things isnt it!

    Granted, many WILL be expecting PH as Killer, or even Cheryl to be in many games.. but not all matches are all cheryl x 4..

    We had a Rank 1 Huntress the other day at Coldwind farm, seemed like a normal match on that one, but i wasnt mad about it.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303
  • dollidahlia
    dollidahlia Member Posts: 343

    First of all there isn't every Cheryl because you can still get her perks and use it on different survivors. A new survivor is just a skin. But how is anyone suppose to critique the new killer if they are going against a ghostface? And if you wanted to try the new map with ghostface you could have just went into a KYF. Granted it is your choice to pick any killer other than PH but it's kinda seen like a dick move

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    You didn't do anything wrong

    But you can't really blame people wanting to go against Pyramid Head

    Especially when the biggest focus of the PTB is the Silent Hill content

    It does however make sense to use other killers in the case of new character specific bugs occuring

    Just a shame people choose to DC over it

    Although I feel like I probably would too

    If I cared enough to bother with the PTBs anyway

  • undeadcookie
    undeadcookie Member Posts: 198

    Brand new things like a new map that all Killers can be played as on?

  • undeadcookie
    undeadcookie Member Posts: 198

    You say this like things don't break frequently in this game lol. Clown is actually bugged atm. When reloading his bottles with the VHS Porn addon, he basically gets a NOED speed boost for some reason.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Clown got changed in the ptb build. Specifically involving his speed with the bottles.

    Wanna try a bug involving a killer that didn't get changed in this patch?

  • undeadcookie
    undeadcookie Member Posts: 198

    The only change Clown received was to his speed when throwing his bottles, not when reloading them. Neither his movement speed while reloading nor the VHS Porn add-on were touched in this patch.

    Huntress also no longer has decreased movement speed when winding up her hatchets. Nurse can also Blink outside of the new map.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    And do you know if changing the code for his throw speed affects his speed on other parts of the codes that involve him?

    Didn't know about huntress. Glad someone got it before it went live. She might share some code with clown so they both got issues together.

    Nurse is always weird :p

  • undeadcookie
    undeadcookie Member Posts: 198

    It likely does, but there's always a chance that that isn't the case and there's instead another factor causing that to happen, which is why we play as much of the PTB as we can/actually want to and report bugs accordingly.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    PTB was usually 2 weeks, but it seems since Chains of Hate they're adding an extra week into the PTB testing cycle, along with the fact Mathieu said it would be releasing around 3 weeks from the day it went live on the 4th Anniversary livestream, so it should be releasing possibly on June 16th.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The PTB is typically open for one week. After it closes, they spend 1-2 weeks making changes and fixing bugs and such before the patch goes live. So the PTB should close on 2 June, but the patch won't come out for another two weeks after that.

  • GhostFaceTJW
    GhostFaceTJW Member Posts: 25

    Thankyou very much... I may just revert to the LIVE 'Normal version' then... Save the bother of more chat box moans..

    Thanks again.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,276

    There might not be a new mechanic, but there IS a new map and new perks that need to be tested on various killers. Many maps will offer unique glitches with different killers. Nurse for example is notorious for having huge deadzones where she just cant teleport for no reason at all. Oni's update brought us Nemesis, which showed a glaring problem when comboed with Legion. These are issues that NEED to be tested on PTB so they can see fixes and tweeks before they hit live.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    You know people could simply want to try how perks work right. Trying it in a kill your friends setting is not the same as trying it in an actual game if I wanted to test how the new perks work on Pig. How is that any less valid in fact funnily enough I've seen people play the ptb while playing their main survivor ( not the new one) and not even trying the new perks so how is that perfectly ok but me using a different killer to test the perks or the map isn't

  • BreadTheThief
    BreadTheThief Member Posts: 14

    Play what you want. It's a test build. I'd personally suggest you should play to test things, but that's not on you to do. Even against standard killers with live-version perks and nothing new, I'm playing Cheryl with her perks, so information and data are gained on both sides. In your case, I would learn how effective my perks are vs. Ghostface; you would learn what my perks could do playing against me.

    The only match I've had where that wasn't really the case was a Myers running around with an Ebony Mori trolling people by tunneling off the hook into the mori. Match lasted 4 minutes and not really anything was gained on either side (killer openly acknowledged they were trolling).

    But it was 4 minutes. Survivor queues are instant. Shrug and move on.

    Also, test build shouldn't last much longer. Personally would like another week, but we'll see.

  • GhostFaceTJW
    GhostFaceTJW Member Posts: 25

    Looks like it has been taken offline... Wondered why we had a Spirit killer earlier.. someone else moaned at killer at the end chat box, but no response... then i realised.. the PUBLIC TEST BUILD Graphic had gone!!

    So i assume it is now offline... the other player was under the impression it was still in use too..

  • dollidahlia
    dollidahlia Member Posts: 343

    Even if it was the new survivor it doesn't affect you Because its JUST A SKIN. PH is a whole new character they are trying to critique. We are trying to see if PH needs a buff or nerf, im just saying if you play anything other than PH or clown expect DC's and have fun when you waited 20+ minutes for a lobby. This is coming from a killer main btw

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    PTB is to find bugs. While bugs are more likely to occur with the new killer, it's actually not bad to see what happens with other killers before the patch goes out.

    When the PTB first released I got a match with a clown. I didn't mind, but my fellow survivors did. Two asked why he was playing Clown, and the killer & I both explained he'd gotten a small update. They threw a tantrum saying "Yeah but it's not a big deal!" and worse things. However, code is weird, a small change could break something else easy. People need to play Clown a bit.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    People were able to find a bug with huntress that she was no longer slow down winding a hatchet this was an unintended side effect of the clown buff now can you imagine if everybody immediately disconnected against a Hunters this would go completely unchecked until it hit live.

    When cursed Legacy was released the Perk nemesis was extremely broken on Legion because of how deep wounds worked back then. Can you imagine if everybody disconnected against the Legion who was trying out the new perks instead of facing them again this would have hit live and it would have taken a lot longer to fix.

    You seem to act like just because their survivors are skins testing them is not important I'd like you to remember all the ptb Kate Denson. Whose hook screams injured noises and voice in general was extremely irritating and uncomfortable to listen to for both survivors and Killers can you imagine if nobody tested that and that hit live

    The ptb is a place to test out how will features not only interact with the game but interact with previous features.

    This includes

    Testing old killers on new maps

    New perks on all The Killers

    Changed perks on all The Killers

    Testing any Killers that received changes

    Testing any survivor perks that received changes

    New killer

    The new survivor perks

    The new survivor themselves

    How old survivor perks interact with the new Killer and mechanics

    How old killer perks interact with the new Killer and the Mechanics

    How old and new perks interact with each other.

    If the ptb was exclusively only for the new chapter or the new changes you wouldn't have access to anything else.

    Advising people not to experiment and test things out can actively be harmful to the game because it allows bugs and unintended features to slip by

  • GhostFaceTJW
    GhostFaceTJW Member Posts: 25

    We'll someone must have had a moan somewhere.. as I've not got the ptb as an option anymore ...

    At the end of the day.. I did nothing drastically wrong.. GhostFace worked fine on the new map..

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,276

    The PTB is not just to test Pyramid head, its to test EVERYTHING new. Running Pyramid head every match doesnt do that. It would be a real shame if because we only ever went against Pyramid head, that we completely overlook huge errors that has to do with using the new perks on old killers (playing Legion on the Oni's PTB showed the problem with nemesis on Legion) or using old killers on the new map (pretty much nurse on EVERY new map, lol. Theres always deadzones that she just cant blink through).

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,276

    PTB only lasts so long before its taken down. Has nothing to do with you, thats just a scheduled window that its available.

  • dollidahlia
    dollidahlia Member Posts: 343

    First of all you can stop taking words out of my mouth, thank you very much. I said its fine you can test other things but expect DCs because people want to go against PH and clown. Its just facts, if i wanted to go against a ghost face i would have done it in the live servers. Im not waiting 20 minutes just to play against a ghost face when i can just go on live and get a 5 minute queue

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,691

    They wanted to play against PH so bad that they stuck around for the rest of the match to harass you in chat @_@

    Amazing excuse.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    As long as you are using at least one of the new perks, I don’t see a problem. However, I also wouldn’t blame a survivor for DCing especially if they’ve faced a different killer once already. There are some people who will use a different killer and with the same old perk builds...these killers i consider trolls who are wasting everyone’s time.

  • TrappinMan
    TrappinMan Member Posts: 66

    You're definitely not in the wrong, and Ghostface is actually a good killer to test. He moves differently from other killers with his crouch and lean, so that needs to be tested on the new map, and it's a possibility that Pyramid Head's undetectable perk might interact badly with Ghostface's stealth, either breaking it when it drops, or making it unbreakable.

  • Gomolazoli
    Gomolazoli Member Posts: 336

    I understand you wanted to try GF on the new map but 4 other players wanted to play and learn against PH. Honestly I’d DC too. Logging into the PTB just to play against an everyday GF on a farm map would be dissapointing. Playing against old killers in the new maps are a different story though. But it’s just unlikelly to happen without an offering.

  • GhostFaceTJW
    GhostFaceTJW Member Posts: 25
    edited June 2020

    The aim was to simply try GhostFace on the new map... i did.. i then stuck with him to see if i could get another match on it, yet i ended up at Coldwind Farm.... In the second day of the PTB i was playing survivor and encountered a Rank 1 Huntress, who did nothing but slug us and let us wiggle off and heal, before either hooking us or slugging again!! Now THAT.. i COULD see people Dc'ing and hanging around to give abuse on chat... but i innocently wanted the new map a second time and didnt get it... but i didnt mess about... I record ALL my matches, and that huntress was out of line, but i didnt stick around to moan... i just carried on, and went into another survivor match.. which ended up being against PH if i remember right....


    While there have been various answers and even people digging at each other i will use the next PTB with the mindset of ONLY using the new content... Its just easier.... Thanks all who advised. Im new as hell to the PC version, and started on Switch late last year a week or so after it released... So, with the PC/Steam game, i was not fully up to speed etc, especially as its the first PTB i EVER had access to.

    I have learned a lesson through all this.. (Turn off chat at the end) On Switch we dont have it at all..

  • Downcamped_Claudette
    Downcamped_Claudette Member Posts: 27

    I think for me it would depend on how much I already played the PTB. If my very first few matches (directly after the Devstream) would not be against PH I would have probably DC'd too... But later on, I don't mind facing other Killers, to see how they play out on the new map and with the new Perks etc... But all that aside... No, you didn't do anything wrong. Never let someone else tell you how to play. Doesn't matter if PTB or not, in the end of the day it's just your decision on how you want to spend your time ingame.

    (Sorry for my bad english, I really tried)

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    You didn’t do anything Wrong, but as others have said people are on the PTB to see the new killer or maybe try a killer who’s been patched in some way. Of course you can try any killer you want, especially if you have a build idea for one of the new perks.

    However since the wait time for killer is usually horrendous on PTB and I know people DC a lot of it isn’t the new killer I won’t waste my own time queue if I’m not playing as Pyramid head

  • TrappinMan
    TrappinMan Member Posts: 66

    The problem is that it's the beta for the new patch, not new content showcase. So playing as old killers is necessary to test the new perks with them, especially if the perk can give them something they already have in their kit like undetectable or oblivious. Also they need to watch for bugs on maps, like how Deathslinger couldn't go into the gas Heaven basement, or Oni couldn't go into the Myers house basement, or the sinking tile on gas heaven. Then you still need to test to make sure things that shouldn't have changed haven't broken, like the huntress hatchet bug from the mid chapter update, or the spasmodic breath bug.

    And then you still need to test the new map with old characters to make sure they work. That means droppable abilities ( Traps, Snares, Pallets) not going into the floor where they either don't work, or are uncounterable, alternate movements( crouching, teleports, charges, the upside down) to make sure they work right and don't wind up getting you stuck in objects, projectiles to make sure there isn't some wonky geometry that stops things it shouldn't, as well as different sized killers to make sure they can move everywhere, and things like Lithe and BL to make sure they trigger off everything they should. There's a ton of work to be done, and their in house qa can only do so much, which is why they have public beta, so that a much larger amount of testing happens, plus putting people who don't think like qa in charge of testing, so they wind up doing things no one ever thought someone would do.

  • GhostFaceTJW
    GhostFaceTJW Member Posts: 25

    I remember the bug that existed at Lery's Institute/Treatment Theatre too. Just after its remodel... where certain windows were not able to let characters through.. I always remember seeing a clip of Ash and the Pig both failing at getting through the window in the wood panelling office part...