Idea For A New Killer Perk

So basically my idea was a perk that activates whenever a killer breaks a pallete, and gives the killer a temporary speed boost, I also think it should have a cooldown of... Maybe 15 seconds at it's highest level..
Tell me what you think ;)


  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457
    That would be nice, this should come with a chapter where a killer is obsessed with breaking things. Maybe have anger issues. The devs did say the perks are related to the killer in someway.

    Anywho lol, I think it should have the same effect as a survivor exhaustion perk but unlike a survivor the killer meters goes down as they walk off 

    I think the cool down should work like this 

    tier one 60 secs
    tier two 50 secs 
    tier three 60 secs 

    you should put this in balance feed back/ fan creations. Ask a mod to move it for you instead of creating a new one.

  • ScaryxTerri
    ScaryxTerri Member Posts: 4

    I recently created 3 killer perks for a chapter concept, and 3 survivor perks. But here's the killer perks. :)

    Despair: Survivors while in your terror radius suffer from -20% repair, exit gate opening and healing speed. Survivors opening exit gates will be highlighted by a notification.

    Entity's Scorn: Being stunned by a pallet or a survivor increases your overall lunge by 0.2% with each token. A maximum of 5 tokens can be earned, 2 tokens are lost when injury is dealt to the obsession.

    Abomination: When not in a chase your speed is increased by 15%, when finding a survivor your speed is reduced to normal.