Great job DBD you've outdone yourselves with MM



  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101
    edited May 2020

    This is the new player experience --- not good. This guy was a rank 18 trapper with 1 perk --- versus 2 red ranks and 2 purple ranks.

    I hope with the next update MM is fixed.

    Edited: to remove the GT in 1st pic.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,523

    Apart from these people telling him this isn't a problem, suck it up.

    Mdawgu - "Why dont they instead look at themselves and how they played"

    Lycidas - "complaining about it when you get a somewhat fair match is just stupid."

    Taiga - "you really can’t complain about this."

    Doodle28 - "the matchmaking worked exactly as planned."

    Killerpunch- "Ppl like this just want ez games n no challenge"

    Dreamsmasher23 - "And honestly playing against ppl ranked higher than u will make u get better."

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458 about poor self esteem. The whole chat is "I suck" and "I should have uninstalled the game." Maybe that person should just focus on improving at the game rather than looking for pity and crying about how poorly the match went.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    Never said the MM is not broken, it is absolutely broken, and the devs are working on it.

    I only said that even if it WAS working, a game like the one that the OP found would have been fine, so there is really no point in complaining in THEIR SPECIFIC case.

    Again, the MM was supposed to pick players in a range of 6 ranks between survivors and killers, and in this specific match this seems to be the case (keep in mind that the rank 1 survivor could have started the match as a rank 2, as the killer could have started it as a rank 7)

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101
    edited May 2020

    I messaged him/her first.... why? because the rank disparity I'm getting in many of my games makes me feel bad for new killers. When you constantly get games like this I'm sure newer players prolly they think are complete garbage. It wasn't about a pity party ---

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I would say I must have overestimated the DBD community again, but to be fair to the people you're quoting, most if not all of those quotes are taken wildly out of context, where "bad matchmaking isn't a problem so suck it up" was not actually the point being made.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Maybe the thing you should be saying is. *Wow... This game really is unfriendly to new players, if killers who pick it up this way feel like this maybe I should try being a bit better of a person and focus on making it more enjoyable for everyone involved" Nice empathatic responce tho

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    It's a game! My God. If that's how someone feels after having a bad game (or even a series of them), how do they deal with real problems in life? Cant get a significant other? I guess I'm garbage. Not in a fulfilling job? I'm trash. My point is, who cares if you arent good at a game? It doesnt matter. When I get salty messages from other players saying "gg ez" or "baby killer" I laugh and think "wow, you are better than me at a game. Have fun in your parent's basement."

  • jjwild909
    jjwild909 Member Posts: 10

    The thing you have to understand about Dbd is that it’s not created to be a competitive game, it’s a leisure game to be enjoyed at your convenience so ranks kinda don’t matter. They honestly just serve to show how long a persons played the game and their skill level. The only way to fix matchmaking would be to lock you into a certain block in reference to your ranks where you don’t face killers or survivors one color rank above or below you which would mean queue times that could reach hours. Unfortunately I doubt something like that will happen.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    😬 I feel bad for these kids. I think the green suicided cause he knew

  • thai_libra
    thai_libra Member Posts: 35

    Thanks so much for understanding man, really appreciate it.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    You are off your rocker tbh. the new mechanic to match people is not in effect yet. it has only been announced. so this post is irrelevant.

  • adalesmo
    adalesmo Member Posts: 164

    purple rank is literally 1 tier below red rank, though? that's nothing. matchmaking is generally not by number, but color.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    This chat makes me sad. People just want to play games for fun and escape life for a bit and then you have buttheads that ruin the experience for them. I wish I had super powers, one of the would be for the ability to telekinetically smack someone from anywhere in the world. I'd smack all these toxic people over and over.

  • Quanathan_Chi
    Quanathan_Chi Member Posts: 2

    Happens to me all the time. I'm rank 10 but I'm kinda stuck where I'm at because I keep getting a black pip against red rank swf. It's hard to improve when you're getting stomped all the time. Especially since killers are so reliant on their perks.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    To be fair, OP, you were Legion.

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    Sadly enough to say, it's been like this for months (from my experience longer...) And from what the Devs showed in their stream (future plans) it's not changing any time soon... Maybe it will and I'm wrong, but it's been this long since we've seen the matchmaking really be set up correctly and I think a good part of that is that many people left the game for a while. Myself included (trust me, it feels good) this game just isn't fun, it's not a horror game (I honestly wish I could know who said that because this game is ANYTHING but scary... Maybe it's scary like Overwatch in making people break their keyboards because people sweat this game like it was nationals or something.) This game used to be fun and now it's just a mess with some salt on top, those who were red rank before were really good players, now it's just people who run the same build on every survivor/killer as their favorite streamer and then talk ######### on the opposite side (win or lose) because they feel it's necessary to try and piss off someone rather than just shrug their shoulders and remember to have fun.

    What kills a games aspect like that? Well honestly in my opinion it's the whole aspect of PVP, I don't know personally why but even since the days of old (talking about Quake multiplayer days) it's just been people trying to be better than someone else and then rubbing it in. Granted there will always be someone else better and someone else worse than most of us... The world is too heavily focused on YOU as a person having to be better than someone else because of the behaviors we gather from each other. Sure, pve is boring after a while and I understand that... But I'll be damned if someone is going to try and tell me the game is not enjoyable because I suck or something, it's unenjoyable because people make it that way. There is no room to even learn because we're so focused on trying to outplay the other side in every single way and then rubbing salt into the wound. Matchmaking definitely doesn't help because I've been stomped by red rank survivors after months of taking a break about two years ago and the first message I got from them was; "GG EZ, you suck ass as this game lol how'd you like them tbags?" <----######### like this is why no one has fun. Maybe some of us like to play casually and just have fun?

    Anywho, now that I've shared my 2 cents on the matter... Yeah, matchmaking... It's broken and has been for a long time, I'm doubtful they will fix it and even if they do it'll probably be like all these other "fixes" where they are just bandaid patches

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    This pretty much seems to be the norm for me lately - at least on XBOX And the general feeling I get from these newer people is that they barely want to keep playing. I message every low ranked killer saying good job vs us red ranks and to hang in there MM is broke. Games where the rank range is huge always makes me feel crummy.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    My games today have been looking like this, not once I had reds and only a few purples. I like to believe these matches were part of testing the new MMR system. That would give me hope new system could actually turn out fine.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I've had matches with ranks 2, 3, 3 and 5 as a rank 16 killer. and as a rank 16 survivor i've been put in lobbies with all red ranks recently. last I heard from a dev last week is that the match making takes the average of a swf or lobby and pulls a killer from there. could be anything =/- 6 of either end

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    This has been my usual experience. Like a lot of lobbies like this and the mix of purples and reds for the short time I've played this game. I played surv only for few days because I got sick of these lobbies. Today has been exceptionally good day with MM. Which makes me hope that I've been testing the new MMR system as said in this thread:

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I dusted off my Plague last night since I never play with her and got sent to Lampkin Lane. I got my butt handed to me by a swf. I couldn't down anyone and gens went down to 2 left. I ended up facing a corner in the basement until they left. It wasn't enough for them, they wanted to rub it in my face and stayed until the egc timer was almost up. Then they just laughed in the chat.

    I wanted to take out my rage upon the next group of Survivors and equipped Freddy. I was ready to tunnel, proxy camp and just be a jerk. But as the match went on, I couldn't bring myself to do it. They were just average players that were obviously playing to have fun and were barely able to do one gen even though all of them have gotten hooked. I felt bad and just scared them off here and there until I finally decided to spare a cute little Meg. I let the all farm with me and had a good time.

    Nearly Killed them all because I forgot I had Blood Warden and I wanted to at least hook them all one more time for points before they left. Luckily, I remembered just in time.