Keys and Moris don’t need nerfs, there purple and pink for a reason!

It’s not like you go against a mori and key everyday. There overpowered for a reason, there supposed to make you lose. If the Devs nerf those things it will be disappointing. THERE SUPPOSED TO HELP YOU WIN.


  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Except they're not used to "Help You Win."

    Moris are used as "he he heee lol look what I can do he he he hee." Camp and tunnel after hook is a guaranteed with an Ebony Mori.

    Keys you have to do gens in order for the hatch to even spawn.

    Keys need a change to the hatch mechanic.

    1. Remove the hatch opening mechanism from Purple and Pink keys, increase their timer.
    2. Make addons to open hatch, not everyone uses keys to open hatch, I use Blood Amber and Prayer Beads.


  • aGoodOldRub
    aGoodOldRub Member Posts: 267

    Keys just let you win the game when you lost the game and gonna die soon.

    Moris even worst but atleast you know it is gonna happen instead trying your best then boom ez 2 man escape instead 4 kill.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184

    Maybe people do use moris like that, but people just get salty and make it hard on themselves, if people didn’t get so salty moris would go back to the definition, “help you win.” And the whole point of the word key is to open something. Honestly I think keys are fine even as killer, but if devs do decide to nerf then make it where keys open exit gates straight away when all gens are done, I really hope keys and moris don’t get nerfed though.

  • McLightning
    McLightning Member Posts: 949

    I'm kind of with you here, to be honest. I don't really get bothered by keys or mori's when I go up against them. I don't really use mori's because I would rather get the sacrifice points, but I mean, I think what really needs to be nerfed is people overly serious attitudes towards DBD. It's literally a casual party game and yet people take it in such high regard of offense when they lose a game. It's crazy.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581
    edited May 2020

    I can agree with what you are saying for the most part. Sometimes I barely have enough common items to run the character I want,let alone pinks and purple's,lol. That's especially since I didn't have any of the DLC chapters until the past few months. I just bought the last two I needed yesterday. No way I could possibly grind enough to have tons of items on all the characters.

    However,I've never used a key. Not one single time. Even when someone dropped one or something and I probably had a chance to use it. I'm not great at finding the hatch. Even when it's open, sometimes it's hid in a diabolical place. Yesterday I thought someone was trying to waste my time because they didn't seem to be leaving. Was at least 15 mins he was the last man standing. Turns out he just couldn't find the hatch either. Was at the very very corner of the swamp with nothing near it.

    Mori's I usually don't use either. I find myself using them out of frustration. Like, I was a low rank,tired of going against people 10+ ranks above me that were way better. But I felt like it wasn't fair to take it out on the next group. That's if I even could hook them in the first place,lol. Now I'm getting a lot better and things are starting to even out. Made it to red as survivor for the first time ever yesterday. And purple killer for the first time as well.

  • toxik_survivor
    toxik_survivor Member Posts: 1,184

    I forgot what it was called but a perk on bill makes it we’re you can see the hatch within a certain range.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,064

    Something being rare (or supposed to be rare, since Ebony Moris are not rare at all) does not make it balanced.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    Yeah, I'm sure I totally couldnt just mori people for a month straight if i wanted to

    that would definitely be impossible, because its so rare.

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    I completily agree with OP, i myself see them as handicap tools and i think they work just as intended. Now yes is possible to use them as toxic tool also but that can be said with a lot of things in this game.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    In higher ranks I tend to see moris used as a tool for pressure or cool factor rather than "######### you I'm camping and tunneling your ass." I've had two games with a mori recently:

    Legion on Dead Dawg. Legitimately forgot about the mori by the time they started using it, it was indeed an ebony, only used it on two people and we three genned ourselves so hard there was no hope for the game by the time the moris came out.

    Deathslinger on Sanctum of Wrath. Forgot about the Mori again since it wasn't showing any use. Used it as EGC started for the first time, only killed one person with it in a 2k game for him, was indeed an ebony.

    I'm not saying everyone uses them like this, I've definitely seen games with ######### about it (I can't remember the context but I remember a Huntress game a while back very clearly with distaste for how they played) but yeah. I personally don't see enough scummy play to mind them when they do come out.

  • NotDBD
    NotDBD Member Posts: 182

    Granted they are purple and pink, keys are pretty common to find during the match, especially if you have plunderer's.

    They are also really strong in the fact that they pretty much negate the killer's performance to allow remaining survivors to escape.

    Mori's on the other hand aren't too uncommon either in the bloodweb. Any game with a mori usually makes it more unfun for the survivors, and also punishes the killer via the emblem system so they probably won't pip anyway.

    Either way when you look at it, I think keys and mori's both take away from the match experience, and should probably be less common.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I would agree. My only issue is that I did a test between keys/moris the other day and moris came up more in my bloodweb as Killer than keys and their key-saving addons on my survivor, for the same amount of BP spent. Both should be ultra rare like their color suggests. I wouldn't mind purple keys being changed to only let out 1 person and iri keys be the ultra rare ones that let out everyone, if the rarity was true on both sides. I see moris used a hell of a lot more than keys.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    It's like saying "we don't need to ban aimbot cheaters, not many people use these cheats".

    Idc how rare something. If it's busted it needs to go.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    At thrme very least keys shouldnt be found in chests. Its not like I can go in a match and find a mori

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Keys shouldn't be found in chests. Everything else about how these things work is fine.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I mean you would be right if you were right but you're not so you're not

    Just cause the game says it's rare doesn't mean it's actually rare, you are guaranteed 1 pink item in every level 50 and above bloodweb

    With most killers having only 2 pink addons that means that about 1/3 bloodwebs you can have a mori, extra fun with billy as he doesn't have any pink addons so he gets a mori every bloodweb

    And i don't know what's up with keys but i get them constantly in chests

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Rarity shouldn't be an excuse to let overpowered things remain overpowered.

  • Ludox235
    Ludox235 Member Posts: 19

    Alright then, time to just add a nuke that instantly wins the game for you, gives you 2 pips and make survivors lose 1 pip each, it's gonna be a 1/1000 game kinda deal. Since it's rare, it's balanced, right?

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Just equip a ebony and tunnel to overcompensate your lack of skill. Soo much fun. Devs need to stop this bullshit.

  • TheAngryPickle
    TheAngryPickle Member Posts: 73

    The amount of ebonies in my bloodwebs and the amount of pink/purple keys I find in CHESTS would suggest otherwise. Delete them both.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Maybe not them, but maybe now I should do it just to show that I can. I've got dozens of them.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    "It’s not like you go against a mori and key everyday."

    I go against both of them multiple times per day. Their rarities are a joke and are definitely not "ultra rare" at all.

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    This is clearly a bait, but on the off chance it isn't here goes:

    Rarity of the thing in question does not make the abusable functions it has fine. Just because Iri Hatchets are Pink, doesn't mean they are fine the way they are. Thus, moris will either be altered r removed, and the Hatch mechanic will need altering too - most likely reduce the spawn criteria. Your argument is completely void. End of topic

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    I would like to see keys, moris and iri heads gone from the game.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I run plunderers instinct and get pink keys/maps every 2 or 3 games. Even found one once AFTER the killer closed the hatch 😂

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Wrong. You don't have to do ANY gen to use your key, since the hatch will spawn always now! Take your key, Left Behind and hide the whole game, there you can use it. If you want to abuse the key for granting multiple people an escape, yes then you have to work for it (a bit).

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah they are fine leave em as is. Survivors escaped on you early who cares queue again. You got mori'ed off first hook who cares queue again. Its a game.

  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    Is there a such thing as a wrong opinion? Is this it?

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    So, in posting that, you're proving exactly why they don't need nerfs. Most people who play a lot of killer have HOARDS of mori's. How do you get HOARDS of them...if you use them?

    The truth is, they aren't that commonly used.

  • RavCav_
    RavCav_ Member Posts: 59

    I think Bhvr should just create a ranked mode with no moris and nerfed pink and purple addons, and have a normal game mode where everything is the same as it is now minus the ranks.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,370

    Have you tried playing as survivor atm? It takes at least 5 minutes to find a match and that's on a good day.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The solution, therefore, doesn't involve giving killers more reasons for quitting. For example, by nerfing one of the few truly powerful things killers have.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    You have that little? I have about 40 on pretty much every killer right now. Remind me later and I can send pictures of it.

    Just because something is ultra rare or very rare doesn't mean it's fair. Is this why they nerfed brand new part? Or prayer beads? Or both instaheals? As killer your guaranteed an ultra rare in everyone of the later bloodwebs. Killers like Bubba who don't have any ultra rare add-ons will get more ebony moris. This is why my Bubba has 66 at the minute.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,370

    Well seeing as all of the "few truly powerful" add-ons that survivors had were all reasonably nerfed because they tipped the balance too far into the favour of the survivors, surely the same should be done to moris along with keys. It's all very well and good having strong items in a game but keeping a game fun for everyone should be the devs' main priority. Currently, moris and keys are both extremely unfun to play against due to the fact that they allow one side to circumvent the majority of their objective, giving them wins that they may not have otherwise deserved with little to no viable counterplay for either side.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I only have an issue with keys spawning in chests. Other than that, as a survivor main, I'm perfectly fine with both those things. Moris have awesome and brutal animations, for the most part, and make playing survivor actually tense by reducing the margin for error.

  • Theetis
    Theetis Member Posts: 153

    As if something being red rarity actually makes it rare, lmao

    Ebony moris are, ironically, the ones that appear in the bloodwebs most frequently, because killers only have 3 red rarity items available to them (and some don't have any red addons, so they just get ebony moris in every single bloodweb).

    I leveled up my Billy from level 1 to 40, and I ended up with almost 20 ebony moris. I don't think I've seen even 5 keys, either red or purple, in my survivor bloodwebs over the course of 40 levels.

    Both keys and moris are incredibly unfair and unhealthy for the game, but the keys are ACTUALLY somewhat rare, and that's facts.