Everyone thinks they know if they've faced hackers

if a survivor is using walls, how do you know? If a killer is using them, how will uou be sure of it? If either are using a .2/ms speed hack thats very subtle, how can you tell?
All of these hacks exist. So when people say I've only faced a hacker "x" amount of times, doesn't this seem like a silly statement?
after you played for awhile, you already know all the perks/addons in the game so you can usually tell when something is "off" about someone's movements
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You can interpret that statement as "I know I've definitely faced a hacker 'x' amount of times". Personally, I once encountered a Hillbilly who, despite not having any sort of aura-reading perk besides BBQ, was somehow able to match my EXACT movements when I moved left and right between two rooms after he'd hooked a friend of mine.
I was very close to the hook (within the terror radius), yet this Hillbilly somehow managed to move left and right with me while I saw him with Kindred, behind a wall. Quite curious, if you ask me.
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After you've played this game for so long you get to where you know most of its intricacies. Meaning even a subtle faster than normal move speed or being found somewhere "unreasonably". It seems pretty easy to tell imo.
I generally think in the vast majority of cases that people are complaining about hackers it really isn't and they just don't fully understand how certain mechanics or perks work..or they're just salty. I'm probably in the 1% of top playtime people and I've only ever seen a true hacker once. I'm not saying this to brag just pointing out how rare hackers are after playing for so many hours. Others may have truly experienced more hackers than this but I feel my sample size is pretty significant for using it as a basis.
Note that all I have said is for PC only. Things may be totally different for other platforms.
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0.2ms is not slow bro it is literally bloodlust or play with your food stack very easy to tell if you are not new to the game and it depends person to person when you stop being a "new player" some people just play 500 hours and still have no clue about anything just like people going to school and learning nothing.
Wall hacks can be in the game but they won't make it obvious to tell but some are just very stupid they just directly come to you for no reason or open your locker coming from other end of the map so I got many wallhacking killers banned with video clips.
I also faced speed hacking survivors they get behind an object and disappear with no scratch marks but there was times they messed up and I caught them speed hacking away and got them banned.
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This is all well and good but are u saying u always know when someone is hacking? They never can slip it past you is what yall are saying?
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So you've never seen a surv moving just ever so slightly faster than they should and not using pwyf?
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I think you mean killer, not survivor, and no.
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I know when I play against a lag switcher. It's easy to tell.
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Sure, people can mistake something for a hack if they aren't used to the game enough, but it's too easy to tell sometimes.
I just had a game playing killer where just seconds into the game, picking up a trap for the first time (Trapper) I see one of the survivors' icons change from "healthy" to the "escaped" icon. I was wondering if it was a visual bug, but sure enough there was only 3 players in the game and looking at his score on the scoreboard showed a flat 5000, meaning he only got points for escaping and that's it.
Yeah, sometimes people are wrong, but sometimes it's not even really a question.
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There is definitely people using cheats very carefully and you will always suspect them if you realize in the first place but since there is always a luck factor and not enough evidence they will slip nothing we can do about. Hope that anti cheat gets updated with the cheats they are using so they get auto banned and have to pay more money for cheats and the game like idiots.
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There is definitely people using cheats very carefully and you will always suspect them if you realize in the first place but since there is always a luck factor and not enough evidence they will slip nothing we can do about. Hope that anti cheat gets updated with the cheats they are using so they get auto banned and have to pay more money for cheats and the game like idiots.
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lets be honest,there's a lot of hacks that bypass eac in dbd,but devs seem like they dont care,eac is bad
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Pretty sure players who have hours upon hours in this game can tell when another player is moving faster than PWYF, or normal Survivor running speed.
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I mean, sure you can just lose against a Hacker. But when there is no clear evidence that someone was hacking, it should not be assumed that this person was hacking.
Because if we start to assume that everyone could be potentially hacking, nobody would be able to enjoy the game. At least I dont want to think in every game that the Survivors/the Killer are hacking.
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I dunno, I've done some pretty weird "reads" as killer before. Like having Discordance pop, running across the map, seeing scratches but no one there, and grabbing someone out of a locker.
Probably pissed the person in question off.
Does that stuff make people think you're hacking? I dunno.
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If they down me I know they’re a hacker! I’m too good to be downed by any normal killer Dud! 😉
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When you play this game for a long time you can feel the diference between a survivor with 100% speed and a hacking survivor with 105% or even 108% people like to say that "Dbd don't have hacks" with 5m of google serch i found full accounts to buy and a lot of webpages that show you how to hack in this game and the most common hacks are, wall hacks, speed hacks, imortality, infinite exaustion.
Most of the hackers use fake accounts so they don't mind if they get banned but some people cheat in real account so they don't put a ######### 200% movement speed, imagine if you're playing against a huntress that have 110% speed, if you're a survivor with 105% you can almost loop her 8 times before drop the pallet without DH and pallet respect i guess that 90% of the community play without cheat but there's 10% that use it.
Right now i played against a survivor with speed hack i think 108% speed i made the test chasing him in straight line with blood lust lvl 2 and i was barely catching him and everyone knows that when you get blood lust is almost impossible to no catch a survivor running but behavior don't ban survivors just killers so if you face a survivor hacking just disconnect or stay afk and go to the next match, don't matter if you record they cheating.