Do people just hate the Plague?

I've played 3 matches now, and 2 of them people just suicide after I got my first hook.
I'm totally fine with that, just wondering if there is a particular hate going on for this killer?
People suicide hook on pretty much any killer that has a good start in the match, If people are suiciding over plague then those are probably the same baby survivors that cleanse with plague when you're only supposed to cleanse at the end lmao.
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Hm...I haven't heard any Plague hate.
But suicide on the hook is way too common now. Maybe you outplayed them and they just wanted out?
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Was talking to a Plague yesterday and telling her how much I love seeing someone playing her. And like Nub said, as long as you have a good team, she's really not that bad. Now, one bad apple can spoil the bunch.
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yeah I got a lot of suicide on hook and DC last night using clown. If you get an early down it seems like people just quit. Last game was 3x suicide and a DC.
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I run the perk that blocks the 3 farthest generators for 80 seconds. seems really helpful. Maybe thats it.
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A lot of people assume that survivors kill themselves on hook over the killer, but that isn’t always the case. If someone suicides on hook it’s often because of the actions of the other survivors, in my experience. So it probably has nothing to do with Plague in particular.
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I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not upset about it. I don't wait long for a lobby, so no big. If people don't wanna stay, give me a free kill NP.
Just seemed odd.
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Personally I don't like to play against her because she forces you to genrush. You can't heal so...
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I seen people kill themselves on first hook or dc, vs basically every killer under the sun, for some unknown reason. Since by the time the game comes to an end, they are normally long gone. So no idea why they did it. Can only guess as to what their reason was. So no, i don't think it has much to do with the plague but rather just coming across a few survivors who felt the desire or need to do that for one reason or another.
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Thats basicly the gameplay behind ANY killer though. The idea that healing up is what makes the game fun is kinda silly. You can still break totems and loot chests if you really want, just like against any other killer.
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In my opinion being chased is the most fun scenario in this game, and not being healthy cuts the chase in half.
That means that not being able to heal makes the game less fun for me.
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I do this. If I see survivours trying things like fast vaulting next to me while I do gen..I keep at gen and let killer hook me...then I just (hopefully) peace out to the next game. Hopefully the rest of the team follows suit and gets a game without the toxoid.
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Couldnt you use similar logic though with ANY killer that has a 1 shot? What's seperating Plague from Ghostface or Myers for example? Or Legion, who can get that initial hit VERY easily. And even this is separating the initial chase to get you injured to begin with.
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I don't rage quit but nothing makes me want to rage quit more than going up against a Plague when my team mates are potatoes. I solo q a lot, the other day I had a jake that cleansed every time he started to get sick:
Unhooked someone sick---> Jake goes to cleanse
Got on a gen with someone sick by choice ---> Jake goes to cleanse
Got puked on by plague ---> as soon as off hook Jake goes to cleanse
He was red ranks cleansed to the point there were no basins left and forced her to use her power because he was too scared of being sick. The killer 4ked because for the rest of her game she was in her power thanks to the Jake. She snowballed with infectious fright and slugged us all. That one player ruined our game for 3 other solo q people because he was to scared of being injured for 5 seconds. So yeah, I guess if someone cleanses and someone suicides you have your answer.
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I know how to counter one-shot abilities, and yes you can counter all of them if you have experience, and I have 2 thousand hours in this game (if the killer is good it will cost you more effort to do so, of course).
I don't know why it is that hard to understand, I really like chases and being injured makes the chase shorter, that's why I don't like killers that make you unable to heal, that's all dude lol.
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there is nothing worse than people who bail on thier team when things get tough.
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Whats the difference then with facing a 1 shot M1 from a ghostface vs a 1 shot M1 from a Plague then? Both require abit of setup sure...but at least you get to use DH against the Plague.
Sidenote... Theres really no reason to flaunt your hours on the DBD forums. EVERYONE here has alot of hours, lol.
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I personally don't really like playing against Plague. Her power makes both stealth and altruism nearly impossible which is the sort of survivor game play I like. Also the constant puking and all the sickly green all over my screen is just... not pleasant. Now would I suicide on hook against one? Well no, that's not fair to my teammates. But I think she's my third least favorite to go against.
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i think plauge is the worst killer if you use it wrong it can actually give the survivors advantages
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I personally can't stand her. I find her power to be obnoxious. But no, I won't hook suicide against her for that. The few times I hook suicide are due to my team.
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The difference is that you can counter ghostface by not letting him stalk you, but you can't counter a 1 shot from the plague because sooner or later you will touch something with vomit (a gen, a hooked teammate...). Playing against plague is a guaranteed no-heal game, but playing against ghostface isn't a guaranteed being-oneshot-all-game. As I said, I like chases, so the longer the chase is = the more fun I get.
I see your point, but playing against the plague is always the same, repair, being chased, being unhooked, repair, being chased, being unhooked, repair... At least against other killers I can heal or be healed, and I can use my altruistic perks.
Btw I mentioned how many hours I had in the game in case you thought I were a beginner or something. Of course I knew you had more hours than me. I've been seeing your posts here for months.
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I never assume anyone is new, the opposite actually. I assume everyone has thousands of hours unless proven otherwise.
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The Plague has an Emblem problem where you can easily black pip or even depip even when you play well. And double piping is near impossible. This has to do with her power not being properly accounted for in the flawed Emblem system.
In addition some players don't like how she disable pretty much all forms of healing tools and perks, leading to perharps more hook suicide than some other killers.
I believe theses are the main reasons why the Plague is so rarely seen. Wich is a shame because her actual visual design is amazing.