To any survivor(s) that uses a Mount Ormond or Haddonfield map offering...

You are just the worst kind of person. You must hate having fun. You're the type of person to remind the teacher to collect the homework that everyone was hoping they would forget about. I bet you put ice cubes in your soup when it is "too hot". You are no better than a P3 Blendette. Shame on you!
If I am ever killer & you pull this kind of trickery on me, I will show you no mercy (if I can go without being gen rushed that is). I will tunnel. I will slug. I will show you the meaning of unfun. Just kidding I'm not that mean, but still... not cool dude.
Checks inventory
You're lucky I only have one of each.
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I hate people who use rottenfields offerings. At least at mount ormond and haddonfield you can see #########.
At rottenfields the only thing you see are cornfields, o how fun
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"I bet you put ice cubes in your soup when it is "too hot"."
Lol what?
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I have like 20, come at me
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Mate, you don't need people to use Heart Locket if you have luck as bad as mine.
No seriously, this is from my recent past 10 GAMES.
No one used the Heart Locket offering, I just got unlucky 5 out of 10 times in a row.
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Well I use to burn Haddonfield offerings back in the day when I played with my friend because HE hated the map, it had nothing to do with me liking it.
I did the same with the Lery offerings too, although that was my favorite map for awhile.
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That looks like my absolute nightmare and I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
As someone who uses Blendette with a p3 face as one of my mains, I feel personally offended and you will be hearing from my attorney for this, frankly, grevious insult you have thrust upon my family.
We are in no way as bad as these people.
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Id rather survivors using those offerings then killers using hawkins or the game
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Happens to me also. Everytime i see this map i suffer.
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I am so badass, i burn The Game offerings as Survivor!
Ok when i started playing DbD with a Friend i only did this because he hatet this map. (I still love it idk why)
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People who use those Offerings are usually not very good. The last guy who burned Coldwind against me was a Steve with a Key who dropped Shack Pallet at 4 Gens against a Legion in Frenzy.
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Your comment brought me more pain than facing a spirit without iron will.
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Yeah, I knew from this moment on that he must be the guy who burned the Offering.
I dont have any problem with burning Map Offerings on either side, I think it is ok that Survivors or Killers burn Map Offerings which favor them. But sometimes I think that some people burning those should try to get better in general instead of trying to rely on a beneficial Map.
(I am not using them myself, but I have like 69 Haddonfield, 52 Coldwind and 41 Ormonds on my Nea... Could make a few weeks of very happy Killers with those)
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I use Ormond Offerings with my 4 man SWF, and I always bring a key.
Haddonfield is my favorite map, and I burn it when I want to have a good time.
Don't act like killers don't burn Game, Hawkins, or Lery's when they want to use their weird killer sided build.
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The funny part is the last few times that a team have used either offering on me have died lol
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I once played on Ormond like 5 times in a row where nobody used an offering for it. You can already know how most of those matches went lol.
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Got to love this game sometimes. Boy i sure hope i don't go to x map today. Chances of going to that bloody map go up by 50% or more.
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"Haddonfield and ormond are unfair!!"
Lery's, SpringWoods, Hawkins, Cowboy Map, The Game: Are we balanced to you?
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Actually Dead Dawg Saloon is arguably one of the more balanced maps in the game imo.
The Saloon can be a strong loop if the Killer hasn't bothered to spend time breaking down the walls, and the side areas are pretty interesting loop locations that aren't just deadzones which is basically what most of the middle map is. It's a dirt road with not much in it, so it's more or less a dead zone, meaning generators that spawn on the road should be top priority.
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I have the same feeling about the Lab. Bringing another indoor map into the game again with the new chapter is just....bloaf....
Anyways, map preference is a personal taste. This topic is not a thing.
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Had alot of good games on the saloon. Both as survivor and killer.
In game, don't think i have ever come across someone who when and gone, bloody heck, not this map again. Dislike for corn maps, the game or other maps yes. Even seen a fair few offerings for that map to be used. Only people i have ever seen dislike or take issue with the saloon, have been on these forums here. When it comes to the saloon, hand me that map any day of the week and i will have a blast on it.
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I love Haddonfield. But, it’s because I love Halloween. So I just find that map visually pleasing. I also find Mount Ormond to be a strong map for me when I play Michael, I rarely lose on that one. The maps I struggle with the most and actually detest going to are the ones with all the corn fields. It’s just ridiculous how hidden survivors can be. Especially the ones running Urban and Spine Chill. Unless you’re playing as Doctor, they won’t be found.
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FBI is on the way Run!
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TBH it looks like #########. Compared to the graphics of the new maps. Or just the intitute rework. Houses look like they made by Gary’s mod or something. Really boring looking map but I love halloween too.
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What about killers using lery's, gideon or hawkings?
I'll use the maps I like, I don't tell killers if they have to slug, camp or tunnel, and insulting people in the forums just lets the rest see how this community is made. Congrats.
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I agree with this. BOTH sides use maps they think will give them the upper hand. I’m not even going to lie, if I’m playing Legion, I’ll put an offering on for a smaller map as it’s easier to get frenzy chain hits. I don’t see the issue with it. Map offerings are there for a reason.
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I wish survivors would use those offerings for me. Every match, as killer or survivor is Coldwind or Autohaven. I haven't seen the other maps in so long, I actually miss them!
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As a Trapper main, my heart sings with joy whenever I see those offerings.
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After they added more pallets, The Game has actually been one of my strongest survivor maps now lol, it's really good. And that's coming from a player who uses Lithe.
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To be honest I don’t think it’s any of your concern of what kind of offerings people bring.Even if it’s a map you don’t like you shouldn’t tell others they can’t bring an offering you don’t like.
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But moris are fine.
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I have a sudden urge to burn a Strode key offering now.....
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I use every map offering without any mean or biased intend. Actually I like the aesthetics and the variety of the maps...
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I do that. I just hate waiting for it to cool down.
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The people who do this are also the kinds of people who DC before the game starts if they see Hawkins, Gideon or Mori offering.
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This post encouraged me to burn every ormond offering I have
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Give me your luck ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I love Coldwind Farm as survivor and killer.
Especially when i play Deathslinger
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Please take it.
All of it. All my bad luck.
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Yamaoka estate would like a word with you. : P
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Dear survivors who bring haddonfield and. Osmond thanks you for them signed trapper
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But...i like haddonfield 😢
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This post was mostly a goof. I'm not telling people how to play the game. Just had to say something after having survivors use those map offerings on me all day lol.
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You're comparing a mori to a map offering? That... makes no sense... what about keys my guy
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Someone sounds salty they got a few too many ormond/haddonfield map offerings in a row :P
obligatory joke aside i totaaly agree with you that those maps can be very rough as killer. i disagree in the aspect that survivors bringing those offerings don't want to have "fun" they just want to either, play optimally, enjoy the map or have fun at the expense of lowering another players level of fun by making it a bit more unfairly sided in their favour. they don't want an unfun match otherwise they wouldn't pick it. they just want power in their hands, which i can understand as theirs not a lot of things that survivors can do to "force a matches outcome to be more in their favour". That being said i don't think the maps are at all unbalanced, least not as much as they were at the end of 2018,
just try to remember those maps aren't an automatic win for survivor. It can be rough as a cats tounge on a sandy desert day sometimes, expecially when versing a 4 man swf balanced landing group, but its not "unwinable". So just bring your A game <3 .
Those maps seriously do need a bit of adjustment,
ie haddonfield with its fences, no real los on gens or ways of gaining info, very unsafe loops vs incredibly strong loops. all easily able to be fixed (Holes/breakable walls in fences - lights and lanterns hanging on houses and in the street indicating generators and perhaps even their perecentage fixed similar to lery's - unsafe loops spaced a bit more together, or adding more trash to the car loops to make them slightly safer - god loops in house of pain being copied from the more balanced versions of badham preschool - and the houses having more easily accessed drops by killer, and window spawns less optimal for survivor.)
and ormond has its issues with visibility, hard to traverse and gain bearings, map tiles being to close and safe together allowing absolutely easy chaining for even the lowest rank of survivors, and gates that can spawn almost on top of one another (fixed easily by furthering the distance from map tile windows to map tile windows, giving more breaks in the main building, making the map even smaller then the previous update made it so theres less deadzones on top of windows not chaining into other windows, more grass for trapper traps outside, disallowing gates from spawning on the same wall at the very least, and altering the shaders of auras and other things on the map to make the fog and other map elements not obscure visibility as much whilst still keeping the atmosphere)
I like both maps imo. both as survivor and killer. but they do need serious changes, not even for balance more so for quality of life and fun? like i can win as a trapper on haddonfield against a rank 1 team of survivors... but will it be fun? No!
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It's funny, I have never and will never burn any map offerings because I have respect for all players and I don't know if one of them hates a specific map.
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haddonfield needs to be deleted
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As both a killer and survivor main I would rather get rid of the offerings and not have a big amount pilling up.
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The safest gen spot in the entire game.
2 very safe gen spots.
Loops where you are just forced to break the wall against not braindead survivors.
Very limited line of sight blockers making stealth killers very eazy to spot.
It's, in fact, eazy to even spot where the trapper/hag placing the traps.
There is the dumbest basement spot, which makes it useless unless you run agitation and bitter murmur.
Well, at least i belive there are no god pallets on this map.
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Ugh... deathslinger on corn maps... especially with his 110% movement speed... It hurts to even think about this... i think i have PTSD
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I just love to get those blind shots through the corn.
And coldwind farm really isn't an issue anymore in terms of size after the map reworks.