Dead Hard worth it?

I’m still a somewhat new player that mainly plays survivor. To give an idea I have Dwight at 35, Claudette at 32, Feng at 35, and I’m about to hit 40 with Laurie so I can get Decisive Strike. On the Nintendo Switch today Dead Hard is available on the Shrine. Is it worth the 2000 shards to unlock?
From reading the description it sounds like after you take a hit and become injured you can press a button to get a burst of speed....something that could be a big help for me as well, as I feel I am terrible at trying to get away from a killer in a chase...I’ve gotten a little better, but still get caught more often than not.
Its not gonna make you ran away like adrenaline, its just a little speed for half of one second where you're in godmode and avoid a hit. Im using it sometimes well played it can be useful.
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Exhaustion perks are mostly a matter of preference. I personally think that Lithe is the best "on demand" sprinting perk, with a strong use case that has a low bar for activation. A LOT of high-level players swear by Dead Hard, though.
The upside to Dead Hard is that it amounts to an extra health state when you use it well (since you're evading a swing that would have downed you + gained distance), and it can get you that liiiiiiiiittle bit of extra distance that you need to reach a pallet. The downside is that it only really works once vs. a good killer (who can then bait it and still down you with a well-timed hit), and it requires you to really pay attention to your surroundings so you don't crash into a wall or something.
Also, welcome to the game and the forums! I hope you are having fun. Let us know if you have any other questions.
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what about 99ing your sprint burst i do it all the time mid chase and when im in trouble i walk for 0.5 second and then go to another structure to loop on
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I am a fan of this as well! Sprint Burst to me is a bigger pain to use compared to Lithe, because it takes a lot more active management, like you describe.
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Is there dedicated servers on switch? If not get it. If there are servers it's 50% worth it...
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It deadfinitely is 😃
But anyway, We're Gonna Live Forever is also a good perk. Maybe buy David.
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Thanks for the helpful comments. Lithe is a perk I usually put in any character I’m using, so I may stick with that as an exhaustion perk over going for Dead Hard. Tried Sprint Burst a few times and just didn’t like it at all with having to walk the entire time to save up SB.
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Its ok, I dont care for it personally but it has its benefits when used correctly. The only exhaustion perk I like running is Adrenaline, but its also tge only healing perk I run soooo....
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I actually do have the David character, as he is included in the Switch version. I was just thinking of quick grabbing the perk, and focus on another character to level up...(so many people to level up)...
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In that case no. I would unlock the teachable if you have the character. Save your shards for something else 👍
Dead Hard is not that essential and usually only delays the inevitable.
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It's more of a small lunge and less of a burst of speed. Think of it like you're charging forward, not like Sprint Burst.
It's a very good perk when you know what you're doing. It essentially lets you recover from a mistake once per chase. You'll want to use it when you know you won't make it to the window or pallet in time. It won't carry you, however. If you aren't already good in chases, it'll probably only delay going down for a few seconds. The better you are in chases, the more value you're going to get out of it.
It's a good perk. I'd recommend picking it up at some point. David King is a free character, though, so don't feel pressured into getting it just because it's on the shrine. You can always get it later just by leveling him up.