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Red ranks are just spirit simulator.

Why is their such a lack of variety when it comes to viable high rank killers? Unless you want to get stomped by a gen jockey swf your only choice is spirit or freddy (console btw). Docter works sometimes but he can underperform some of the time. Theres so much potential for some of the killers in this game but they're so underplayed because of how weak they are.

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  • Member Posts: 73

    I play all killers at rank 1 and I get a lot of 4ks

    You just gotta juggle hard

  • Member Posts: 2,117
    edited June 2020

    Every killer is viable in redranks, it just depends on the player beyond. If youre a good player and know how to utilize the character, you can play which ever killer you want. If not, you just not belong to thus ranks. Killer players just tend to overcompensate their lack of skill with unbalanced stuff.

  • Member Posts: 240

    I've tried nurse huntress and billy on ps4 but the console limitations make them alot harder to play.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Ah, yeah. I should clarify that I play on PC, so I am talking from a very PC-centric perspective. I know some killers are much more difficult to play on consoles.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Red ranks is very very stressful for killer's and if the killer makes a single mistake, that mistake can cost them the game. The reason why you might not be seeing other killer's as much is because of the lack of viability in other killer's. Spirit is 1 of 2 killer's to when it comes to chase's she has the upperhand. As a Spirit main myself I use her at red ranks because I don't wanna spend the whole match being looped and having to depend on survivor's to make a mistake just for me to get a down

  • Member Posts: 189

    The only killers I dont see at red ranks are pig, wraith, nurse, huntress, legion, hag, clown, plague, and demo

  • Member Posts: 3,127
  • Member Posts: 1,122

    I'm on PC and consistently stay at Rank 1-2 (sometimes 3 if I go on a big losing streak). I've seen every Killer played, though the ones I find most often are usually Billy, Spirit, Oni, Ghostface, Freddy, and Myers. The others come in every few games, except for a handful of killers (Hag, Clown, and Demo) which are more like 1/50 games.

  • Member Posts: 824

    In the 100 games I kept stats on, Nightmare, Huntress, Spirit, Oni, and Bubba(facecamping almost every game) were the most common killers, not counting Huntress because of the archives going on.

    While yes I saw every killer (clown once, demo once) there is a severe lack in variety at the red ranks.

    Not every killer is viable. Yes every Killer can 4K at red ranks but that's all dependant on how badly the survivors ######### up. Like camping being a viable strategy. That solely relies on the survivors all running in to die trying to save whoever's being camped or people suiciding and not giving their team time to do gens.

    Camping/######### killers CAN win but they're NOT viable.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Back in my day when I did the red ranks, I either was facing hillbilly/nurse or I was playing hillbilly. You youngins have it pretty good.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Everybody in red ranks post the killer you got today.

    I'll go first.

    Death Slinger








    Just realized I never got a Spirit today.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2020

    Of my 10 most recent killer clips, 1 is Spirit and 1 is Freddy. 2 are Huntress, 4 are Legion, 1 is Ghostface (who I play the most but only have 1 clip BTW), 2 are Trapper. And these are only the clips I post to my profile, I have maybe 25 more in this time and most are Legion and Ghostface. One is ######### Demo with baby perks I don't even play him, I had 2 dailies though, but still got a 4k. Some are Spirit, but I main Spirit.

    Most games I get nowadays are Huntress, Doc, Bubba, Ghostface, and yea Freddy is pretty common. Spirit though... I don't see them as much actually.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    I just reached red ranks (on Xbox) I tend to play Pig, Huntress... with a mix of Nurse, Hag and Legion... among the others except for the chainsaw bros and Freddie

    But I will say I will defult to Spirit if need be...

  • Member Posts: 336

    No it’s really not. Actually I rarely see her being played. Boring characters are just boring despite being busted. But if I happent to see one I kms on hook anyway because you play games for fun. Not to help you with your sleep.

  • Member Posts: 3,272

    Well maybe it's time to consider closing the killer-tier-gaps.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I took note of my last 10 matches and it was

    • 3 Huntresses
    • 2 Freddies
    • 2 Spirits
    • 1 Legion
    • 1 Clown
    • 1 Plague

    And it seems about right overall in my experience. I see a lot of Huntress (did so before the archives too) and I don't mind at all, I like going against good huntresses and don't really get the crazy hatchet hits that make some despise it. Dunno if I'm just lucky or if it's because I live close to a server and get killers that live close to it as well, but it sure Works On My Machine 😄

  • Member Posts: 1,002

    I’m currently alternating between Ghostface and Michael and I’m doing perfectly fine in red ranks, but those killers suit my play style the best.

  • Member Posts: 8,602
    edited June 2020

    I still run into a pretty decent variety of killers at red ranks on PC. One thing to keep in mind is that some people's matchmaking might be going off MMR right now depending on region, so not everyone's experience will be the same. A particularly high level survivor may actually get matched up with high level Spirits on a consistent basis even though other killers are available in the same rank pool.

    It's probably the same reason why some killers constantly face competitive SWF squads and others don't.

  • Member Posts: 1,816
    edited June 2020

    My past 3 games have been a lagswitching nurse, a basement camping bubba and a facecamping doctor

    I'd rather the spirits and freddys then this

  • Member Posts: 917

    If u face spirit only youre lucky, u are playing with 5 perks because sound is bugged and iron will is basekit

  • Member Posts: 8,864

    You can play a variety of killers at red ranks, its just the ongoing echo chamber that only a handful of killers are viable will often times convince ppl not to bother with the rest of the roster. If someone DOES choose to play a "low tier" killer, they'll then either go in with a negative mindset that they'll lose...which is a self fulfilling prophecy or they'll play a single bad match and assume EVERY game is gonna be bad matches.

  • Member Posts: 445

    I play a lot of red rank games as survivor and I see a mixture of killers doing well. Pretty much any killer can do well if they've refined their build (including add-ons). I wouldn't say that any killer is out of the running really.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    Good Hags, Wraiths and Nurses are rare to come across tbh. I face a lot of Legions and Demogorgons though.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    I mentioned Freddy (Nightmare). Myers, yeah, I suppose. Maybe I block him out because I fail so bad at him. 🤣

  • Member Posts: 1,640

    If more killers were viable in high ranks more people would play them

    swfs and red ranks survivors ruin the exprience to anyone that even thinks about using a low tier killers

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    Omg I forgot he's called Nightmare in the game!  🤣🤣🤣 But yeah, Myers can be a beast if you're good at red stain mindgames.

  • Member Posts: 459

    I just faced 3, in mean THREE! Clowns in a row. Not one Spirit yet today.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    Youre just showing that you dont know how to utilize the characters properly. Also if its hard, then that shows the match is balanced because killer should not "win" easily.

  • Member Posts: 1,209

    Hopefully the warmup phase will make it easier on lower killers to have fun both sides kinda get forced into a as you said spirit simulator while survivors play gen simulator

  • Member Posts: 343

    It doesn't matter how good you are. If survivors know how to do gens you're not going to be able to apply pressure. At leadt until PH comes

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