Console,give me my earned points when killer quits

He rage quits or say something happens to his internet etc etc
Now game ends and I dont get any of my earned blood for that match


  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    I've had that though it can be tempting to use it on troll's at the end of a.match that just teabag and not leave I mean how hard is it is to wave and stand still for ne that's a invite to pm them and compliment on a gg
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Killer gets 625 for each survivor who dcs. I thought survivor would get 5000 for escape

  • HeavenlyClassic
    HeavenlyClassic Member Posts: 38

    Killer gets 625 for each survivor who dcs. I thought survivor would get 5000 for escape

    It was like that sometime ago. But recently has not been occurring. Maybe patched out idk