Why i have to go against survivors with thousand of hours of gameplay if i have only 600 hours?

Yes, I know gametime means nothingt but i noticed that a 6k hour survivor slightly plays better than a 40 hour. This is kinda unfair, why gametime not implemented in the matchmaking system?
It's because matchmaking isn't working correctly. The devs are working to fix the problem and implement a new matchmaking system that will group players together based on things like time played, skill, etc.
Right now, however, matchmaking is pretty much broken. It tries to be speedy at getting players into a lobby, prioritizing that over skill level.
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Killers will leave if this is the matchmaking priority.
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I mean, hopefully they'll put out the fix soon and I'll no longer see red ranks vs brown ranks, but until then a lot of new players are chased away by the terrible matchmaking. I normally have instant killer queues on PS4; I doubt it's because there's a surplus of killers. I can still have fun as a mediocre survivor against a good killer, but a mediocre killer vs good survivors? Oh, that's a bad time.
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Because as you pointed out yourself, there's not enough correlation between hours played and skill level for it to be a reliable factor in which to base matchmaking.
That being said, there are a lot of flaws with the current ranking system (although the fact that it doesn't take hours played into account is not one of them in my opinion), not least of which is the fact that matchmaking itself is bugged and not working as intended. The entire system is being overhauled within the next few weeks, which should hopefully fix a lot of the issues with unfair matches that players are experiencing currently.
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I'll be honest. There's a skillcap in DBD, and you can hit it by literally 3-400 hours. Time played means nothing after about that. Beyond that it's literally a giant penis measuring contest.
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If that were the case, the people with 3k+ hours would probably wait 20 minutes for a match.
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it's bad matchmaking (rank 15 being matched with red ranks) and it's bad core game design (for instance I've been matched with 100 hours red ranks while I play since 2017, which clearly isn't right). And the thing is only gonna get worse when cross-play will be introduced.
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Only have 600? 600 hours is a lot of time.
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So why cross-play will be introduced if it'll make it worse?
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Some people think that the alleged skill gap between PC and console players of the same rank will exacerbate the issue. On the other hand, crossplay means larger matchmaking pools, which means you're more likely to get quicker and better matches with people of your (theoretical) skill level.