Idea for Removing Perk Tiers and Making Progression Easier

So, as you know we have a lot more perks than we had when the game first came out. Steps have been taken to alleviate the grind, but with 3 new perks coming out for each side every chapter it's getting pretty difficult to unlock every tier of every perk.

One commonly suggested idea to fix this is by simply removing the tiers from perks, effectively dividing the amount of perks we need to get by 3. This would also fix certain weird situations like Discordance where some players prefer the lower tiers.

However, the main problem that's brought up with this suggestion is running out of perks early on. If you are just starting the game and level your first character to level 40, you would quickly run out of perks to find in the bloodweb. I have a simple solution for this.

"Locked" perks

First, I think Locked Perks should be added into the game. These cost 6000 BP on the bloodweb, and will appear if the following conditions are met:

  • You have no unlocked perks that you haven't already obtained on the character
  • There are still more perks in the game, but you haven't gotten the teachables from the characters with those perks

So say you level up Dwight to 40 and run out of perks to buy along the way. Since you don't have any more perks you can get, but there are still perks locked behind other survivors, Locked Perks will start appearing in your bloodwebs. They will generate in the same way as normal perks, even if multiple perks on the bloodweb are Locked (to summon the Entity as soon as you buy one, like usual).

To Unlock these perks, you must get the teachables from leveling other characters or buying perks from the shrine of secrets. Once you have done this, one random Locked perk you have on each character will become the perk you just unlocked. For instance, say you have Locked perks on Dwight and Claudette. When you buy the teachable for Iron Will from Jake's bloodweb, Dwight and Claudette will each have one of their Locked perks replaced by Iron Will.

Quickening Bloodweb Progression

Now we can buy perks faster, how about we make unlocking them faster, too? Let's change the Teachable levels from 30/35/40 to 20/25/30. This way, something is happening every 5 levels (Second slot/Third slot/Fourth slot/First teachable/Second teachable/Third teachable).

I think the max bloodweb level should also be shifted to 30, and bloodweb generation should change faster (bloodweb gets bigger earlier, reaching 4 perks at level 30 instead of 50). This will make prestiging easier, so you can P3 your favorite character quickly and get right into buying all the perks.

Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas!


  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    I'm personally ok with perk tiers, I just wish me characters had the perks that I unlocked at the start. All the perks I unlocked from other characters would still be level and have to be ranked up but at least I have the perks to use .