Some Questions for people who play 4man SWF

RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621
  • What is your rank (and your friends rank)
  • What Perks do you use
  • How many of you escape usually
  • Are there Killers you get demolished by?
  • are there killers that you demolish?
  • What is the killers rank usually?
  • Do you play toxic (or maybe your best player to get in chase so the others can work on gens)
  • What are the biggest Mistakes the killers do that play against you?
  • What are your most common mistakes that could cost you games?

Im really interested in wht you guys will say :)


  • Neas_last_breath
    Neas_last_breath Member Posts: 23


    -I'm at rank 1 rn and my friends are also red ranks 1-2;

    -The common perk we use is Dead Hard, Followed by Iron Will, Spine chill and Resilience(fast vault build 'cause is very useful when you get it 10 meters away from the window)

    At Least one person use Decisive only to not get hooked again if mistakes happen (We don't use DS in Toxic ways, if you don't have it, killers will pick you up instantly cause they free to tunnel of the hook);

    -most of the time we escape because matchmaking is really broken, we usually face green ranks killers or purple and it is Bs, Sometimes we gave killers kills bc is very sad that they are put against us.. ;

    -Spirit with Stridor, A very good Billy, Very good Nurse, Doctor, Hag or The new guy the DeathSlinger (Forgot his name);

    -Every other killer is actually not easy, just not challenging as the ones ive put up in the list..the easiest ones are Pig, Wraith, Bubba(if he's not facecamping) and Legion;

    -As i said before, it's bs that most of the time the killers are not from red ranks, when we face a red rank killer is usually a challenge, but when they aren't..;

    -One player usually decide to get chased, killers still hunt them and they know..And we don't play toxic or abuse anything...we want to escape, its our goal, but we don't need to make the other part feel miserable..there's always a person behind the Tv or monitor..;

    -the usually tend to tunnel pretty hard, and sometimes we use a know what happens next, they don't patrol..i've seen killer with pop non using it for example and they had the gen right next to them only to stay in the chase...;

    -When killers use noed I tend most of the time to find it bc we have a survivor that hunts totems(usually me) but in the new maps its hard to find them.Sometimes we are over altruistic..

    i Hope i've answered all of your questions, want to remind that we play killer too so we're not biased or we want killers to get nerfed, we actually want most of the killers to receive buffs..they need to fix some addons but in the end it is a game, and the goal is to spend time having fun.

    I'm not english so if there are many errors i'm sorry..i'm still learning. Have a good day.

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    Im rank 3 while my friends are purple, green, and brown, we're a rainbow team

    I use all builds

    We escape minority of the matches because we ######### around the entire match

    We often get 4ked with 4 gens left

    Sometimes we get a baby killer and we just 360 him and flash light save because he plays like a #########

    killers are from all sorts of rank

    hell yeah we play toxic, point our fingers and flashlight click all the time

    Most mistakes the killers do is allow himeslf to be genrushed

    Our most common mistake is that sometimes we play horrible and get all four of us downed in 2 seconds

  • afroboi
    afroboi Member Posts: 69

    I don't play much 4man swf anymore but ik alot that i go against and the perks that they usually use are an exhaustion to be specific dead hard or sprint burst since im a good killer not a lot escape but some big mistakes that newer killers do against swf is not slugging here's the usual situtiation 2 are trying to get your attention and 2 are working on gens and sometimes one of them will have ooo so they can call out everything you do and swf demolish weak killers like wraith and trapper the ooo will be annoying if youre hag or trapper and the people that are trying to get your attention play toxicish and mistakes that swf make is being too close to the other survivors this gives potential slugging and snowball or just getting mind gamed and the very good swf are usually red ranks and killers might be 9-1 cause matchmaking and stuff

  • NittanyBruin1719
    NittanyBruin1719 Member Posts: 46

    The more people in my party, the less productive things become lol. It's hard to get more than one friend on at a time, but when we have 3 we usually start to get pretty silly and not pay attention (we don't lose it completely because we don't want to ruin the random's experience); when we have a full party nothing productive gets done. It basically becomes a game to see who can survive while the others try to sabotage them the longest. We don't take it too seriously and we know how frustrating a coordinated team on coms can be. Those are the games where we all agree we have the most fun and the most laughs.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    My friend and I don't play four man SWF, but we're not opposed to the idea. We've made it clear that the point of the SWF wouldn't be to bust out gens and escape, everyone who's got half a brain cell would understand that doing that actually makes you depip. Plus, it's a waste of time and it's just not fun. We want to have a fun game, and we would hold above pretty much everything else.

    That being said, we did have a third, and that's not too far from four.

    • Our ranks are a secret, you'll have to play against us to find out ;)
    • The only similar perk we use is We'll Make It(which I always call "Off the Hook"). We use a mix of perks otherwise, Kindred is something I sorely miss when I have to play a character who doesn't have it.
    • When it was three of us, most of the time one of us would make it. I was new at the time so that probably skewed the numbers a bit, but now that it's just the two of us, I'd say it's about an even 33, maybe 40/30/30, that one of us, both of us, or neither of us make it.
    • Bubba and Freddy I tend to have the most difficulty with. For my friend, I don't think he has anyone in particular that he's actually bad against. But both of us hate playing against Spirit and Legion. We make the best of it but often times things go south quickly.
    • The only Killers we tend to crush are babies. We've run into low ranks who are good and high ranks who are bad, it's more of who's playing, rather than who they are playing.
    • Killer rank tends to be all over the place, but mainly our rank is what's being played against. Like 70/30 I'd say.
    • We'll trash talk each other, and we'll boop the snoot if we ever have the chance, but we don't really do that stuff. It's not fun to bash on someone for having a bad game. Unless they're obnoxious or rude during/post game, then all bets are off.
    • The biggest mistake I see Killers make are committing or not committing to a chase. Largely it's situational, but if you've got the edge in a chase you should at least down the player, because even if you're more worried about gens, you're going to lose by attrition. Might as well continue the chase and get the hook, you'll get points for it at least, whereas leaving the chase to get a gen will not guarantee any points.
    • Immediately going for the unhook. Even having Kindred, sometimes I really want those Off the Hook heals, and so I might leave a generator, run halfway across the map, and then not get my unhook because someone else had the same thought. I could have finished my generator and done other things like find totems, treasures, or lured the killer away.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Not to side track, can you clarify what you mean by "use it 10 meters from the window?" I've tried the fast vault build before maybe I'm doing it wrong, do I have to spam the action button or what?

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I'm a rank 5, a bit boosted, I play with a rank1, another rank1,also a bit boosted and a rank10.

    We all use different perks, I prefer DH, iron will, adrenaline and kindred, I know in a swf? I am hooked on it, it gives so much info and helps coordinating saves.

    Escapes can be all 4 of us all night or we may have nights we struggle to get one out a game. Kinda depends on killers we face.

    There are killers that I can't stand facing, gf , doc and pig. But if we get demolished it is because of the killer player's skill, not so much anyone killer character in general.

    Killer's rank usually between 9 and 1. Some nights we get the bad mm and get newer killers, but not often with most of us in red ranks. A 12 is about as low as we see.

    We don't play toxic, at least 2 of us have a weakness at looping and always seem to be found first. If you get our best looper first, it will certainly helo buy us time on gennys because she is pretty good. But we don't plan it out, its whoever is found first deals the best they can.

    Biggest mistake to make against us, is to tunnel and camp, because we will pound gennys and do totems and get 3 of us out or last second save into adrenaline.

    Most common mistake is probably just some looping weakness in a couple of us. Or our more experienced friends always trying to sabo a hook or flashlight save instead of doing gennys. I think they get bored and want the interaction.

    I just want the escape.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,241

    I'm rank 1 or 2 depending on how matches are going. Same with friends.

    We usually run fairly meta builds. Some combination of BT, Sprint Burst, DH, Adrenaline, DS, Unbreakable, OoO, etc

    When we're fully engaged in tryhard mode and not messing around, we're all getting out. It takes a pretty unique circumstance for one of us to die. There's not going to be enough time for a killer to accumulate hook states. That's the reality of gen times when survivors are optimal against an average killer.

    Killer ranks tend to be green to red. Hardest would be Spirit, a good Nurse, or a very good Billy, maybe a god tier Oni or Hag. But we'll typically just gen slam a Hag, leave the one person on the hook and dip.

    Easiest is definitely Pig, Wraith, Legion, Trapper, Clown, Bubba. They really don't have much going for them.

    We're not toxic, but we're going to abuse the maps.

    The biggest mistakes killers make? In a broad sense, a lot of killers know how to run a single tile in a vacuum i.e. your basic jungle gym. But they don't have any awareness of how that jungle gym or long wall chains together with that adjacent tile. So we sometimes end up with a run where we burn a full minute in chase and only use a single pallet in that time because a killer doesn't realize they need to rotate us a certain direction to force pallets down or deny us vaults.

    Common mistakes? Some of us aren't as strong in chase, so we are somewhat susceptible to tunneling by a strong killer.

  • Neas_last_breath
    Neas_last_breath Member Posts: 23

    Sorry i should've been more accurate but If you don't use the fast vault build most of the times you're gonna get downed by the killer..latency is a factor in this game.

  • tixerp
    tixerp Member Posts: 270

    I play killer and survivor 50/50 but when I play survivor I usually play with 2 or maybe 3 other friends.

    1. Both me and my friends hover around rank 3-8. Maybe 2 or 1 if we put in some effort, but we usually just dick around.
    2. Me personally, I have different builds on all my characters so I can't define, but it's always some experiment. Like Resilience, No Mither, Spine Chill, and Leader. Use SB and BT at least, if I'm out of ideas though.
    3. We usually all escape. It's just a kind of fun goal to leave no man behind no matter how messy it is. I'd say 8/10 matches we all escape or 1-2 are left behind. 2/10 we all die.
    4. Personally, Oni, Spirit, maybe Billy or Nurse but I haven't seen one in years.
    5. Demogorgon, Huntress, maybe Leatherface. Not that they're bad, we just rarely find good ones.
    6. It's either always a rank 1 that puts on a good match, or rank 6-12 for some reason. Usually 6-12's.
    7. I think people mistake playing ballsy as being toxic. I say I play ballsy, I like to intercept the killer whenever a good opportunity shows, and make a close save by the skin of my teeth. I don't teabag/flashlight spam/point, which is what I think most people attribute to being toxic, but I've done it a few times just for fun before. I almost never shittalk someone postgame chat or comment on their steam profile though. I don't even have in-game chat open usually. There's a fine line between fun mean spirited teasing in the name of the game and just being an actual ass.
    8. Either killers don't know how to end chase quicker, or they're pretty bad at managing map control/stopping gens.
    9. Being TOO cocky. A lot of times I could've gotten a lot more people out including myself if I just took things slower, but it's alright in the end.
  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    Thanks for all the answers guys, this thread is not for a special reason, I just dont play survivor that often and its just nice to gain a bit of insight :)

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Now this is a fun post. I usually play 3 man swf atm.

    1. Rank 1 (both sides)
    2. Inner Strength, DS, Spine Chill and Dead Hard (maybe WGLF).
    3. We escape a lot. Mainly because we are very good loopers and all are at least Devotion 8. We sometimes don't even play comms for a few games.
    4. Not in particular. I've faced pretty much every killer 100 times by now.
    5. Yea. I feel sorry for them so sometimes I'd give them a free hook (or we gave a killer a 4k by endgame collapse a few weeks ago).
    6. Depends on the day. Lots of Rank 1s recently with the occasional rank 10 or above.
    7. I don't play toxic unless provoked. I try to imagine how I'd feel in their shoes tbh.
    8. Not forcing a 3 gen probably. Running their builds wrong is another one.
    9. Memeing probably. I run silly builds just since running meta builds is boring.

    Good questions mate. Really interesting and I'm looking forward to the rest of the answers.

  • KettleWettle
    KettleWettle Member Posts: 149

    I don't know if you care about Duos because I usually only play with one other friend but I'll give you my info anyways.

    • We are both rank 1's
    • I like using Head on, Quick N' Quiet, We'll Make It, and Borrowed Time. My friend usually uses creative load outs like a hook build or an injured build or a slug build.
    • Usually 1 of us ends up dying but we also both escape when we're lucky. I'd say it's pretty equal
    • We usually don't die due to a specific killer. We usually die because we mess around and get our own selves killed.
    • There is no specific killer that we demolish, I guess maybe a Trapper but that's because he's probably the weakest killer in the game.
    • Usually the killer's rank is either 9 or 1-3
    • We don't ever play toxic. We play to have fun as you can tell due to the builds we both use. Playing to win isn't fun IMO, messing around is.
    • The biggest mistakes I usually see killers usually do is failing to slug, or not putting enough pressure like chasing 1 survivor for longer than 3 gens.
    • The most common mistakes that I find myself doing are farming survivors off of hook with borrowed time because we usually both end up getting down anyways 😂 or maybe missing a Head On stun or just doing something really silly.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    I tend to be rank 4-5, the others, 4-5, 9-10, 15-16. I use Fixated, Inner Strength, Detectives Hunch, and Balanced Landing. Depends on how good the killer is...sometimes none, sometimes all, typically I'd say on average 3 of us escape. As for the killers themselves it depends again on skill...a noob with Spirit will be owned by us, but a high skilled guy with say Demogorgon can get a 4K. But we usually bully nurses to death mostly because those who play her are awful at it. As my name suggests I am toxic. One big flaw is killers focusing on chasing one of us and they have no hope of catching them. Had a killer chasing one of my friends 5 feet away as I did the last gen...he obviously knew I was right there and did nothing to stop me...everyone escaped. I tend to get killed by going out of my way to save one of my friends...a typical flaw of SWFs.

  • Exciter
    Exciter Member Posts: 38

    -Our ranks currently ranged from 4 (me) to 12, I think

    -I'm currently using Adrenaline, Lithe, Resilience, and Spine Chill. Among our group, we have a pretty even spread of perk use, almost in an architypical-class sense (Highly aggressive to full support), which we never structured ourselves, that's just what each of us likes

    -I'd say three. More often than note, we tend to rotate who the sacrificial lamb will be.

    -Spirit is still our #1-hated killer. Doctor is #2 but that's just due to his shocky, out-of-the-box nature.

    -We love playing against Myers, but I don't think there's one killer we consistently "demolish". It's very player-dependent.

    -Our killer ranks are all over the place. We've had a lot of one-perk low ranks, occasional red ranks, and everything in-between.

    -I don't think any of us play toxic. One friend always has Decisive on, I like to blind at pallets, but none of us are in-your-face, teabagging, clicky-clicky toxic.

    -They run loops on basic-autopilot; in that, they never try to mindgame or double-back effectively.

    -Some games, we're all diving-in for an unhook. Other games, nobody calls the unhook and the person stages before someone actually gets there.