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General Discussions

To fellow Survivors, stop being jerks during and after game

Member Posts: 7,068
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

The tile says it all, if the killer didn't tea bag you, didn't camp you, didn't tunnel you etc and got you legitimately. Then don't be a jerk and rage quit because you're about to get downed/hooked/sacrificed. Also don't be a jerk post game and threaten to falsely report them like this. I was in the match in the pic just now and the killer didn't do anything wrong. They also didn't say anything racist in chat.

It's jerks like this that give all survivors bad names just like some killers do as well, like the one that went all homophobic on me because i called him out on his tea bagging and camping. They were also a prestige 3 killer with all the best stuff.

The red markings indicate the toxic survivor.

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  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @weirdkid5 said:
    Careful, if you point out how nasty Survivors are you'll just farm downvotes.

    As a survivor main but also Trapper main I hate it when ppl are idiots and are disrespectful for being outplayed. ITts one thing if they camp and you're low/newb/less geared and they have high prestige/gear etc to be frustrated.

    @Immersed_P3_Nea said:
    Yeah, a salty survivor told me they reported me for "lag switching" after I killed him. No one else had this issue...sorry mate, not my fault you use a potato for a router and have 300 ping xD

    Well I've got great rig and great internet yet had a Doctor earlier that was actually lag switching because game started and no one could move until after he hit 3 people. Once he did that we all were suddenly able to move, use mouse etc. There was several times were he did that and no action was allowed. That stopped once he got to 5 stacks of hex devour and got to auto sacrifice us all. He also had token usage long before he could've gotten it.

    It can and does happen but usually it's the lag and I'm surprised the EAC wouldn't kick them at that high ping or anything above 250ish really. Since if mine spikes that high during lobby I get booted after a few seconds for EAC check failure.

  • Member Posts: 49

    @powerbats said:

    @weirdkid5 said:
    Careful, if you point out how nasty Survivors are you'll just farm downvotes.

    As a survivor main but also Trapper main I hate it when ppl are idiots and are disrespectful for being outplayed. ITts one thing if they camp and you're low/newb/less geared and they have high prestige/gear etc to be frustrated.

    @Immersed_P3_Nea said:
    Yeah, a salty survivor told me they reported me for "lag switching" after I killed him. No one else had this issue...sorry mate, not my fault you use a potato for a router and have 300 ping xD

    Well I've got great rig and great internet yet had a Doctor earlier that was actually lag switching because game started and no one could move until after he hit 3 people. Once he did that we all were suddenly able to move, use mouse etc. There was several times were he did that and no action was allowed. That stopped once he got to 5 stacks of hex devour and got to auto sacrifice us all. He also had token usage long before he could've gotten it.

    It can and does happen but usually it's the lag and I'm surprised the EAC wouldn't kick them at that high ping or anything above 250ish really. Since if mine spikes that high during lobby I get booted after a few seconds for EAC check failure.

    Oh it definitely happens, I've been on the wrong end of lag switching and it sucks. But it's absurd to accuse someone of cheating because they had a bad connection and lost.

  • Member Posts: 264
    The vision of survivors at the exit gate should be seen by all killers. Also once you enter the exit gates you cannot leave. Although i guess tha5 would just delay the inevitable. Have survivors have an option to give props to the killer and vice versa, giving a few extra BP. That way people tha5 stay to be nice and.g8ce extra points can leave. If you hit someone within the exit gate, you cannot g8ve props, toy also cannot be hit past the entity anymore, if you get downed n3xt to the exit, you cannot leave. So just leave ASAP.  
    I d9nt reall6 know how you could force survicors to leave 8nstead of be8ng at a safw z9ne at the exit, since there shouldnt be safe z9ne f9r survivors since ir k8nda ruins the game.
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    I just had to add this little gem since the toxic jerk in question has been in 2 of my games now within the last week I think and has been like this both times. Now granted the Hillbilly did nothing but camp 1 hooked survivor and suckerd 1 victim that didn't know any better. I knew from the start what as up so I did gens only and got Iridescent as well. Altruistic sucks because with camper like that it's impossible to get anything there.

  • Member Posts: 78
    powerbats said:

    I just had to add this little gem since the toxic jerk in question has been in 2 of my games now within the last week I think and has been like this both times. Now granted the Hillbilly did nothing but camp 1 hooked survivor and suckerd 1 victim that didn't know any better. I knew from the start what as up so I did gens only and got Iridescent as well. Altruistic sucks because with camper like that it's impossible to get anything there.

    I would have probably said something snarky if all he did was camp the whole game for no particular reason or advantage besides guaranteeing the kill like “ur gonna need a tent for all that camping” or some other joke. I don’t know why people go ape ######### on people for small things like this, i just try to have fun with it.
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @JEWberry In this case the killer only stayed around the hook but was also nice enough to broadcast the fact he was camping by spamming his chainsaw next to the victim. But I agree something snarky would've been funny. Which ironically I posted about in another thread and got flamed by a homophobic jackass who went off in chat. He even had the gall to say git gud, rofl a Wraith doing nothing but camp lowbies with P3 and best stuff.

  • Member Posts: 106

    i play as survivor, and even i think survivors are jerks. the other day, someone got facecamped, and i tried to get them off but there was no way without me putting myself at risk, so i left them (as did the other 2 people) i guess they got salty and started messaging me during the duration of the match, including “what are you doing do a gen you’re just walking around” when ALL the gens were done and i was crouching towards an exit gate. some survivors shouldn’t play this game because they literally cannot handle not getting their way.

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    I had a survivor yesterday that was clicky clicky flashlighting at me and tea bagging. Downed him within 15 seconds and massacred the rest of his team. Called me a bad killer despite the fact that i dumpstered them all and got a 4k lol. Some people just cant handle losing.

  • Member Posts: 615

    @powerbats You are one of the few good survivors. I applaud you for standing up against the bs that most other survivors just seem to relish in. +1 my man.

  • Member Posts: 615

    @SadonicShadow said:
    I had a survivor yesterday that was clicky clicky flashlighting at me and tea bagging. Downed him within 15 seconds and massacred the rest of his team. Called me a bad killer despite the fact that i dumpstered them all and got a 4k lol. Some people just cant handle losing.

    And by some people, you mean about 95% of the survivor population? lol

  • Member Posts: 615

    @Fre_Shavacado0 said:
    i play as survivor, and even i think survivors are jerks. the other day, someone got facecamped, and i tried to get them off but there was no way without me putting myself at risk, so i left them (as did the other 2 people) i guess they got salty and started messaging me during the duration of the match, including “what are you doing do a gen you’re just walking around” when ALL the gens were done and i was crouching towards an exit gate. some survivors shouldn’t play this game because they literally cannot handle not getting their way.

    Another good survivor. +1

  • Member Posts: 3,918

    I never disrespect killers in game... you’d think that means people like me more, as I don’t partake in that behavior, but the MIGHTY TWENTY flags I have say otherwise

  • Member Posts: 181

    one of the few good survivors. we need more survivor mains like you

  • Member Posts: 415

    The amount of anxiety and stress I get from playing killer, I applaud anyone who plays killer. I hate it when they all camp the exits, teabag etc.. I do my business and bounce, hit the killer with a GG. The killers are the real heros on my eyes. They do the work that 90% survivors are too afraid to do.

  • Member Posts: 478
    powerbats said:

    The tile says it all, if the killer didn't tea bag you, didn't camp you, didn't tunnel you etc and got you legitimately. Then don't be a jerk and rage quit because you're about to get downed/hooked/sacrificed. Also don't be a jerk post game and threaten to falsely report them like this. I was in the match in the pic just now and the killer didn't do anything wrong. They also didn't say anything racist in chat.

    It's jerks like this that give all survivors bad names just like some killers do as well, like the one that went all homophobic on me because i called him out on his tea bagging and camping. They were also a prestige 3 killer with all the best stuff.

    The red markings indicate the toxic survivor.

    It's all just mind games. If you are a killer and you let what survivors say post game bother you, they win. Because then it is going to make you question your play style. Then they can mold you to play the way they want you to. Just play the game the way you want to, if your not using hacks... your not doing anything wrong. 
  • Member Posts: 478

    The amount of anxiety and stress I get from playing killer, I applaud anyone who plays killer. I hate it when they all camp the exits, teabag etc.. I do my business and bounce, hit the killer with a GG. The killers are the real heros on my eyes. They do the work that 90% survivors are too afraid to do.

    It's just YouTuber wannabees. When I have toxic survivors come in, I play toxic killer then, tunnel camp all the above. I love it. They idolize these guys but don't think that they have the power of editing. They are not going to post a video of their butts being handed to them
  • Member Posts: 478
    powerbats said:

    The tile says it all, if the killer didn't tea bag you, didn't camp you, didn't tunnel you etc and got you legitimately. Then don't be a jerk and rage quit because you're about to get downed/hooked/sacrificed. Also don't be a jerk post game and threaten to falsely report them like this. I was in the match in the pic just now and the killer didn't do anything wrong. They also didn't say anything racist in chat.

    It's jerks like this that give all survivors bad names just like some killers do as well, like the one that went all homophobic on me because i called him out on his tea bagging and camping. They were also a prestige 3 killer with all the best stuff.

    The red markings indicate the toxic survivor.

    It's all just mind games. If you are a killer and you let what survivors say post game bother you, they win. Because then it is going to make you question your play style. Then they can mold you to play the way they want you to. Just play the game the way you want to, if your not using hacks... your not doing anything wrong. 
    And there is a huge double standard on it, if you tunnel or "camp" which is more of a tactic according the situation, you are a piece of fecal matter, if they pallet loop you, everybody has meta perks teabag etc, then your just a "baby killer" haha 
  • Member Posts: 50

    I tend to discourage my crew from BMing when we are playing SWF together. It took a bit but they are getting better about it.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    Just had a survivor get all mad because the Dream tunneled him and he went full blown racist in pot game chat. It got worse after about 15 seconds when teh killer did the same but said Nig**er was a foreign dock worker. Then said a lazy one and both were level 12-15.

    I mean good grief people it's just a game, want to be racist go to a KKK meeting or private chat.

  • Member Posts: 415

    @powerbats said:

    want to be racist go to a KKK meeting.

    I went, it was just a bunch of survivor mains tho. Boring night won't attend again

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Shipthebread said:

    @powerbats said:

    want to be racist go to a KKK meeting.

    I went, it was just a bunch of survivor mains tho. Boring night won't attend again

    Ok I had to laugh but given the toxicity from killers as well doing the same thing it's probably about equal representation based upon ranks right now.

  • Member Posts: 874
    edited June 2018

    Do people seriously still need to point of that survivor are jerk in post game chat?
    Out of all my time on the game both playing and watching I only saw 5 kind of reaction here I'm going to class them from the most common to the rarest

    Nobody talk or just say gg

    Killer get name called trash talked because x reason and menaced with useless report

    Survivor name call or trash talk other survivor

    Nice conversation but it's incredibly rare tho

    Killer name call or trash talk survivor

    Ps: Yes I know that most time when someone talk trash the person he talk trash to will most likely reciprocate it.
    The way I did my list only take compt of who throw ######### first and not the response to said #########

  • Member Posts: 177

    i had a game today. killer main just so you know cuz this point is incredibly important. i flashlighted the living things inside the killer....yet at the end i apologized so much it would make you cry.
    point being : me getting flashlighted won't bother me. it's a tactic. but the BM is the problem
    and if i ever have to play this "toxic" style, then ill apologize.
    a good community equals a good game.
    flashlights nerf? a lil bit yes.
    camper ? tunnel fix? yes a lil bit
    why a lil bit? cuz tactics.
    community fix? burn it with fire. dat thing is so evil it makes Myers get the creeps.

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