Too scared to play killer

SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

I've been playing this game for a couple of months now and I've managed to work my way to level 13 killer (not bad considering I only have a few hours a day to play this game😊). But it's gotten to the point to where I keep facing red rank swf's not fun anymore. Nothing worse than approaching the exit door and seeing all four survivors lined up in a row teabagging you as they walk out (true story!).

Recently I leveled up Freddy to the point to where I really want to play him, but all I keep getting matched up against are red ranks. It's nice to think if this game considers me to be that good, but I know I'm not! LOL

Is anyone else a little too apprehensive to play killer? I find playing as a lone survivor far less nerve-wracking, because I'd rather be paired up with a red rank instead of going up against them.



  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Boy that can't come soon enough! My last killer match which was two days ago had me going up against a rank 4, two rank 3, and a rank 7. I really want to play some more killer matches, but that was my fifth match in a row like that and I'm just too damn tired to bother anymore.😔

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    Honestly I find solo survivor alot more stressful than killer because at least as killer you don't have to rely on strangers. But you shouldn't be scared to play just because you might lose especially when you're a new player in the process of learning. Play more. Build up your experience. Learn how to mindgame and run loops. Check out some good killer players and learn from them. (Otzdarva, Tru3ta1nt, Zubatlel). Happy killing.

  • TheOhioHutcH
    TheOhioHutcH Member Posts: 178

    My advice just play and have fun if you want to and not worrie about the outcome of the matches. You can train your chase skills and work on mind games to catch survs out of position and down them. Thats what i did when i started playing i feel for you cause i got Stomp at first as well but going up against a strong team all the time makes for a strong killer if you keep at it and learn and try different things to see what works. Most of the time (at least for me) you can get killer games really quick so you can just keep going. There's always plenty of sweaty Survivor with friends just waiting to bully a killer (or try and fail most of the time in my case)

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Honestly ignore the ranks. A lot of tge survivors in red dont belong there. Theyre also fixing matchmaking so it WILL get better.

    For now, dont worry about winning. Focus instead on just landing more hits and learning what the survivors do. The routes they take, the tricks they pull etc etc. Learning killer is a marathon, not a sprint.

    As far as the tbagging at the exit gates, join them. Dance around, slap a few, its whatever. Youll get used to it overtime

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Actually I do watch quite a few streams. My personal favorite is ohmwrecker! But it's not the losing that bothers me, it's not getting a chance to earn blood points. Being new I'm still trying to unlock a lot of stuff so I'm at a point to where all I care about are bloodpoints, but getting matched against red rank survivors that know the ins and outs of every map and loop just completely wrecks me, and I walk out with bloodpoints that are barely higher than what I would get as a survivor. Even with BBQ equipped I'm lucky to hook more than one survivor. It's all so frustrating.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I appreciate the encouragement all! Hopefully this new matchmaking system goes into effect this month like the devs said it would. Right now it just feels like I'm a new swimmer being thrown into a pool and expecting to compete against Olympic swimmers. Hopefully the learning curve isn't so sharp in the coming months.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    That I can understand. The grind is atrocious on this game which is why i hope they'll add cross progression so I can have all my stuff from Ps4 on xbox or pc when im finally able to switch. Unfortunately though you're gonna have to make do. Killers naturally earn more bloodpoints than survivors, which is just one reason why i like playing killer alot, so once you start learning how to outplay the survivors and beat them, then the bp will start rolling in and ease the grind a bit.

  • Kostyazz
    Kostyazz Member Posts: 4

    I main killer, but I absolutely agree that it's much more intense than playing survivor.

    It feels upside down: playing unarmed person trying to stay alive is less unnerving than playing a literal killing machine.

    Nothing scares me more than seeing a good looper invite me to a chase with a buttdance, while completed generators pop all around my screen...

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited June 2020

    Not to burst your bubble. Really I don't mean to sound like a dick but the game doesn't consider you that good. The MM in this game is god awful. The reason it keeps throwing reds at you is they have been waiting for 10 mins and you were the first available sacrifice to be thrown at them. Unfortunately when playing as killer, the game doesn't give 2 shits about you because we are the minority.

    From my understanding the game at first looks for someone of similar rank. If it cant find one it expands the search criteria. If it still cant find one it will eventually throw the first killer it finds. Due to some balance issues, patches and other things. There isn't many people playing killer anymore. New players like you are being matched with people who have every meta perk in the game. This doesn't encourage people to play killer or stick around. So the problem continues. They have a new MM in place and hopefully it will improve things after a few months. If it makes you feel better rank really doesn't reflect skill so much as time played that month.

  • Sodahead
    Sodahead Member Posts: 99

    I myself don't mind red ranks. What I hate is these trolling asshats making the game unfun and bullying the killer beyond belief. Body blocking, camping pallets, flashlights, DS, BT, you name it.

    A rank 14 killer should not be taken advantage of by red rank swfs. My wife doesn't want to play anymore in result. So, it's noed, lightborn, moris, and tunneling for her. LOL

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I feel you. This is why I don't stick around to play killer much anymore.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Don't worry I don't take your message the wrong way. Not at all. I know the matchmaking is less than stellar in this game, but it's one thing when you're being matched against single rank survivors and you yourself aren't a single rank killer, but it's another thing entirely when the game throws a double-digit killer against red rank survivors. If I have to wait a little while longer to be matched up against survivors closer to my level, then so be it.

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    I have a bigger fear of playing solo survivor and being paired up with dbag Every so often, I find myself having to listen to my teammates ######### in end game chat about how much they hate solo queues and how I didnt do anything (despite three iridescent emblems). Sorry I'm not in your SWF and dont get constant info on where the killer is going and who is coming to rescue you....

    Killer is almost less stressful in that way. I expect to be matched against salty survivors. Getting teamed up with them is something else....

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    At least you got 2 of them. I always take those as successes!

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    At least one of the nice things about playing on console is that you don't have to be subjected to end game chat. I also have it set up to where I only receive messages from friends so randoms that I play with can't send me salty messages. This is why I hope one day this game gets bots. Hell if the devs behind the mobile game can incorporate bots, then I don't see why the same can't be done for the main game. If the developers behind the Friday the 13th game were able to do it, then hopefully the same can be done for dead by daylight.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    It wasn't the worst game, at least. Could have been a 3k if I were a bit faster, missed the last one by a hair at the end.

    They were clearly better players than I, though. The only reason I got anyone was extreme altruism.

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    Oh, I can close the chat on PC, but then I would lose the awesome conversations I have had with some really cool people in the community. It's always fun to run into people in the game who live in the same area and are actually cordial and funny.

  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    That was my point. I expect to lose to better players. They have more time in the game and have had time to polish their gameplay. If I can kill one or two of them, I feel like I have made a pretty good effort. It's the same thing when I go against a SWF and only kill one person, but that person also happens to be a rank 1 or 2 player. It just feels better.

  • wichael_wyers
    wichael_wyers Member Posts: 202

    Honestly, I haven't seen that many red ranks paired with me (at least a month or two ago when I was playing killer). It might be because I was in green ranks, which maybe has a bigger pool of players to match with. Could also be the time of day I play, which is very late lol. Yet, when I play red rank survivor, I might get paired with green or yellow rank killers (green ranks more often, though). It's almost making me lose my nerve, because survivors will also be the rank of the killer and it's just a pain to die on first/second hook or maybe I get tunneled. It's that or maybe my team is green/purple rank and the killer doesn't stand a chance. Sick of this crap.

    Sorry about the matchmaking system, man. Maybe play around midnight if you can. Maybe the pool of killers will be so low that you're the only available killer of your rank and get matched correctly LOL. I have no clue how it works, tbh.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    That happens a lot to me and usually the dead guy is really salty in that scenario. I prefer to look at it from a blood points perspective being how highly ranked they are they really should have been able to earn more. Technically you won that match on BP's.

    I'd say lately my games have been 50/50 facestomp bad match followed by a balanced fun game followed by a facestomp bad match.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Don't worry about the end results. Just play for fun. If you get wrecked who cares? Just try to enjoy your games and focus on improving. If you have the time, I'd suggest watching some streamers to try to learn from them. Marth, Otzdarva, and FunGoose are all really good. FunGoose even gives running commentary of what he's doing. It's hard to follow because he talks so faster, but it's highly informative.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Ive always assumed that playing during peak weekend hours would give you the best chance of meeting the +/- of 6 rule. I would think the presence of the most generous amount of killers and survivors would allow for closer mm'ing results.

    I might be a wacko, but i think the sweet spot for killer is on sat + sun during 12pm - 5pm. Mm'ing usually seems good enough and survivors mostly chill types.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    Definitely understand where your coming from. I personally find it way less stressful to play as survivor as theres not nearly as much pressure on you individually since you have 3 teammates. Killer is a role where one small mistake can screw the whole game up for you, and you definitely need to paying more attention. This being said though, I find killer more rewarding to play as because of this.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    If the rule of 6 is indeed a thing, then I've encountered far too many scenarios where it has not applied to the matches I've had as killer. When I was a level 15 Killer I was still going up against single-level survivors that were outside of the rule of 6, and it still happens to this day.

    I don't know if the devs have just thrown their hands up and said "screw it" until the new matchmaking system is in place, but right now there is no consistency for new players or experienced players.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I get that apprehension. I'm really looking forward to ranks and matchmaking being fixed up. It's no fun to realize you got paired with a killer way below your skill level.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Oddly enough, prime time is when matchmaking gets even worse for me. Killer queues are instant, but the matchmaking is consistently red/purple rank SWFs over and over, generally with one super low rank friend with them.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited June 2020

    @SweetTerror Oh I know how it can be really intimidating and demoralizing it is when you are relatively new to killer and going against experienced survivors and swfs. And you just feel like you have no control/pressure over the map and the survivors too slippery to catch. But don't let that stop you from playing the game you want to play everything you feel and deal with in a match is something all killer players have had to deal with and over-come. While it can seem very daunting at first eventually you will learn the pace of the game, the mind-gaming, the chases and knowledge of pressure. All it takes is just time and when you are having fun it won't feel like it all. Just don't push yourself and always remain cool and center. Don't let any of it get to you


    Get that flashlight neon nea squad and crater them! DO IT

  • CreepyB4by
    CreepyB4by Member Posts: 13

    I share your apprehension. Every game, EVERY game that I don't 4k, it's a teabag session in the exit maybe with stypic agents and DS plays, of course someone will be going for the flashlight blind as well and there will be messages sent if I'm playing on console. I get tired of it. I've actually turned off messages bc of this game so no one can text me or spam me with chat invites anymore. I think about quitting this game almost every day bc I'm tired of putting up with childish jerks.

    I really wish the devs would do something. I love this game, I've spent thousands of hours and hundreds of dollars on it, but I am sooo sick of survivors that are proud to say they're toxic and, basically, just spend all their time trying to make other people as miserable as they are.

  • tixerp
    tixerp Member Posts: 270

    This reads like LARPing, but I'll bite. Killers tough man. I'd say just wait for MMR update.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Yeah prime time is when I get the worst turnouts. Unfortunately between work and parenting that's really the only time I have to play. 😕

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I mean, you can definitely just look at their friends list on Steam.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    That's the problem with every horror game though.

    It's only scary at the beginning but gets less scary the longer you play.

  • wichael_wyers
    wichael_wyers Member Posts: 202

    Good point. The times I play at are long queues, but if you want peak enjoyment then that 12-5pm time frame might be ideal. That or the pool of survivors is so large that there aren't enough killers to make up for certain ranks, so you're thrown into something unfair. I really don't know, but I'll pay attention to that next time I play. We need devs to make some stats on this stuff again.

  • TheWind
    TheWind Member Posts: 59

    Man, same. I've been playing long enough to have half the killer teachables and I am right there with you. This game is punishing on people who aren't the best at it.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    What's sad is that the killer should always have the advantage. I'm not saying it should be a walk in the park, but if you have a good swf team, then they can make a killer regret ever hitting accept at the lobby screen! As cool as it is to be able to use different perks from different killers, a killer's own individual set of perks should be enough to see them through, but it's not. And with a matchmaking system in place that ensures that you'll be competing against red ranks, can make for a very lousy experience.