Low rank killer against high rank survivers

Hi, im now playing as a killer and only 16 rank. But I usually matched with top red ranked survivers. I think eyeryone is in same circumstance when playing a killer. Is’nt it not fair that we killers have to play with good players even when lower levels. Are there any more closer rank match system to be adopted or discussed? I sometimes have to wait for more than 10 mins to find a match on the net and get lost in 5 mins which is pretty harsh...😭
Best Answers
I honestly was so tilted when I started playing this game and constantly being against reds and purples as noob killer. I still am sometimes but when I actually beat greens and purples and occasionally reds, it made me realize all those unfair matches made me a better killer. So just try to hang on, it isn't fun but it will make you better.
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This happens to pretty much everyone, all the time. You're not alone. There will be a completely new matchmaking system introduced within the next few weeks which will hopefully fix a lot of the issues with the current one, including reducing the frequency of unfair matchmaking.
I am in the same boat with you and trust me, you get better the more you play. When they are way out of your league, just practice chasing them. That is what I've been doing. Just forget about pressuring gens and winning and just chase them. I've had pretty good success against greens and purples and even some reds now. I still do get tilted in most of the matches because matchmaking is far from fair. Also playing on survivor side helps because you get to know how looping works on the other side of the chase.
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Thanks for the reply. Good to hear that. I’m now too suck at playing as a killer. True that I gotta play more and more to get better so that maybe someday I can defeat top ranked survivors. To think positive probably this is good situation to go on with professionals so that I can get trained. Provocative actions by them irritate me but i think i was too cared about points and ranking. Will chase and chase til one day I get better.
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Yep it is not fun now lol. But once and hope I get better I imagine there will be a lot fun playing as a killer.
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Understood the matching system is currently unfair. But it is a good news that there will be a new matching system introduced. Thanks for your commentw.
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Not long returned to this game, can you link me the offical info on this? Or was it on a podcast?
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It was discussed in their anniversary livestream. I can link you to the summary post I made of the stream, which contains all the information as well as links to the original videos if you want to watch those instead.
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Massive props, cheers 🤙