
Naming and shaming is against forum rules and will get you a forum ban. Please don't make yourself an undeserved victim by keeping those names out. All you're doing is feeding those losers an undeserved victory.
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Blur the names you will get yourself banned
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Meh, people saying the bads on the internet. Not sure why it warrents a thread. Especially not one that'll probably get you banned instead.
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I Love how there are players like these out there, there's proof and the first thing in forum user's mind is
"Naming and shaming is prohibited on the forums because of blah blah blah."
How about you tell the guy to open a ticket through the game, submit the pictures and let the mods handle it instead of already policing him on the forums rules and guidelines. Really shows the priorities on people's minds.
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Nobody is trying to police him but rather warn him. He can have his post up, thats fine...he just needs to go about the proper changes to the picture to avoid having his post deleted. If a mod sees this, thats whats going to happen.
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Yes, it will get deleted, but what I don't see is people telling him the other proper steps to reporting.
NO ONE told him to submit a ticket on the forums, just to adjust the picture. If he does get himself banned, and he doesn't know what else to do, these jerks will never get disciplined. That's my point.
I don't care if he gets banned, or the picture taken down, what I do care if he knows how there are other options to submit the picture.
And the fact that no one told him, and rather policed him on the forums rules and guidelines scares me. The behavior is so normalized no one batted an eye on the REAL subject of the matter.
I'm not defending the naming and shaming, NO. Rather, I'm only pointing out that no one bothered to tell him that there are other ways to reporting these individuals.
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Once again...no one is policing him. If you want to share all that information, feel free. You dont need to shame everyone else for not doing yet what you yourself have also failed to do.
It makes sense to take things 1 step at a time and have him fix the post that your interacting with someone on before the whole thing gets deleted. As far as sending reports... this screenshot was taken over 4 hours ago. I highly doubt he still has the endgame chat still up and an ingame report is 100% required before any other action can possibly take place.
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I'm well aware. It's only saddening that no one saw the picture for what it was, no one bothered telling him that there are other ways in submitting a report other than posting a picture on the forums.
I feel like the attitude of the abusers have been so desensitized.
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As others have already explained, the forum is not the place to report people, nor will doing so make them more likely to get banned, since the forum mods are not the same people who handle in-game punishments. If you want to report someone for something they said in the chat, just click the thumbs up/thumbs down button next to their name in the scoring screen where you took the screenshot. You don't even need to submit a ticket to Support or take screenshots or anything like that, since the chat logs get sent automatically when you report.
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Hi @Zorkki , I've deleted the screenshot as that kind of unacceptable language does not need to be shared further. Reports are not accepted on the forums, and any screenshots should have players' names blurred if you wish to share something negative like that.
Reporting in-game is exactly what you needed to do. If there's additional evidence of anything that's not post-game chat, you can also submit it so support: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/