Are there any easter eggs in DBD?

I can only think of the little hole in the wall in Badham Preschool's basement, though that would probably classify more as a reference than an easter egg, as you're on Nightmare's map.
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Ah, right. I believe its a shrine or something?
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Yeah, kid drawings too.
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There is a ton of easter eggs on upcoming Silent Hill map. Even secret room!(Hawkins has one too) Devs really did an amazing job with a new chapter.
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I feel like that's not the happy kind of easter egg.
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There will be a new cool easter egg in the new chapter appearently (except for all the references), but I don't want to spoil how to do it for those who want to find it themselfes, I really like it tho.
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can't wait to see 💜
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Matchmaking is kinda an easter egg too.
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Thank you for letting me know. I'll be on the lookout.
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They started doing secret rooms. In Hawkins, for example, you can blink into one with nurse.
There is supposedly one hidden in the Oni map, but as far as I know the devs still claim that nobody has found it to this day. So try your luck there, maybe you'll be the lucky one!
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Hawkins has a hidden room you can teleport into as Nurse; it's located where the basement would spawn in the portal room as long as the basement isn't there, Sanctum of Wrath has the statue heads that look at you when you turn away, Sanctum of Wrath also has another undiscovered EE; potentially something to do with the little ghost wail around the giant middle statue. Not sure how true that one is but I heard Monto mention it once as a potential candidate. Badham has the hidden Freddy room and of course all the golden toolboxes as you already know.
That's all the ones I know off hand but I'm sure there are more I missed.
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Thank you so much for this 😇
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Only western ones.
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I wish all the maps had a hidden room only Killers could get into. Then they could wait in there unmolested when survivours are being toxic and they just waiting for the game to end..
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A lot of maps if I remember correctly have golden tool boxes Easter eggs. They’re usually very difficult to find however people have found many. Most notable one is Hawkins. As others have mentioned their’s the secret room in Hawkins which you can get in via Nurse. This room actually has a clue to find the golden tool box. During EGC one of the crates slightly open in the portal room. In this crate you can see the golden tool box.
There’s also the toolbox in Ormond which is viable between the cracks of the Legion graffiti
Then there’s some much easier found tool boxes such as Haddonfield
As others haven mentioned the devs have confirmed that there is a secret room in the Sanctum or Wraith. However we are yet to find it.