As someone who plays the game on PS4, it does get very aggravating when i cant speak to none of the players in game. Cause im sick and tired of dying when the killer isnt around me and players dont have the audacity of unhooking me, while im screamin to myself duddeeee he isn't even there. Plus i heard cross platformed is comin soon to it. How are we suppose to chat with our friends on xbox since we cant make a party like a normal console normally does for same console players. Plus my gf got the game and i dont have a phone to call her and talk to her while we play. Like ik it will mess up some perks but u can make it have a range to hear people like some games and to where the killer can hear u to re balance it too. if its so upsetting. Its CO-OP not solo like the killer. Please do sum about it. and everyone help meeee who is upset about it to be heard too.


  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Might be good if it were optional...i would have it off...

    Just going off your post, try running kindred 🤷‍♂️

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816
    NANI_S3NPA1 Member Posts: 5

    im just sayin cause peeps got all the gens and gate opened and didnt even unhook me to save me when they have 3 able people. with no damage on em. and the killer wasnt around me at all.

    NANI_S3NPA1 Member Posts: 5

    see yall just assume peeps gonna scream when yall can just mute them. like every game they have that uses mics allows u to mute people so dont be slow about it dude

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    I'd like voice chat but I'm pretty sure it'll never happen.

    NANI_S3NPA1 Member Posts: 5

    how when it can just be limited range to fix the balance and allow the killer to hear yall talk

  • OldWiseOne
    OldWiseOne Member Posts: 159

    i assume people scream because the way half the community is, i mean youre calling me slow because i dont want to hear people crying over a game ruining it, like seriously name calling already because i disagree? i bet if your team could hear you they would leave anyway and not bother dealing with that attitude. not to mention why should i have to go through the hassle of trying to mute everysingle person i ever come across. alot of us just want to play, and if youre so for com communication you can create your own groups or invite the randoms to a party chat? and can you imagine playing killer hitting someone down and them crying and moaning or going against a bunch of toxic players just all out naming calling etc. yeah no.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    My only issue with that is, as a esl person I rarely talk english when playing, so it would be more annoying to people that don't know X language and vice versa, don't get me wrong I know english and can talk it kinda fluently but I think it would become more annoying to survivors.

    Think of games like cod as well, has in game chat and trust me you will mute everyone in seconds, there is always the bad mic, the arguer, the salty tryhard, the sore loser, the party at home who blast music through the mic.

    I don't think people would enjoy it.

    You can always send invites to the survivors in game and hope they join.

  • tixerp
    tixerp Member Posts: 270

    No. It does nothing but ruin the immersion and atmosphere. The fact that there's little communication between survivors, is what makes the game compellingly chaotic at times. And it makes the times where solo survivors just click and understand each other that much more thrilling. If they were going to expand upon communication, maybe just add a few more survivor emotes besides pointing and "come here".

    But add in voice chat and you're gonna get the dumb crap you see in F13.

  • Benno101
    Benno101 Member Posts: 47

    No. Voice coms would literally ruin the game. I don't want some 10 year old swearing and screaming at me.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I think on paper its a great idea, but knowing this community it would be an absolute ######### show. I wouldnt have to just hear a click from a flashlight 50 times in a row, id also be hearing the 12 year old on the other end of that flashlight laughing stupidly into his mic, as would his team.

    NANI_S3NPA1 Member Posts: 5

    im sayin ur slow cause every game that allows u to use mics they always had the option to turn it off. no attitude needed to show ur too lazy to mute them or dont realize not everyone screams in a mic. :P its always been easy to mute people

  • FabV
    FabV Member Posts: 173

    In every game with voice chat, all I can hear is people yelling, discussing something I don't care about or speaking a language I don't know, so I usually mute all.

    Just do like every solo player, run Kindred.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 577

    It could be An Idea to make a limited range chat box.

    This way solo survivor can have some communication in a balanced not annoying way.

  • WRussoW
    WRussoW Member Posts: 715

    Oh, so we have learned nothing from Friday the 13th: The Game?

  • OldWiseOne
    OldWiseOne Member Posts: 159

    so im lazy and have an attitude because i dont want to have to mute every each game but you arent lazy when you could simply create a group or just invite the randoms to a party? if they wanna talk theyd join so how about you do that instead of forcing others to mute people before they can even enjoy the game. but you must me right, im the slow one that knows you can invite people which not only removes the need for the chat but also makes it map wide. i and many others dont want to have kids screaming down the mic, hear people constantly trash talk others, hear music, hear breathing etc.