
No matter what game you play, players have the urge to teebag others. Do they get so much satisfaction out of it? Or whats the deal? Then some wonders why players leave the match. Players should respect one another, teebagging is bullying, like nowadays you get banned from playstation network if sending an offensive message.


  • momppu
    momppu Member Posts: 14

    Is this real that Michael mayers can kill you instantly when he reaches you, he doesn't have to hit you or put you down, or is a cheat?

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    Some survivors will use it to actively aggravate the killer. They usually want to be chased, and this is an easier way to convince the killer to oblige.

    Plus if these survivors can make the killer angry, looping will get easier; angry players have clouded judgement and make worse decisions.

  • momppu
    momppu Member Posts: 14

    Thats true. I know survivers communicate by teebagging, but for example I was playing against ghost and he chased me a long time and he gaught me. When I was on the ground he was just teebagging on top of me and around me. Did the same thing to another survivor, thats just being cocky. Not that big of a deal but its not cool.