Why green keys exist?

Ye exactly. Green keys exist so that you can use the addons. It also has more durability than a Dull key.
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Why this design choice tho?
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I mean I would use a green key ig I wanted to use any of the keys addons. as the keys I feel like are more geared towards opening hatch rather than using addons on them.
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It's a cheap thing to bring if you want to get mori'd. Other than that it's nice for for aura reading. Honestly with addons it's one of the most potent items in the game.
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I always get annoyed when I pull a green key out of a chest. It's completely useless to me for that match.
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I used to bring green keys to trick the killer into wasting a perk slot on Franklin's.
But they would just bring a mori instead.
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What happened to you is like karma, but you didn't do anything wrong.
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I wouldn't mind green keys so much if at least they had a different model, that'd make it evident for what they are. Also, they could use a buff, either longer duration or basic short-range aura reading of allies without add-ons.
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To make you feel bad when you pull one from a chest. In all seriousness though I wish they did something at base without addons.
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Green keys feel super useless and just a way to fool the killer to think you carry real key.
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You would think that.
Except that Skeleton Keys have three times as much durability, can open the Hatch, AND are more common than Broken Keys despite being Ultra-Rare because of how rarity in Bloodwebs actually works.
If you're planning on using a Key for it's channeling effects you'd ideally want to use a Skeleton Key. It's just all around better in addition to being easier to get from Bloodwebs.
Broken Keys, AFAIK, just exist because originally all items had one variation and the devs wanted Keys to be a more accessible and usable. Hence Dull and Broken Keys - one just for the Hatch and the other just for add-ons.
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For things like blood amber
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I am usually against removing things from the game, but broken keys are an exception of the rule.
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Because the devs are trolls too
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I love my green keys! They are so good that they are 'Broken'...ehh
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To mori bait
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It's really helpful to get yourself moried, tunneled or camped cause the killer thinks you have a purple or rainbow key. Best item in the game, even better with addons
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My guess is too fill the "RNG box/Bloodweb" and make "escape" keys more rare while still allowing the add-ons for keys to be used (broken key).
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Broken key needs to be buffed to 20 secends because if i want aura reading ill use a skeleton key for 30 secends plua addons if i want just hatch ill bring a dull and yeah greens dont have much time
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Green keys exist to get you tunneled by the killer.
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Yes it is weird. Any survivor's item can be useful without addons. It can be used. But green key without add-ons is useless. So when you find it in chest you don't even want to take it.
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Yeah but you could just use a skeleton key and get way more value out of it.
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Just make all chest items come with at least one common add-on by default. That's not unreasonable since they all expire after the match anyways, and it'd make finding a broken key a slightly softer disappointment.
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Giving an add-on is quite a buff if that Brown add-on isnt useless
- flashlight: power bulb, battery
- key: rope (add 10sec), its the only brown add on for key, really useless
- medkit: bandages, add 8 charges which is quite good
- toolbox: scapes, add 8 charges, same as medkit
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