

No Kids?

Member Posts: 544

How come there are no children present in the Entity's world? No kid survivors or kid killers? Wouldn't kids be an easier target since they are easily prone to losing hope and do the bidding of the entity?


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  • Member Posts: 544
    edited May 2018

    @Dizzylizard said:
    for survivors you don't want them to lose hope to quick or else the entity wont have much to feed on, although I do know that kids can cope with some scary #########, sometimes better than the adults around them, as for a killer it would be cool for one of the ordinal killers to play on the child horror trope somehow.

    in ether case though having a child as a killer or survivor could have some... nasty clashes with some sort of laws somewhere with a survivor child DEFINTLY putting people who play killer on some sort of watchlist, and a killer child being... difficult to pull off without causing an uproar about connotations with a case like the poor Jamey bulger murder in Britain, in ether case it would be risky to introduce a child in some way without ensuing a lawsuit from someone regardless of which side of the game the are on.

    Good points. But, im just speaking in regards to the lore and not actual gameplay wise.

  • Member Posts: 544
    edited May 2018

    @Mc_Harty said:
    Technical drawbacks.

    Besides Quentin and Laurie are practically high schoolers.

    Lore wise not gameplay wise. I was also thinking within middle school and elementary range.

  • Member Posts: 60

    maybe there are, who knows what the entity has in it's realm. from what I've gathered the realm is a lot bigger than just what we've seen. the testing sections are just a small snippet.

  • Member Posts: 103

    Development limitations and gameplay reasons. There could be a reason Lorewise, though. What I'm wondering is why we don't have any guys who are the same height as the girls, and vice versa.

    I think a better question to ask is what would happen if a cripple wound up in the Fog?

  • Member Posts: 1,165
    ekto said:

    Development limitations and gameplay reasons. There could be a reason Lorewise, though. What I'm wondering is why we don't have any guys who are the same height as the girls, and vice versa.

    I think a better question to ask is what would happen if a cripple wound up in the Fog?

    Well for one thing he or she would not be crippled. They would be fully healed. Remember in Tapps lore when he was shot and when he transitioned to the realm of the entity the bullet wound was gone? Yea, same thing would happen with a cripple. 
  • Member Posts: 71

    So, I'd be against having children personally even if it made sense lore wise and the reason is perception. We already deal with people shouting at video games as the cause of all the worlds violence problems, can you imagine what they'd do if a video game gave them Children being kidnapped and sent to a world where they were killed over and over and over again by a demented killer?

  • Member Posts: 8
    βLAKE said:

    @Mc_Harty said:
    Technical drawbacks.

    Besides Quentin and Laurie are practically high schoolers.

    Lore wise not gameplay wise. I was also thinking within middle school and elementary range.

    In the movies they are in high school.
  • Member Posts: 1,650
    edited May 2018

    @βLAKE said:
    How come there are no children present in the Entity's world? No kid survivors or kid killers? Wouldn't kids be an easier target since they are easily prone to losing hope and do the bidding of the entity?

    I think this is a poor question. Who wants a child killer? Seriously? I know its all fiction and fun, but some borders/lines don't need crossed.

    Children are precious and sacred and innocent. We don't even need that... even in a fantasy fiction horror game.

  • Member Posts: 107

    I mean, it is pretty understandable why there aren't any children in games, 'no one' wants to murder kids. If that were included in the game there would be a HUGE public outrage against Dead by Daylight, and that is something neither Behaviour nor anyone else would love to see.

  • Member Posts: 1,640

    But would you feel good about yourself after killing a kid though?

  • Member Posts: 20

    children and terror and gore have always been a taboo very few movies have had the "courage" to show or even suggest child deaths that are not in the context of an accident

    right now I only remember The Blob and the Japanese movie Battle Royale about a child killer, what about that "little boy" in the movie Trick'r treat kill with a lollipop would be fun

  • Member Posts: 32

    Fun fact, guys--while it's not illegal to show the death of children in a video game or film, it does cause the rating to go up and can greatly impact sales. That's why in most games where children can die (Telltale's TWD, Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain for examples), its not shown on-screen. On top of that, sales would be impacted in countries with higher censorship laws, such as Australia. It's an issue of morality.

    On a lore basis, I like to think the Entity is incapable of eating children simply because they're too hard to catch. Outside of its realm, hope is a repellent, and children are especially hopeful. It's harder for a child to truly despair, even at the worst of times.

  • Member Posts: 323
    YankeeSan said:

    Fun fact, guys--while it's not illegal to show the death of children in a video game or film, it does cause the rating to go up and can greatly impact sales. That's why in most games where children can die (Telltale's TWD, Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain for examples), its not shown on-screen. On top of that, sales would be impacted in countries with higher censorship laws, such as Australia. It's an issue of morality.

    On a lore basis, I like to think the Entity is incapable of eating children simply because they're too hard to catch. Outside of its realm, hope is a repellent, and children are especially hopeful. It's harder for a child to truly despair, even at the worst of times.

    Like because the children are innocent ENTITY can't touch them . 
  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @βLAKE said:
    How come there are no children present in the Entity's world? No kid survivors or kid killers? Wouldn't kids be an easier target since they are easily prone to losing hope and do the bidding of the entity?

    They would have to get new rigs for the different body size, and ya know, the devs are lazy :wink:

  • Member Posts: 41

    Would be hard to implement, and I don't think anyone here would enjoy murdering children.

  • Member Posts: 874

    Can't say for the lore explaination but

    The comercial explaination is that some country could ban the game for containing explicit violence against children.
    Australia already ban game for FAR less

  • Member Posts: 326

    Going purely by lore, I'm sure there would be a possibility for children to be in the entity's realm. But at the same time, I feel like the Killers themselves would severely question themselves, if they had to murder children for the enitity. Well, of course with some exceptions... it could potentially cause an uproar with the Killers, causing them to fight back once more.

    @YankeeSan said:
    Fun fact, guys--while it's not illegal to show the death of children in a video game or film, it does cause the rating to go up and can greatly impact sales. That's why in most games where children can die (Telltale's TWD, Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain for examples), its not shown on-screen. On top of that, sales would be impacted in countries with higher censorship laws, such as Australia. It's an issue of morality.

    On a lore basis, I like to think the Entity is incapable of eating children simply because they're too hard to catch. Outside of its realm, hope is a repellent, and children are especially hopeful. It's harder for a child to truly despair, even at the worst of times.

    Also this sounds interesting, dunnu if the devs confirmed it, but if hope really works as a repellent then children really have an anti-entity-barrier. At least it sounds very plausible.

  • Member Posts: 1,495

    Laurie is only 17, and Quentin can't be that much older.

  • Member Posts: 153

    I dont think the devs want to make a game with adults killing kids or kids killing kids

  • Member Posts: 5

    One possible lore reason is that the Huntress refuses to intentionally kill little girls. I imagine she was ready to kill for the entity from the start and i would think it's too smart to go against her one rule. I guess that doesn't go against the possibility of adding boys but i think others have already stated plenty of reasons, even lore ones.

  • Member Posts: 544

    @mdg2018 said:
    I dont think the devs want to make a game with adults killing kids or kids killing kids

    what about kids killing adults? Never mentioned either of the two options. Also, im not saying that kids should be introduced in the game. I just wanted to know why there is no mention (lore wise) about any kids in the entity's world.

  • Member Posts: 544

    @ArchangelVakarian said:
    One possible lore reason is that the Huntress refuses to intentionally kill little girls. I imagine she was ready to kill for the entity from the start and i would think it's too smart to go against her one rule. I guess that doesn't go against the possibility of adding boys but i think others have already stated plenty of reasons, even lore ones.

    I thought she kills all with the exception of little girls. Here is the excerpt:

    She widened her territory and lived off her hunts. She worked her way up through squirrels and hares and mink and foxes. Eventually she grew tired of them and hunted more dangerous animals like wolves and bears. When unsuspecting travelers came through her woods, she discovered her new favorite prey: humans. Unlucky souls who strayed into her territory were slaughtered like any other animal. She liked to collect their tools and colorful garments and especially toys when there were little ones. But she could never bring herself to kill the little girls.

  • Member Posts: 56
    I assume they exist but arent shown. 
  • Member Posts: 121

    The entity does not take children in to it's realm

  • Member Posts: 544

    @hMM said:
    The entity does not take children in to it's realm

    what make's you say this?

  • Member Posts: 149

    think about this in a real sense and not a lore sense...how would it look to have a game where you can kill little kids by hanging them on meat hooks.

  • Member Posts: 544

    @robin said:
    think about this in a real sense and not a lore sense...how would it look to have a game where you can kill little kids by hanging them on meat hooks.

    It's a video game and i'm talking about the story/lore.

  • Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2018

    I don't think it will be appropriate to see a 12yo child being chainsaw in two piece by a savage killer, for exemple Leatherface with his memento

  • Member Posts: 157

    @βLAKE said:
    How come there are no children present in the Entity's world? No kid survivors or kid killers? Wouldn't kids be an easier target since they are easily prone to losing hope and do the bidding of the entity?

    I would definitly love to see some Lord of the Flies kinda ######### going on. LOL

  • Member Posts: 157

    @Chrismor said:
    children and terror and gore have always been a taboo very few movies have had the "courage" to show or even suggest child deaths that are not in the context of an accident

    right now I only remember The Blob and the Japanese movie Battle Royale about a child killer, what about that "little boy" in the movie Trick'r treat kill with a lollipop would be fun

    Go watch Lord of the Flies. All about crazy kids that turn on each other . They even kill one kid by pushing a huge boulder on top of his head!

  • Member Posts: 94

    A kid in this game would be ######### awesome. I really hope the devs add it.

  • Member Posts: 498

    @Twitchin said:
    View model and animations would be harder because obviously, smaller the player model the harder it is to see in grass, on the map in general.

    Not sure it's something the developers would like to really do, considering it would require a lot of balances.

    I'm also not sure how the story would be written for that either.

    What do I know though.

    @Dizzylizard said:
    difficult to pull off without causing an uproar about connotations with a case like the poor Jamey bulger murder in Britain, in ether case it would be risky to introduce a child in some way without ensuing a lawsuit from someone regardless of which side of the game the are on.

    Also this ^

    here the lore, little timmy went a little too far away in recess and was never seen again

  • Member Posts: 544

    Lore not gameplay guys.

  • Member Posts: 45

    eleven of stranger things on dead by daylight 8-) turururururururururururururu

  • Member Posts: 307

    @Chrismor said:


  • Member Posts: 173
    edited June 2018

    From a lore perspective...."The Entity needs each Survivor to feel hope," - I think a kid would be instantly terrified to the point that hope wouldnt be a thought in their mind at any point of the trials.

  • Member Posts: 6

    @JusticeZERO said:
    From a lore perspective...."The Entity needs each Survivor to feel hope," - I think a kid would be instantly terrified to the point that hope wouldnt be a thought in their mind at any point of the trials.

    (Attention: Spoiler)
    Reminds me on the 2 films "Sinister" and "Sinister 2", where the youngest Child kill a hole family, before it took away from the boogeyman. These kids were normal, before they started to see the freeking tapes or got in touch with the darkness. Thats why I agree with you @JusticeZERO.

  • Member Posts: 2,055
    edited June 2018

    I personally think it would be a cool idea, I am sure some others would agree, but kids being killed is a bad look for the game, even if it is just a game. Some people cannot accept that.

    We can pretend story/lore wise that there may be or are children, even if the devs have not mentioned anything about it. But it really just comes down to how it would look to the rest of society.

    And with how things have been the past few years, I can't say it would be a positive outlook. Even if the general audience does not care.

    But I do think a child as a killer has more potential to get into the game than a child as a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 544

    @Swiftblade131 said:
    I personally think it would be a cool idea, I am sure some others would agree, but kids being killed is a bad look for the game, even if it is just a game. Some people cannot accept that.

    We can pretend story/lore wise that there may be or are children, even if the devs have not mentioned anything about it. But it really just comes down to how it would look to the rest of society.

    And with how things have been the past few years, I can't say it would be a positive outlook. Even if the general audience does not care.

    But I do think a child as a killer has more potential to get into the game than a child as a survivor.

    I agree but I started this post talking about lore not gameplay so please keep that in mind.

  • Member Posts: 544

    @Gay Myers (Luzi) said:
    The main reason might be the reason why Fallout removed the ability to kill kids: Controversy and potential bans in certain countries.

    Try to justify yourself as a company that lets kid be playable as survivors and explain they get hooked on hooks and can be mori'd, which vary from cannibalism to slashing and chainsawing.

    You have to consider, in the long run the devs are the entity.

    Plus there might be kids, but always keep in mind that the entity has several realms and we're just playing one of them, so there is a possibility in another realm there are kids, but it's less likely for us to ever see that unless it's done as a killer.

    again like I said many times before. I can see the justification, but i'm talking lore wise not gameplay wise.

  • Member Posts: 544

    Please guys. If you're about to comment on here please remember that we are in the 'LORE' forum section. I love to read these comments about the topic but it pains me when people start talking about gameplay aspects of having kids in DBD.

  • Member Posts: 544

    @Gay Myers (Luzi) said:
    The main reason might be the reason why Fallout removed the ability to kill kids: Controversy and potential bans in certain countries.

    Try to justify yourself as a company that lets kid be playable as survivors and explain they get hooked on hooks and can be mori'd, which vary from cannibalism to slashing and chainsawing.

    You have to consider, in the long run the devs are the entity.

    I'm talking about what you said in this.

  • Member Posts: 816

    As a killer, that might be possible. Like if they introduce an “government experiment” like 11, but it’s very improbable for a Survivor.

    The licensed characters probably have stipulations that would not allow the film series character to be in the game without certain limits put in place. Or they might possibly have to remove a specific licensed character to do that. I don’t think any of the licensed film series have had a little kid as a victim, at , least not in the circumstance where they get thrown onto a meat hook, bleed out on the ground, or get stabbed to death by Michael.

    Also, adding a Survivor of a different size would probably mess up mechanics like hooking them produce glitches or make hiding in the grass too easy.

    A killer though, they never die, and getting hit by a pallet or blinded by a flashlight wouldn’t be the worst thing

  • Member Posts: 1,367
    edited July 2018

    I think kids would lose too much hope and besides, being another survivor and seeing/hearing a kid being put on a meat hook would really lower your sanity.

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