Crossplay Advantages-Give your opinion

When crossplay live. What do u think about gameplays between pc and consoles players? Anyone have an advatange in your opinion? Please describe your opinion.
Crossplay Advantages-Give your opinion 45 votes
Console players will have an advantages against PC players
I feel controller provides what keyboard and mouse takes longer to learn. I play pc with controller and I do pretty well at loops etc.
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PC players will be have an advantages against Consoles players
Killers will have a slightly better job on Mouse+Keyboard probably, other than that I don't think there's any actual difference.
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PC players will be have an advantages against Consoles players
Imagine playing a high skill floor killer like Nurse, spirit, or Huntress on console against PC survivors
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PC players will be have an advantages against Consoles players
The only thing I can do better with a joystick is a 360, and I still suck at it. PC is just so much more precise, specially when playing killer.
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PC players will be have an advantages against Consoles players
PC has the advantage of precise movements and inputs because of having a mouse, while console only has the 360 advantage.
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PC players will be have an advantages against Consoles players
I don't think they should be in open matchmaking unless they are taking too long to get a game, but i would love to see us being able to be friends with people on other platforms so we could play with friends on different platforms.
PC obviously have the accuracy bonus with a mouse so they are better at flashlights and using perks like premonition and OOO [object of obsession] while console have the 360 bonus
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Não acho que tem muita diferença não pois no xbox one agora também tem a possibilidade de conectar teclado e mouse.
Fora que o crossplay ajudaria bastante pois querendo ou não, não são tantas pessoas que jogam no console e ajudaria bastante pq tipo pra achar uma partida de assasino no console é praticamente o tempo de uma partida inteira.
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PC players will be have an advantages against Consoles players
I think if console players got the option to use keyboards and mouse which are allowed on PS4 and XBOX. I also think this would help balance killers out who're more OP and help make the game more balanced.
The game would be on 1 version so it wouldn't be separate versions and catching up etc.
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Console players will be balance against PC players
Been sayin that for awhile now. People like to try to compare console and PC killer and claim one of em has an unfair advantage, but fail to doesnt matter because those 2 arnt competing with eachother.
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Console players will be balance against PC players
I think it'd be mostly balanced. In my opinion, playing Survivor with a controller is doable. You can do pretty well.
Playing Killer with a controller is another story. I think Killers on consoles will have a hard time against those PC players masters of the 360, loops, etc...
But other than that, I think it'd be balanced.
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PC players will be have an advantages against Consoles players
i play on PC with a controller and i have my sensitivity tuned way the ######### down. that being said, PC players deffo have the edge here bc keyboard people can just turn with the flick of their wrist. 360s are harder to pull on PC killers, as well as its just generally harder to 360 with a controller. also it's easier to keep an eye on the killer/your general surroundings with a mouse.