Are you going to quit after the nerf to ruin and the new doctor y/n

Are you going to quit after the nerf to ruin and the new doctor y/n 124 votes
No I have to adapt
No, I'll probably end up even switching from 50/50 to killer main since it'll be the only lobbies I can get in under 25min lmao
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No I have to adapt
Fun thing is, i dont even need to adapt, ruin almost never forms part of my builds and I dont play doctor regularly, I even consider his new changes excellent based on some recent gameplays i have seen, maybe reduce the "stun" after shocking a survivor and let him recover his static blast faster and then hes all set.
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Probably either move on until killer isnt under powered anymore. Or if i really wanna play the game then become a survivor main and just abuse the OP perks like everyone else.
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yes, I will be quitting this game as soon as REsistance comes out providing that is a decent alternative. My reasoning is I am so sick of behavior's policy on toxicity and trolling. I am tired of all these killer nerfs being made because survivor's whine and complain about killers constantly. Nothing is ever done to buff killers. Even the most simplest thing such as finally chaning how to get the merciless achievement is never done. Survivors literally can go afk a whole match by the exit gate and provided they get through the gate they will get some achievement. This game is doing nothing but catering to these people. This is not a smart way to operate your game. If all you do is cater to the survivor side you will lose killer players. And then what? if there's no killers how will the game operate. I am so sick of the trash talk, the trollish nonsense, the toxicity..coming mostly from survivors. que up as a lvl 1 doctor wiht 1 perk just trying to do your daily quest , and get yelled at, trashed, threatened..
like enough is enough. I don't wish to be yelled at constantly when I randomly receive a quest and decide to play that killer. The community in this game is garbage, and it seems anyone who tries to speak up against it just gets shut up and banned probably because it's coming from the survivor's side and they just happen to make up the majority of the game's population. Basically the last 3 sets of "reworks" have been specifically targetted at killers that survivor's find "unfun" to play against. You know what? It's unfun playing against these survivors yelling at you, threatening you, harassing you, trolling you every flippin match. Also, it's unfun to play against a killer who knows what they are doing to begin with. It doesn't matter what killer they are playing as..IT'S UNFUN TO LOSE. Even for the killer it's unfun playing as said killer until they get the hang of it.
now we got a bunch of changes that effect all killers. Hex ruin is ruined. It's trash, complete garbage. And why? because survivors can't perform a basic task? like for crying out loud, if your reflexes are that bad to hit a great skill check than that is not anyone's problem but your own. The skill checks need to be made harder not easier, to prevent gen rushing..but that would be a nerf in favor of the killer..which is unnaceptable!
like i'm just done. Your tomes are trash also. Took me over a month just to heal 2 surivvors with a perk and a medkit completely and the only reason i finished the challenge was because i lucked out playing against a legion killer who just stood there and let us get the challenge. but when I tried to speak up against it I got my post shut down because I kept telling peope I didn't want to hear their trollish nonsense and the moderator wrote me off as not wanting to hear anyone's opinion. what a joke. I actually specifically stated i was open to opinions, it was the toxic trolls posts that i was against. Very few people actually had any constructive advice on how to get this challenge done other than telling me to git gud and treating me like i was some idiot because the challenge was extremely easy, they were able to do it. It's easy. GOOD FOR YOU. There were some valid suggestions such as doing it with "SWF" , but outside that, all anyone did was troll my post and call me an idiot AND I GOT BANNED? WHY? FOR YELLING AT THEM? it's not an easy challenge ok. Good for you if you lucked out and didn't get a pathetic trash team who didn't die /dc instantly or run around the map bleeding everywhere refusing to be healed. Unfortunately, this was not my experience. I did not appreciate your pathetic trollish comments and attitude, nor being singled out and attacked by the moderator who just assumed I didn't want to hear anyone's opinion. No one was offering a valid opinion on how to get this challenge except for like 3 people. AND THOSE PEOPLE I DID LISTEN TO AND THANKED.
just ban my forum account purposefully. I'm not one who tolerates people's garbage and you can rest assured that basically everyone who trolls me with their toxic crap will get yelled at. SO just put me on perma chat ban and I'll only come here to read your garbage news about how the game is getting even more ruined than it was the last time you nerfed it.
You devs are just out of control.
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No I have to adapt
ok bye!!!!
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No I have to adapt
Honestly, it'll be annoying to adept to it. However, they really do need to address gen speeds and they basically also broke gatekeeper emblem
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Yes explain your reasons
I just planned on taking a break but I doubt i will return.
I remember they were mentioning other objectives for survivors but I do not see that. I sit at red ranks on both sides, i enjoyed playing dbd with my friends. Recently we play less and less due to longer waiting times and it turns out we play actually less than we actually do wait for matches. This includes lobby dodging and just sitting there, talking and doing other stuff. I doubt this will turn for the better.
So when we started we all had to learn stuff, mechanics and so on. It is part of the fun to get good at the game.
When BHVR cares about new players they should do a better job at explaining the game to them and not write stupid advices such as "drop a pallet as a distraction".
So instead of adding anything meaningful to the game, be it objectives or something challenging they make it easier for everyone playing survivor.
Thanks but no thanks I don't need the devs to act like overcaring mothers that watch their kids on the playground. I want challenging, intense matches where gg actually means gg. Seems to me bhvr want to remove any challenge in the game and by the pace they update maps nobody will be left playing the game.
Maybe check in after a few weeks and see what is what and if they actually changed anything or but I lost my hope and faith in them.
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No I have to adapt
Even if my Wraith boy would face changes that seem weak and would feel weak in the PTB, i'd still hold onto my horses until i can try it out lots in the actual build.
It does all depend on Wraith though, i don't find any other Killer nearly as fun.
As for Hex: Ruin: Barely used it, barely will.
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No I have to adapt
They will definitely scare off a good number of killers playing the game currently, so they will either have to make changes to ease the stress of playing killer or eventually matchmaking is going to become too unbearable & everyone begins leaving.
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No I have to adapt
this ruin "nerf" makes it much better in my opinion
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No I have to adapt
I wish it was just No but this will do
Doctor is actually better than before as he can full on prevent unhooks now
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No I have to adapt
We will see when that time comes:) I don't think they will leave they might say they are going to but it's simlier to what survivors said about ds balance landing.
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No I have to adapt
I agree:) and I'm a killer main:D
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No I have to adapt
This really isn't a doctor nerf. Its just a rework. Doc wasn't anything special afterall.
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No I have to adapt
Why would I quit because one perk out of MANY got reworked?
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Yes explain your reasons
I am looking for a new game to play. Laziness of DbD devs is just outrageous.
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No I have to adapt
Ok bye:) But I'm 10000% you be back you guys always said these things before and you always come back :) see you in the fog lol
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Yes explain your reasons
So you want to hear my opinion just to tell me that I am wrong? XD
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No I have to adapt
I never use Ruin on my Killer builds, so these changes don't affect me.
But I am a Doctor main when I play Killer (I usually play 50/50), so I'm more interested/concerned with that.
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I already quit around Christmas; but I'm coming back for the LÄMP.
Once I get that I'll be gone again.
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No I have to adapt
You guys know that ruin is not basekit, you never needed to use it and if you never used it, you didn't even got nerfed
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No I have to adapt
Monster Hunter World, Iceborne (FINALLY AGGHHHH) comes out on PC tomorrow, so I'm taking an indeterminate amount of time away, but the changes aren't scaring me away as I didn't use Ruin and Doctor seems...still undertuned but (pending how they fix his 3 second delay like they said they're looking into) potentially promising. I'll be back at some point, but...Iceborne calls.
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No I have to adapt
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I'm not so keen on the lery graphics...
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This guy's not wrong; most of this is accurate
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I didn't use Ruin anyway, so the change doesn't affect me.
Dedicated servers came to console today, though, and I may quit the game if those stay live. Having grabs turn into healthy survivors just running to the closest loop... console killers already have a bad time with poor fps and frame drops, they didn't need this crap, too. And survivor doesn't feel good to play as, either.
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Yes explain your reasons
The fact that at rank 10 the last 10 games i have had are all survivors significantly higher rank than me and the fact that games go fast as lightning now without any way to slow it I will not play killer anymore once this goes live.
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Yes explain your reasons
Maybe I'll come back in like 4 months but I'm honestly just tired of these devs. They incapable of properly balancing this game, incapable of coding a decent matchmaking system, incapable of fixing bugs without creating 3 more etc. . .
I'm just tired of them putting more effort into nerfing killers and making things easier for survivors just because survivors are their main source of income since they're the ones that buy the cosmetics more, rather than actually fixing the game.
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No I have to adapt
killer isn't underpowered, you just need to go back to green ranks to get better :)
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There's better games out to play that are constantly updating and adding NEW things to there game. The core of DBD has been the same since release. Killer is way to stressful now, and surv is op as hell. Nothing has changed with the objective though, and it's just.... Boring, to be honest.
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Yes explain your reasons
you're right, killer isn't under powered when i play nurse/ spirit and run things like noed. then its a one sided stomp. But that isn't very fun now is it. And then people complain more and then more nerfs come out. Ruin allows for multiple play styles that this new ruin doesn't help. It did birth the surveillance combo idea but while adding that it takes away a lot more. I think im alright, i can consistently hit red rank every season and do pretty well in my games, i mean we all have our bad games right. But my consistency is good. And i guess it wont matter if i derank anyway because they're hiding ranks so i can be matched up with anybody no matter the rank. :)
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It's pretty apparent you made this poll (and several other posts now) just to call out folks who aren't grinning ear-to-ear with these nerfs. It's sad trolling at this point.
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No I have to adapt
If they could fix queue times, and people DC'ing, I think everything would be better.
There needs to be an automatic 1-day lock out if you disconnect from the game. This is punishment to those that rage quit and not that bad of a punishment for people that lose their internet on accident. And if they are always losing their internet on accident, then an online game might not be for them.
A 3-minute wait to screw over 4 other people is no punishment at all.
They even asked a poll "Would you DC if you get the new Ley map." What? They are acknowledging that DC is a problem but won't do anything about it?
At the very least, if someone DC's everyone should get to keep their Offerings.
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Yes explain your reasons
For me it's less the fact that they nerfed ruin but more how they changed it and why they changed it. The decs decided now, while there is a big convo about gen speed, would be a good time to nerf a perk many killers need to enjoy the game. The way the changed also urks me, they made a hex perk(a perk so strong that it has to be able to be taken out of the game) weak and meant for late game. The only time its decent is when paired with surveillance and you still run the risk of survivors spawning on ruin which was another big complaint from killers that totems spot were/are mostly terrible.
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if he want to quit he will, nobody said goodbye to u pussy,
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another assumption of an ######### lel. growup mate, if he want to quit he can, u cant tell if he will be back or not.
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No I have to adapt
Ah yes, now I am reminded of the massive outcry the ruin nerf brought.
I wonder how many of the people that voted they were leaving actually left
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No I have to adapt
and how many came crawling back
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No I have to adapt
I get ruin, but why would I leave in response to a doctor buff?
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Welcome back, everyone that said they were going to quit.
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No I have to adapt
At the time too many people were blinded by rage with the ruin nerf to realize that the doctor changes were a massive buff.
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No I have to adapt
It is I from the future and i've come to say it all turns out ok.
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Yes explain your reasons
I main'd as this killer for a couple of years. I moved on to "The Plague" the doctor doesn't have the same impact in matches.
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Wait what is ruin getting nerfed again or is this just an old thread
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No I have to adapt
It's an old thread
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No I have to adapt
I hate it too, I understand why many left, no shame in it, but I'm still here.