What do you think about Soul Guard?

I'm really interested in your opinions, guys and i want to know what do you think about this new survivor perk, please explain your choice.
What do you think about Soul Guard? 57 votes
Soul Guard is situational
Strong, but balanced because it's situational. I think the people who say it's OP are focusing too much on its theoretical potential than actual practical application.
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Soul Guard is situational
The Endurance is only going to matter if the Killer is right on top of you when you get up and getting up on your own is going to require the Killer to be running a Hex in the first place AND it needs to be affecting you at that moment. It's a powerful perk that will be good against those teammates that bring you up just as the Killer gets there and knocks you down again, but other that that, it's way too situational. If it actually does change the meta, I'll be surprised.
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Soul Guard is situational
Extremely situational. And it's not even out on live servers.
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Soul Guard is situational
I've not seen a hex in the same game where a killer excessively slugs in a few days, so the strong part will not come into play very often.
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Soul Guard is situational
It might work more in solo play. I cleanse more often than not, and in swf there are never any bones left
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Soul Guard is situational
nice perk to counter NOED but i find the healing thing useless
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Soul Guard is situational
not going to lie when i first head about this perk i was like "oh ffs another 2nd chance perk" but in the ptb i find it meh it did cause one person to escape in my games but other than that its meh i think they done this perk to try and encourage survivors not to do hex totems so quickly lol ( another bandaid fix to a killer issue)
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Soul Guard is situational
The only hex totems this perk is really good into are Haunted Grounds, NOED, and a slug build with Third Seal. In most cases Unbreakable's one time self pick up is enough. The endurance effect is nice, but hard to really justify a perk slot for it on it's own.
Now a 4 man SWF who can communicate and get lucky could leave up Retribution or Thrill of the Hunt for Soul Guard, but those hexes aren't really ran that much outside a dedicated hex build and hex builds aren't very common.
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Soul Guard is situational
nobody will run it over other similar perks unless they give it a slight numbers buff.
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Soul Guard is situational
It's a perk best left to builds in my opinon.